2014 Directors' Meetings Return to top of page


November 14, 2014
Minutes of Gabriola Health Care Foundation Board Meeting
Meeting Room, Community Health Centre
Present: Chuck Connor (President), Nancy Rowan (Vice-President), Harvey Graham (Treasurer), Nancy Hetherington Peirce (Secretary), Derek Brindle (by phone), Dale Butler, Paul Champion, Gloria Hatfield, Mike Phillips.
1. Call to Order and Quorum
Meeting was called to order at 9:00am; quorum was present.
2. Approval of Agenda
MOTION: Nancy HP – That the agenda is adopted as distributed. CARRIED
3. Approval of Minutes
MOTION: Nancy HP – That the minutes of the October 20, 2014 Board meeting are approved as distributed. CARRIED
4. Correspondence
a. Actions completed
Letters to PHC, Gabriola Auxiliary, Dyan Dunsmoor-Farley
b. No correspondence received.
5. Reports
a. Treasurer – Harvey
i. Financial statements were distributed in advance, and discussed at the meeting.
ii. MOTION: Harvey – That the Financial Report to October 31, 2014 is approved as distributed. CARRIED
b. Health Programs – Nancy HP
i. Written report was distributed in advance, and discussed at the meeting.
ii. Funding request from the Gabriola Arts Council
MOTION: Nancy HP – That the Board provides $4,000 to the Gabriola Arts Council (GAC) for its next annual budget for the “Healing Power of Art” Program, and that an evaluation report will be provided by GAC to the Foundation Board at the end of the funding period. CARRIED
iii. Mental Health & Substance Use Services (MHSUS) Planning Group
1. Nancy HP will distribute email updates regarding progress of the MHSUS Planning Group, from Dyan Dunsmoor-Farley (Planning Group coordinator)
2. Health Programs Committee will offer to take on the “training coordination” task of the MHSUS Planning Group.
c. Facility Management – Chuck and Mike
i. Verbal report was provided at the meeting and discussed.
6. Business Arising from minutes
a. “A GP For Me” program (an initiative of the General Practice Services Committee of BC)
i. Nancy R described the current GPSC Community Assessment Survey; the Board provided responses to the survey.
b. Urgent Treatment Facility: Update re infection control and cleaning – Nancy R
i. A report from a local infection control expert will be provided shortly to the Board, for review and decisions.
c. Update on Board actions re risk management of the Urgent Treatment Facility – Derek
i. Meeting discussed a brief summary of commercial general liability (third party liability) insurance coverage.
ii. ACTION: Derek and Harvey (and any other Board members) will carry out a detailed risk management review of the Health Centre during the next few months.
d. Discussion on long-range planning and funding – Chuck
i. Meeting agreed on the need to develop a new long-range plan for the Board.
ii. ACTION: Dale will provide a framework long-range planning for the next Board meeting.
e. Update on Community Awareness initiative – Gloria
Postponed to next meeting
f. Update on governance review – Nancy HP
Work not yet started; report will be provided for the next Board meeting.
7. New Business
Paul obtained information on the maintenance schedule for the ultrasound equipment.
Monday January 19, February 16, March 16.
9. Adjournment Meeting adjourned at 11:55am.

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October 20, 2014
Minutes of Gabriola Health Care Foundation Board Meeting
Meeting Room, Community Health Centre

Present: Chuck Connor (President), Nancy Rowan (Vice-President), Harvey Graham (Treasurer), Nancy Hetherington Peirce (Secretary), Derek Brindle, Dale Butler, Paul Champion, Gloria Hatfield,
Mike Phillips.
1. Call to Order and Quorum
Meeting was called to order at 9:00am; quorum was present
2. Approval of Agenda - MOTION: Mike – That the agenda is adopted as circulated. CARRIED
3. Approval of Minutes - MOTION: Paul – That the minutes of the September 15, 2014 Board meeting are approved as distributed. CARRIED
4. Correspondence
a. Actions outstanding:
i. Contacting the four candidates for Gabriola Trustees (See Sept. 15, 2014 minutes, #5.b.): Meeting decided not to pursue this initiative, and decided instead to contact the two new Trustees sometime after the election to offer information regarding the services of the Community Health Centre.
ii. Letter for PHC (See Sept. 15, 2014 minutes, #5.c.): To complete by Oct. 31, 2014.
b. Action completed:
Verbal response to Tessa Spero (See Sept. 15, 2014 minutes, #5.c.)
5. Reports
a. Treasurer – Harvey
i. Financial statements were distributed in advance, and discussed at the meeting.
ii. MOTION: Harvey – That the Financial Report to September 30, 2014 is approved as distributed. CARRIED
b. Health Programs – Nancy HP
i. Verbal report was provided at the meeting.
ii. ACTION: Board to send a note of thanks to Dyan Dunsmoor-Farley, for her leadership and work with Island Health to obtain more services on Gabriola for mental health and substance use issues.
c. Facility Management & Finance – Chuck
Verbal report was provided at the meeting and discussed.
6. New Business
a. Urgent Treatment Facility
i. Infection control; preventive maintenance of equipment & supplies
1. ACTION: Nancy R will consult with Margaret Litt, an infection control specialist, to clarify appropriate cleaning standards.
2. ACTION: Paul will gather information on preventive maintenance protocols for the ultrasound machine.
3. Goal: By the end of 2014, the Board will have an updated written description of procedures for topics such as: infection control, maintenance of equipment, provision of supplies, etc.
ii. Risk management:
1. ACTION Derek will review the issue of risk management of the Urgent Treatment Facility.
b. Longer-term topics for Board attention: Relationship with Island Health, financial planning for the Foundation, and community awareness of the Health Centre (particularly the Urgent Treatment Facility)
i. ACTION: Gloria will look into ways of communicating to the public the services of the Community Health Centre.
c. Governance
i.ACTION: Nancy HP will organize a small working group to identify any improvements in current Board governance, to recommend to the Board in the next few months.
Monday November 17, Monday December 15, Monday January 19, 2015 – 9:00am
8. Adjournment Meeting adjourned at 11:45am.

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September 15, 2014
Minutes of Gabriola Health Care Foundation Board Meeting
Meeting Room, Community Health Centre
Present: Chuck Connor (President), Nancy Rowan (Vice-President), Harvey Graham (Treasurer), Nancy Hetherington Peirce (Secretary), Dale Butler, Paul Champion, Gloria Hatfield, Mike Phillips.
Absent: Derek Brindle
1. Call to Order and Quorum
Meeting was called to order at 9:00am; quorum was present
2. Guest: Dr. Francois Bosman – Dr. Bosman provided some information regarding the newly-established Gabriola Island Chapter of the Rural & Remote Division of the Divisions of Family Practice of the Doctors of BC (formerly BC Medical Association).
3. Approval of Agenda - MOTION: Paul – That the agenda is adopted as circulated. CARRIED
4. Approval of Minutes
MOTION: Nancy HP – That the minutes of the May 26, 2014 Board meeting are approved as distributed. CARRIED
5. Correspondence
a. July 16/14: Email request from Tessa Spero
ACTION: Chuck will contact Tessa Spero.
b. Aug 29/14: Email request from Jim Wilson-Storey
i. ACTION: Nancy HP will respond to Jim Wilson-Storey
ii. ACTION: Chuck will organize an invitation to all the candidates for the Islands Trust Gabriola Trustee positions to tour the Community Health Centre building before the November 15/14 election.
c. Sept 3/14: Email request from PHC for a letter of support from GHC Foundation for the upcoming PHC funding request to the BC Gaming Commission
ACTION: Nancy HP and Chuck will write a letter of response.
6. Reports
a. Treasurer – Harvey
i. Financial statements were distributed in advance, and discussed at the meeting.
ii. MOTION: Harvey – That the Financial Report to August 31, 2014 is approved as distributed. CARRIED
b. Physician Recruitment & Retention – Nancy R
Verbal report was provided at the meeting and discussed.
c. Health Programs – Nancy HP
i. Written report was distributed in advance of the meeting.
ii. Decision regarding recommendation for the current GHCF grant to PHC
MOTION: That the GHCF Board suspends further quarterly payments [to PHC] until a new accredited counselor is in place and until a report from PHC shows that the hours for counseling have increased. CARRIED
iii. Decision regarding the recommendation to establish Board guidelines for annual expenditure amounts from the Kitty Heller Fund for Health Programs:
Meeting agreed by consensus not to establish any guidelines for annual expenditure amounts.
iv. Decision regarding the application from Gabriola Arts Council for funding for the Healing Power of Art Program:
ACTION: Nancy HP will contact GAC for further information regarding the application, before the next Board meeting.
d. Facility Management & Finance – Chuck
Verbal report was provided at the meeting and discussed.
7. New Business
a. Upcoming Challenges for the GHCF Board – Chuck
Meeting discussed the ideas that Chuck had circulated in advance of the meeting.
b. Long-range Planning (see minutes of May 26, 2014 Board meeting, #7.d.c.)
i. On June 25/14, the sub-committee (to clarify current issues facing the Board in its role as manager of the Urgent Treatment Facility) met and developed a list of important issues.
ii. ACTION: Nancy R will distribute this list to the whole Board.
iii. ACTION: Board will discuss this list at the October 20/14 Board meeting.
Monday October 20, Monday November 17 – 9:00am
10. Adjournment Meeting adjourned at 11:40am.

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May 26, 2014
Minutes of Gabriola Health Care Foundation Board Meeting
Meeting Room, Community Health Centre

Present: Chuck Connor (President), Nancy Rowan (Vice-President), Harvey Graham (Treasurer), Nancy Hetherington Peirce (Secretary), Dale Butler, Paul Champion, Gloria Hatfield, Mike Phillips.
Absent: Derek Brindle
1. Call to Order and Quorum
a. Meeting was called to order at 9:30 a.m. Chuck welcomed the new Board members.
b. A quorum was present.
2. Approval of Agenda
MOTION: Paul – That the agenda is adopted as circulated. CARRIED
3. Election of Officers
MOTION: Gloria – That the following people serve as Officers of the GHCF Board until the next AGM: President – Chuck Connor, Vice-President – Nancy Rowan, Treasurer – Harvey Graham, Secretary – Nancy Hetherington Peirce. CARRIED
4. Approval of Minutes
MOTION: Paul – That the minutes of the April 22, 2014 Board meeting are approved as distributed. CARRIED
5. Correspondence
a. Received a letter of thanks from Dr. M. Meirzweski.
b. ACTION: Nancy HP will send a letter of thanks from the Board to the Gabriola Lions Club for their recent donation for medical equipment.
6. Reports
a. Treasurer – Harvey
Financial statements were distributed in advance, and discussed at the meeting.
MOTION: Harvey – That the Financial Report to April 30, 2014 is approved as distributed. CARRIED
b. Physician Recruitment & Retention – Nancy R
Written report was distributed in advance, and discussed at the meeting.
c. Health Programs – Nancy HP
Verbal report was provided and discussed at the meeting.
ACTION: Harvey will make final changes to the funding agreement between GHCF and PHC, and then will send the agreement to Dave Innell (member of Health Programs Committee) who will obtain the needed signatures as soon as possible.
d. Facility & Finance – Chuck/Harvey
Verbal report was provided and discussed at the meeting.
7. Discussion on Committees
a. Terms of Reference for Board Committees
Terms of Reference for the Facility & Finance Committee were approved at the April 22/14 Board meeting.
MOTION: Mike – That the Board approve the Terms of Reference of the Recruitment & Retention Committee and the Health Programs Committee, as distributed and amended. CARRIED
b. Relationship of Board Committees with: Board, Gabriola Medical Clinic, & Island Health Authority
Meeting had a general discussion.
c. Agenda item for Sept meeting: appoint committee members, and chairs as needed.
d. MOTION: Paul – That the Board appoint Nancy Hetherington Peirce as chair of the Health Programs Committee CARRIED
e. Meeting discussed the need for an updated GHCF Board Strategic Plan
Background note: In 2011, a Strategic Plan was developed jointly by the GHC Foundation, the GHC Society, and the Gabriola Auxiliary.
Board agreed to develop an updated Strategic Plan in the fall of 2014
ACTION: Nancy R will organize a sub-committee meeting to clarify the current issues facing the Board in its role as manager of the Urgent Treatment Facility, in preparation for Board work in the fall on a new Strategic Plan. Sub-committee: Nancy R, Gloria, Paul, Derek, and Nancy HP.
f. Board governance issues will be addressed in discussions of a new strategic plan.
8. Social event for the Board and Gabriola Medical Clinic and families
ACTION: Chuck and Gloria will confirm Sunday September 14, lunch-time, and location.
Monday September 15, Monday October 20, Monday November 17 – 9:00am
10. Adjournment Meeting adjourned at 11:00am.

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April 22, 2014
Gabriola Health Care Foundation
Board of Directors Meeting
Meeting Room, Community Health Centre
Present: Chuck Connor (President), Nancy Rowan (Vice-President), Harvey Graham (Treasurer), Paul Champion, Mike Phillips (Acting Secretary)
Absent: Dave Innell, Nancy Hetherington Peirce.
1. Call to Order
Meeting was called to order at 9:30 a.m. A quorum was present.
2. Approval of Agenda
MOTION: Paul Champion – That the agenda is adopted as circulated CARRIED
3. Approval of Minutes:
MOTION: Nancy Rowan – That the minutes of the March 17, 2014 Board meeting are approved as distributed. CARRIED
4. Correspondence
5. Reports
a. Treasurer – Harvey Graham.
Financial statements were distributed in advance, and discussed at the meeting.
MOTION: Harvey Graham – That the Financial Report to March 31, 2014 is approved as distributed. CARRIED
MOTION: Nancy Rowan – That Auditor reviewed Annual Financial Statements dated December 31, 2013 be recommended to the Shareholders for approval. CARRIED
b. Physician Recruitment & Retention – Nancy Rowan & Paul Champion.
Written report was distributed in advance, and discussed at the meeting.
c. Health Programs – Dave Innell
Written report was distributed in advance, and discussed at the meeting.
d. Facility Management & Finance – Chuck
Verbal report was provided and discussed at the meeting.
e. Nominating Committee.
MOTION: Mike Phillips – That the Board for the ensuing year consist of 9 members of whom Chuck Connor (2015), Paul Champion (2015) and Nancy Hetherington (2016) will continue to serve until expiry of their terms. The board recommends 6 members be appointed for 3 year terms (2017). They are Michael Phillips, Harvey Graham, Gloria Hatfield, Derek Brindle, Dale Butler and Nancy Rowan. CARRIED
6. New Business
a. MOTION: Paul Champion – That Derek Brindle and Denise Brindle be accepted as GHCF members. CARRIED.
b. MOTION: Chuck Connor – That $10,000 be made available to PHC for counselling services subject to satisfactory payment structuring and reporting arrangements being confirmed and the approval of Judy Rogers. CARRIED
c. MOTION: Mike Phillips - That the terms of reference of the Facility and Finance Committee be approved as presented. CARRIED
7. Next Meeting: May 26 at 9:30 a.m. in the Health Centre Meeting Room.
8. Adjournment: Meeting adjourned at 12:30 a.m.

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March 17, 2014
Gabriola Health Care Foundation
Board of Directors Meeting
Meeting Room, Community Health Centre
Present: Chuck Connor (President), Nancy Rowan (Vice-President), Harvey Graham (Treasurer), Nancy Hetherington Peirce (Secretary), Dave Innell, Paul Champion, Mike Phillips
1. Call to Order
Meeting was called to order at 9:35 a.m.; quorum was present.
2. Approval of Agenda
MOTION: Nancy HP – That the agenda is adopted as circulated. CARRIED
3. Approval of Minutes:
MOTION: Mike – That the minutes of the February 17, 2014 Board meeting are approved as distributed. CARRIED
4. Correspondence
5. Reports
a.Treasurer – Harvey
Financial statements were distributed in advance, and discussed at the meeting.
MOTION: Harvey – That the Financial Report to February 28, 2014 is approved as distributed. CARRIED
b.Physician Recruitment & Retention – Nancy R & Paul
Written report was distributed in advance, and discussed at the meeting.
c.Health Programs – Dave
Written report was distributed in advance, and discussed at the meeting.
d.Facility Management & Finance – Chuck
Verbal report was provided and discussed at the meeting.
6. New Business
a. Nominations Committee progress and discussion – Mike
Three of the current directors have terms that do not end at the 2014 AGM: Paul Champion, Chuck Connor, Nancy Hetherington Peirce
MOTION: Mike – That six directors will be elected at the 2014 AGM. CARRIED
Committee continues to work, and will bring the recommended slate to the April 21 Board meeting.
b. Determine most suitable date for the AGM (based on nomination process)
ACTION: Nancy HP will contact Rollo Centre to reserve at date for the end of April.
c. Plans for attending next Islands Health Board meeting: Wednesday March 26, 2014
ACTION: Chuck, Mike, and Paul will attend the next IH Board meeting on Wednesday March 26 in Esquimalt.
d. Committee Structure & Terms of Reference
Meeting agreed on the revised generic format distributed in advance of the meeting, with a few changes after discussion.
i. Nancy HP distribute the approved generic format to the Board.
ii. All three committees provide their Terms of Reference, using the approved generic format, for the April 21 Board meeting.
7. Next Meetings: Third Monday of the month at 9:30 a.m. in the Health Centre Meeting Room:
April 21, ? May 26 (fourth Monday to avoid Victoria Day), ? June 16
8. Adjournment
Meeting adjourned at approximately 12:00 noon.

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February 17, 2014
Gabriola Health Care Foundation
Board of Directors Meeting
Present: Chuck Connor (President), Nancy Rowan (Vice-President), Harvey Graham (Treasurer), Nancy Hetherington Peirce (Secretary), Dave Innell, Paul Champion, Mike Phillips
1. Call to Order
Meeting was called to order at 9:35 a.m.; quorum was present.
2. Approval of Agenda
MOTION: Mike – That the agenda is adopted as circulated. CARRIED
3. Approval of Minutes:
MOTION: Nancy R – That the minutes of the January 20, 2014 Board meeting are approved as distributed. CARRIED
4. Correspondence
February 11, 2014: Received a Proposal for Funding from People for a Healthy Community
ACTION: See #6.b. below
5. Reports
a. Treasurer – Harvey
i. Financial statements were distributed in advance, and discussed at the meeting.
ii. MOTION: Harvey – That the Financial Report to January 31, 2014 is approved as distributed. CARRIED
b. Physician Recruitment & Retention – Nancy R
i. Verbal report was provided, and discussed at the meeting.
ii. ACTION: Chuck will pursue approvals for some specific uses of the GHCF Kitty Heller Programmes Fund (restricted fund).
c. Health Programs – Dave
i. Written report was distributed in advance, and discussed at the meeting.
ii. MOTION: Nancy R – That the Board approves the GHCF Terms & Conditions for the Bursary Fund for Paramedic Continuing Education, December 2013, as distributed and amended, subject to approval by the Kitty Heller Health Programmes Fund administrator. CARRIED
ACTION: Dave will amend and distribute the approved Terms and Conditions document.
iii. MOTION: Dave – That the Board approves the GHCF Rental Agreement for the Lower Consultation Room, February 2014, as distributed and amended. CARRIED
ACTION: Nancy HP will amend and distribute the approved Rental Agreement document.
iv. MOTION: Dave – That the Board approves a rental agreement for the Lower Level Consultation Room with Mitchell Orthotics, 1175 Dufferin Crescent, Nanaimo. CARRIED
d. Facility Management & Finance – Chuck
i. Verbal report was provided and discussed at the meeting.
6. New Business
a. AGM plans (tentatively April 10) & Nominations Committee – Chuck
i. ACTION: Nancy HP will book the Rollo Centre for the evening of Thurs. April 10, 2014.
ii. Nominations Committee (Mike Phillips, Paul Champion, Konrad Mauch) is at work.
b. Proposal for funding from People for a Healthy Community (Brenda Fowler, ED) – Chuck (Distributed in advance of the meeting)
i. ACTION: Health Programs Committee will review the proposal in detail and report at the next Board meeting.
c. Establishing Terms of Reference for Board Committees – Nancy HP
(Proposed generic format distributed in advance of the meeting)
i. ACTION: Nancy HP will revise and distribute the proposed generic format
ii. ACTION: The three Board Committees (Recruitment & Retention, Facility Management & Finance, and Health Programs) will provide draft Mandates for their committees, using the revised generic format, for the next Board meeting.
d. Relationships with the Island Health Board – Chuck
i. Chuck and Mike attended the January 29/14 IH Board meeting in Campbell River.
ii. ACTION: Chuck and one or more other BHCF Board members will attend the next two IH Board meetings on Wednesday March 26 (Victoria) and Thursday May 29 (Oceanside).
7. Next Meetings: Third Monday of the month at 9:30 a.m. in the Health Centre Meeting Room March 17, April 21, May 26 (fourth Wednesday Monday to avoid Victoria Day)
8. Adjournment
Meeting adjourned at approximately 12:00 noon.

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January 20, 2014
Gabriola Health Care Foundation
Board of Directors Meeting
January 20, 2014, 9:30 a.m. – Meeting Room, Community Health Centre
Present: Chuck Connor (President), Nancy Rowan (Vice-President), Harvey Graham (Treasurer), Nancy Hetherington Peirce (Secretary), Dave Innell, Paul Champion
Absent: Mike Phillips
1. Call to Order
Meeting was called to order at 9:35 a.m.; quorum was present.
2. Approval of Agenda
MOTION: NANCY HP – That the agenda is adopted as circulated. CARRIED
3. Approval of Minutes:
MOTION: DAVE – That the minutes of the November 27, 2013 Board meeting are approved as distributed. CARRIED
4. Correspondence
a. None
5. Reports
a. Treasurer – Harvey
(i) Financial statements were distributed in advance, and discussed at the meeting.
(ii) MOTION: HARVEY – That the Financial Report to December 31, 2013 is approved as distributed. CARRIED
(iii) ACTION: Nancy HP will write a letter of thanks as soon as possible to the Auxiliary for Island Health Care Society for their recent donation.
b. Physician Recruitment & Retention – Nancy R
Written report was distributed in advance, and discussed at the meeting.
c. Health Programs – Dave
Written report was distributed in advance, and discussed at the meeting.
d. Building, Business & Finance – Chuck
Verbal report was provided and discussed at the meeting. Current building projects will be completed in the next few months.
b. Proposed Board Budget for 2014:

(i) Meeting discussed the draft distributed in advance of the meeting
(ii) MOTION: PAUL – That the Board approve the 2014 GHCF Board Budget as distributed and amended. CARRIED

e. Donor Recognition Signs – Nancy HP
(i) Verbal report was provided and discussed. Most of the remaining tasks will be completed in the next few months.
(ii) The “photo history” will take several months to complete.
ACTION: Judith Graham and Nancy Hetherington Peirce to co-ordinate this task.
f. Task Force on Further Health Care Services on Gabriola – Dave
Verbal report was provided and discussed. Dave and Paul will represent the GHCF Board at the Sustainable Gabriola meeting with Island Health mental health services staff on Jan 29/14.
ACTION: Dave will organize a meeting in early February to review information gathered from the Island Health website regarding services provided by IH.
6. New Business
Next steps from the discussion on Jan 8/14 re planning a proposal to the IH Board
Mental health issues: Dave and Paul will attend the Sustainable Gabriola meeting with IH staff on Jan 29/14, and will report to the Board on the results of that meeting
ACTION: Chuck and one other Board member will plan to attend the IH Board meeting in Campbell River on January 29 as observers.
b. Date for the 2014 AGM
Meeting agreed on Thursday April 10, 2014 as a tentative date.
c. Establishing Terms of Reference for Board Committees
Postponed to next Board meeting
7. Next Meetings: Third Monday of the month at 9:30 a.m. in the Health Centre Meeting Room
February 17, March 17, April 21
8. Adjournment
Meeting adjourned at approximately 11:30 a.m.

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