2018 Directors' Meetings


Wednesday November 28, 2018 – Health Centre Meeting Room
Present: Derek Brindle, Chuck Connor, Harvey Graham, Gloria Hatfield, Nancy Hetherington Peirce, Nancy Rowan, Mike Phillips, Vicky Scott, Don Sutherland
1. Order: Chuck called the meeting to order at 9:05am.
2. Approval of Agenda: By general consent, the agenda was approved as circulated.
3. Approval of Minutes
MOTION: Vicky – That the minutes of the October 24, 2018 regular Board meeting are approved as distributed. CARRIED
4. Correspondence – None
5. Standing Committee Reports
a. Treasurer – Harvey
i. MOTION: Harvey – To approve the financial report to October 31, 2018, as previously distributed. CARRIED
ii. 2019 Budget: The meeting discussed a draft distributed by Harvey in advance of the meeting. ACTION: Harvey will bring a revised draft to the next Board meeting.
b. Facility Management – Chuck
i. Island Health lease: The new lease agreement has been completed.
ii. Bequest: Final details regarding receipt of a bequest to the Health Care Foundation are being addressed.
iii. Capital reserve and restricted funds: The meeting discussed the formal establishment of a Capital Reserve Fund. No decisions were made.
iv. Facility maintenance/administration: By general consent, the meeting agreed on the importance of establishing a contract administrator position, accountable to the Board.
ACTION: Chuck, Harvey, Gloria, and Nancy HP will meet to develop a list of proposed tasks and required skills for this position (using the draft list that Chuck distributed to the Board)
v. Urgent Treatment Room (UTR): The meeting discussed Chuck’s suggestion to establish an Advisory Committee to assist in management of the UTR.
ACTION: Chuck will work on the suggestion and report to the next Board meeting.
vi. Art displays in the Health Centre:
1. Lower Level: The Photography Club has agreed to manage the displays in the lower level, including the Meeting Room.
ACTION: Chuck and Derek will investigate options for a new wooden table in the Meeting Room.
2. Main Floor: Chuck continues to look for a manager for the art displays
c. Health Services – Vicky
i. Report on Palliative Care Forum, October 9, 2018
1. The event, sponsored by the Palliative Care Working Group of the Health & Wellness Collaborative (GHWC), was very successful; see Summary Report distributed to the Board
2. The GHWC’s Working Group on Palliative Care is now developing some specific initiatives with PHC.
ii. GHCF rep for the Hub Group of the Health & Wellness Collaborative (GHWC)
Vicky Scott offered to be the new GHCF rep (Nancy HP was previous rep); meeting agreed by general consent.
d. Update on Collaborative Services Committee – Nancy R
The Committee has met a few times; so far, the process is working well
e. Nominations – Mike
No updates.
f. Governance – Derek
i. ACTION: Nancy HP to continue compiling the membership list
ii. Meeting agreed that the Governance Committee would no longer report monthly, but instead on an as-needed basis.
6. Old Business - None
7. New Business
Communication with Community Health Centre (CHC) organizations
a. Meeting discussed the merits of GHCF connecting with various CHC organizations
b. ACTION: Don will investigate possible responses of GHCF to a recent request from the International Federation of Community Health Centres.
8. Adjournment: There being no further business, Chuck adjourned the meeting at 11:40am.

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Wednesday October 24, 2018 – Health Centre Meeting Room
1. Present: Derek Brindle, Chuck Connor, Harvey Graham, Gloria Hatfield, Nancy Hetherington Peirce, Nancy Rowan (by phone), Mike Phillips, Vicky Scott
2. Order: Chuck called the meeting to order at 9:05am.
3. Appointment of a new Board member until the next AGM
MOTION: Gloria: That the Board appoint Don Sutherland to the Board of Directors until the next AGM. CARRIED
Don joined the meeting as a new Board member.
4. Approval of Agenda: By general consent, the agenda was approved as circulated.
5. Approval of Minutes
6. MOTION: Derek – That the minutes of the September 26, 2018 regular Board meeting are approved as distributed. CARRIED
7. Correspondence – None
(a) ACTION: Chuck will invite the newly-elected RDN Director and Local Trustees to tour the Community Health Centre as soon as possible.
8. Standing Committee Reports
(a) Treasurer – Harvey
(i) MOTION: Harvey – To approve the financial report to September 30, 2018, as previously distributed. CARRIED
(ii) 2019 Budget: Planning is in progress
(b) Facility Management – Chuck
(i) Art displays in the Health Centre: Chuck is working on finding a new coordinator.
(ii) Helipad ARCAL (Aircraft Radio Control of Aerodrome Lighting) System: The Gabriola Ambulance Society will donate the funds to pay for the updated system of pilot-controlled lighting. Chuck will write a letter of thanks when the money is received.
(iii) Medical equipment servicing and calibration: Work continues on developing a written maintenance schedule.
(iv) Telehealth training and v/c connection to Island Health: A training session was held in mid-October for the Medical Clinic administration staff.
(v) Lease renewal: Work continues on an updated lease agreement with Island Health.
(c) Health Services – Vicky
(i) October 10 Public Forum sponsored by the Hospice Palliative Care Working Group (of the Health & Wellness Collaborative) and GHCF: “Understanding How Compassionate Communities Can Support Those Needing Palliative Care”
Vicky reported that the Forum was very successful. A Forum Report is being prepared by the Working Group and will be distributed to Board members on completion. Of the approximately 50 participants, about ten registered as members of GHCF.
(ii) Funding request from the Gabriola Arts Council (GAC) for their Healing Power of Art Program for 2019:
(1) The funding request was distributed to the Board in advance of the meeting.
(2) The Health Services Committee met to discuss the request; they recommended the Board donate $5,000.
(3) MOTION: Vicky – That the Board approves a donation $5,000 to the Gabriola Arts Council for their 2019 Healing Power of Art programs. CARRIED
(4) ACTIONS: Chuck will confirm this decision with Judy Roger; Vicky will then inform Michelle Benjamin.
(iii) GHCF rep for the Hub Group of the Health & Wellness Collaborative (GHWC)
(1) Nancy HP asked the Board to name a new rep by January, as she would like to hand over this role to another Board member. The Hub Group coordinates activities of the GHWC and meets monthly.
(2) ACTION: Board members consider this request for the next Board meeting.
(d) Nominations – Mike
No updates.
(e) Governance – Derek
(i) ACTION: Nancy HP to continue compiling the membership list.
(ii) ACTION: Nancy HP to prepare a plan for recruiting new members from the GHCF donors’ list.
9. Old Business
(a) Board/Clinic Social Event: This event will be held in May 2019.
(b) October 2 visit to Gabriola by Island Health’s Board Chair, CEO and Geography 2 Director for Oceanside/Nanaimo – to provide information regarding the Health Centre, the Medical Clinic and two organizations in the Health & Wellness Collaborative (PHC and Hope Centre): Nancy R reported that the visit was very successful.
10. New Business
(a) Plans for the Gabriola Collaborative Services Committee (CSC) – Nancy R
The membership of the CSC is being established, and two GHCF Board members will represent the community on the Gabriola CSC.
(b) Website updates: Some discussion; no decisions made.
11. Adjournment: There being no further business, Chuck adjourned the meeting at 11:10am.

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Wednesday September 26, 2018 – Health Centre Meeting Room
Present: Derek Brindle, Chuck Connor, Harvey Graham, Gloria Hatfield, Nancy Hetherington Peirce, Nancy Rowan, Mike Phillips, Vicky Scott
Guest: Don Sutherland
1. Chuck called the meeting to order at 9:05am. He introduced Don and explained that he and Mike (Nominations Committee) invited Don to attend a Board meeting as Don is considering joining the Board.
2. Approval of Agenda: By general consent, the agenda was approved as circulated.
3. Approval of Minutes
Derek – That the minutes of the May 23, 2018 regular Board meeting are approved as distributed. CARRIED
4. Correspondence – None
5. Standing Committee Reports
a. Treasurer – Harvey
i. MOTION: Harvey – To approve the financial report to August 31, 2018, as previously distributed. CARRIED
ii. Planning the 2019 Budget - ACTIONS
1. Board members to send suggestions, budget items, etc. to Harvey by mid-October
2. Nancy R and Harvey to investigate what assistance and/or training could improve the usage of the Telehealth system in the building.
b. Facility Management – Chuck
Art displays in the building
i. Karen Cain has coordinated these displays for many years and would now like to resign from this volunteer role.
ii. ACTION: Chuck will contact Michelle Benjamin at the Gabriola Arts Council re possibilities re this coordination role.
c. Health Services – Vicky
i. Health Promotion Event – “Compassionate Communities”: Wed Oct 10, 9:30am.
Topic is palliative care at home, presented jointly with the Gabriola Chapter, Rural & Remote Division. GHCF membership forms will be available.
ii. A funding application has been received from the Arts Council for their Healing Power of Art Program for 2019. The Committee will review it and bring a recommendation to the October 24 Board meeting.
d. Nominations – Mike
No update to report.
e. Governance – Derek
i. The Committee will be discussing some clarifications that Harvey has raised, re wording in the Bylaws about membership.
ii. New membership list: ACTION: Nancy HP to set up a membership list.
6. Old Business
a. Board/Clinic Picnic on Sunday September 30 at Page’s Resort: Chuck has organized.
b. Strategic Planning – Chuck – No update to report.
7. New Business
a. Physician Recruitment – Chuck
The meeting had a general discussion on this topic; no decisions were made.
b. Recent Ministry of Health directives for rural primary health care – Chuck, Nancy R
The meeting discussed the document that Chuck distributed to the Board, particularly the definitions and roles of Patient Care Homes, Primary Care Networks, and Collaborative Services Committees.
c. Update on the Gabriola Collaborative Services Committee – Nancy R
Nancy provided details as part of the discussion in 7.b. The members of the Gabriola CSC include representatives from the community, Island Health, and the Gabriola Chapter, Rural & Remote Division.
d. Visit by Island Health to Gabriola on October 2 – Nancy R
The IH Board Chair, CEO, and one or two senior administrators have requested a day-long visit to Gabriola, to learn how the Community Health Centre, the Gabriola Medical Clinic, and the Health & Wellness Collaborative are contributing to effective primary health care on Gabriola Island. Nancy is organizing this visit for Tuesday October 2, and several Board members will be involved.
8. Adjournment: There being no further business, Chuck adjourned the meeting at 11:10am.

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Wednesday May 23, 2018 – Health Centre Meeting Room
Present: Chuck Connor, Harvey Graham, Nancy Rowan, Mike Phillips, Vicky Scott
Absent: Derek Brindle, Gloria Hatfield, Nancy Hetherington Peirce
1. Chuck called the meeting to order at 9:00am.
2. Approval of Agenda: The agenda was approved as circulated.
3. Approval of Minutes
MOTION: Mike Phillips – That the minutes of the April 25, 2018 regular Board meeting are approved as distributed. CARRIED
4. Election of Officers & Committee Chairs
a. At the first Board meeting after the AGM, Officers of the GHCF are elected until the next AGM
b. MOTION: Mike Phillips – That the Officers of the Gabriola Health Care Foundation until the next AGM are:
i. President: Chuck Connor
ii. Vice-President: Nancy Rowan
iii. Secretary: Nancy Hetherington Peirce
iv. Treasurer: Harvey Graham CARRIED
5. Correspondence – None
6. Reports
a. Treasurer – Harvey
a. The post-AGM Annual Report, Change of Directors notification, and revised Bylaws have been filed with BC Registries.
b. MOTION: Harvey – To approve the financial report to April 30, 2018, as previously distributed. CARRIED
b. Building Management – Chuck
a. Chuck reported on several issues; no Board decisions needed.
c. Strategic Planning – Chuck – No report
d. Governance – Derek – No report
e. Health Services Committee – Vicky (report distributed in advance of meeting)
a. Meeting discussed the report.
b. By general consent, Vicky was appointed as the new Chair of the Committee
f. Communications – Gloria – No report
7. Old Business
a. Report on May 11 AGM of the BC Association of Community Health Centres – Mike
Mike provided information on this meeting. The Canadian Association of Community Health Centres is holding its annual conference in Victoria in November.
b. Report on May 12 presentation of the 2018 Rural BC Community Award – Nancy R
Tracey Thorne, Brenda Fowler, and Nancy attended the presentation in Nanaimo, and received the award on behalf of the Gabriola community. The Gabriola Health & Wellness Collaborative will manage the $2,500 that accompanies the award.
8. New Business
a. Social event for the Board and Clinic staff and families will be in September.
b. ACTION: Chuck will contact Gloria about possible location and date.
9. Adjournment: There being no further business, Chuck adjourned the meeting at 11:00am.

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Wednesday April 25, 2018 – Health Centre Meeting Room
Paul Champion, Chuck Connor, Harvey Graham, Gloria Hatfield, Nancy Hetherington Peirce, Nancy Rowan, Mike Phillips, Vicky Scott
Absent: Derek Brindle
1. Chuck called the meeting to order at 9:00am.
2. Approval of Agenda: The agenda was approved as circulated.
3. Approval of Minutes
Nancy R – That the minutes of the March 28, 2018 regular Board meeting are approved as distributed. CARRIED
4. Correspondence
a. Rural Coordination Centre of BC (RCCBC): Gabriola Island is the recipient of the 2018 Rural BC Community Award – Chuck
i. RCCBC (“Enhancing rural health through education & advocacy”) is part of the Joint Standing Committee on Rural Health, funded by Ministry of Health & Doctors of BC
ii. The GHCF Board nominated Gabriola Island for this award, with letters of support from Dr. Paul Hasselback (Medical Health Officer, IH), Dr. Francois Bosman (Physician Lead, Gabriola Chapter of the Rural & Remote Division of Family Practice), and Kathy Copeman-Stewart (Executive Director, Rural & Remote Division of Family Practice).
iii. The award (including a plaque, and $2,500 for a community celebration) will be presented on May 12 in Nanaimo. Nancy Rowan, Brenda Fowler, and Tracey Thorne will accept the award on behalf of the Gabriola community.
iv. ACTION: Nancy HP will ask the Hub Group of the Health & Wellness Collaborative to organize announcements to the community after the award is presented and also organize the community celebration sometime in the next few months.
v. ACTION: GHCF will hold the $2,500 and administer the expenses
b. Invitation from the Arts Council for a Board member to attend the wind-up event on May 2 for one of the Healing Power of Arts programs
ACTION: Vicky will attend.
5. Reports
a. Treasurer
– Harvey
MOTION:Harvey – To approve the financial report to March 28, 2018, as previously distributed. CARRIED
MOTION: Harvey – That the 2017 Annual Financial Statements of the Gabriola Health Care Foundation are approved as previously distributed. CARRIED
b. Building Management – Chuck
Long-range planning for building maintenance needs further discussion at Board meetings in the next several months.
c. Strategic Planning – Chuck
General work continues.
d. Governance – Nancy HP, in Derek’s absence
Membership form:
i. Meeting approved the second draft as presented on the website, with thanks to Harvey for his work on this draft.
ii. ACTION: Nancy HP will make a Word document of the membership form, so paper copies are available at the Health Centre, etc. after the bylaw revision re membership is approved at the May 7 AGM and filed with the government.
d. Health Services Committee – Nancy HP
The topic for the Foundation’s autumn health promotion event has been changed to “palliative care at home”. The recently-organized working group on palliative care (see March 28/18 minutes) will organize the content of the event. The HSC will organize the logistics. Vicky is a member of both groups.
e. Communications – Gloria
The video of “telling the story” of the Health Centre is almost completed, and is planned to be shown at the May 7 AGM.
6. Old Business
a. Rental request from mobile optometrist
i. Meeting discussed this request again, as well as other opportunities for rental of the room available on the lower level of the building.
ii. ACTION: Chuck and Harvey will handle further discussion and make a decision.
b. BC Association of Community Health Centres – GHCF rep to attend the AGM on May 11 in Vancouver
ACTION: Mike will attend if possible.
7. New Business
2018 AGM – Monday, May 7 2018 at 7:00pm – Arts Centre
a. Committee Reports for the Annual Report
ACTIONS: Committee chairs will send their reports to Harvey; Nancy HP will write a draft report for the Governance Committee and send to Derek, Harvey and Mike for revisions.
b. Review of agenda – Meeting reviewed the draft and agreed on the formatting that Harvey had prepared for the AGM slides.
8. Adjournment: There being no further business, Chuck adjourned the meeting at 11:30am.

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Wednesday March 28, 2018 – Health Centre Meeting Room
Paul Champion, Harvey Graham, Gloria Hatfield, Nancy Hetherington Peirce, Nancy Rowan, Mike Phillips, Vicky Scott
Absent: Derek Brindle, Chuck Connor
Chair: Nancy Rowan
1. Nancy R called the meeting to order at 9:00am.
2. Approval of Agenda: The agenda was approved as circulated.
3. Approval of Minutes:  MOTION: Gloria – That the minutes of the February 28, 2018 regular Board meeting are approved as distributed. CARRIED
4. Correspondence
a. Request from the Gabriola Health & Wellness Collaborative (GHWC) for funding assistance
(Letter distributed ahead of meeting)
i. MOTION: Mike – That the GHCF Board agrees to participate in the GHWC 2018 Family Project, with the GHCF contribution to be capped at $300 from the Board Outreach budget. CARRIED
ii. MOTION: Mike – That the Foundation administers the contributions and expenses of the Gabriola Health & Wellness Collaborative 2018 Family Project. CARRIED
5. Reports
a. Treasurer – Harvey
MOTION: Harvey – To approve the financial report to February 28, 2018, as previously distributed. CARRIED
b. Building Management
Vicky reported that changes to the UTR, such as new cupboards and replacement/rearrangement of equipment, is well received by the staff and has improved overall operations in the UTR.
c. Strategic Planning
Harvey: General work continues
b. Nancy R: Described the role of Collaborative Services Committees in the delivery of primary health care services in BC.
d. Governance – Nancy HP, in Derek’s absence
ACTION: Nancy will bring a second draft of the new membership form to the April 25 Board meeting.
e. Health Services Committee – Nancy HP
The Committee decided that the first health promotion presentation will be in the fall, as there is not enough time to organize a presentation this spring.
f. Communications – Gloria
The video work regarding “telling the story” of the Health Centre is underway and partially completed.
The Foundation Board submitted two nominations for the 2018 BC Rural Health Awards sponsored by the Rural Coordination Centre of BC: Gabriola Island for the “Rural BC Community Award”, and the Gabriola Medical Clinic for the “Award of Excellence in Rural Medicine”. The Board recognized Nancy Rowan for all her work in enabling the Board to submit these two nominations.
6. New Business
a. 2018 AGM – Monday, May 7 2018 at 7:00pm – Arts Centre
i. Meeting reviewed the draft Notice of Meeting, and discussed other details.
ii. ACTIONS: Harvey will send the Notice of Meeting to the Sounder for publication on April 17; Nancy HP will send the list of proposed bylaw changes to Harvey for publication on the GHCF website.
iii. Nominations Committee: Mike reported that Paul is finishing his term at the AGM and not standing for another term. Chuck will be nominated for another term; there are no other nominations from the committee.
b. Report on the recent “Blanket Activity” for representatives of Gabriola organizations
Vicky attended this event for the Foundation Board and reported that it was a very effective way to learn about indigenous history in Canada.
c. Rental request from mobile optometrist
Meeting discussed this request and decided to continue the discussion at the next Board meeting.
d. Palliative Care Committee
Nancy R reported that the coordinating “hub group” of the Gabriola Health & Wellness Collaborative (GHWC) has chosen palliative care as one of its two initiatives for 2018. (The other initiative is improving health and social supports for families.) The Gabriola Rural & Remote Chapter, as a member of the GHWC, is leading the palliative care initiative and has established a palliative care committee that has started its work.
7. Adjournment: There being no further business, Nancy R adjourned the meeting at 11:15am.

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Wednesday February 28, 2018 – Health Centre Meeting Room
Present: Derek Brindle, Paul Champion, Chuck Connor, Harvey Graham, Gloria Hatfield, Nancy Hetherington Peirce, Mike Phillips, Vicky Scott
Absent: Nancy Rowan
Guest presentation:
Before the meeting began, Jacquie Braid (Unit Chief, Gabriola Paramedics) provided a brief description of her new additional position as a Community Paramedic (CP) for Gabriola (20 hrs/week). Information regarding this new CP program from BC Emergency Health Services is at: http://www.bcehs.ca/our-services/programs-services/community-paramedicine
1. Order: Chuck called the meeting to order at 9:25am.
2. Approval of Agenda: The agenda was approved as circulated.
3. Approval of Minutes
MOTION: Vicky – That the minutes of the January 24, 2018 regular Board meeting are approved as distributed and amended. CARRIED
(Amendment: #5.d.c. Last sentence to read: “By general consent, it was agreed to amend Bylaw #33 by removing the following words from the end of the sentence: “who, if possible, are not officers of the society”.)
ACTION: Nancy HP will add this change to the list of proposed bylaw changes for the AGM.
4. Correspondence
Request from Derek Kilbourn of the Gabriola Skatepark Fundraising Association for a letter of support for funding applications: Meeting discussed the request and agreed.
ACTION: Nancy HP and Chuck will write and send the letter to Derek Kilbourn.
5. Reports
a. Treasurer
– Harvey
MOTION: Harvey – To approve the financial report to Jan. 1, 2018. CARRIED
b. Building Management – Chuck
No major items to report
c. Strategic Planning – Chuck
No major items to report
d. Governance – Derek
The meeting discussed the draft Membership Form presented by Nancy HP, and suggested several revisions.
ACTION: Nancy will bring a second draft to the March 28 meeting.
e. Health Services Committee – Nancy HP (Report distributed in advance of meeting)
(i) Funding request from PHC
The meeting discussed the further information provided by Brenda Fowler re the Stepping Up Stepping Out Program for the 2018/19 program year.
MOTION: Nancy HP – That GHCF donates $5,000 from the Kitty Heller Fund to PHC after July 1, 2018, for the September 2018 to June 2019 Stepping Up Stepping Out Program. CARRIED
MOTION: Gloria: That the GHCF Board requests a report from PHC on the 2018/19 Stepping Up Stepping Out Program. CARRIED
ACTIONS: Chuck will confirm this decision with Judy Rogers (representing the KH Fund); then Nancy HP will inform Brenda Fowler of the two decisions.
(ii) Evaluation criteria for future requests for funding
The meeting discussed the draft presented by the HS Committee, and suggested some revisions.
ACTIONS: Vicky will make the revisions and the finalized document will be distributed to the Board. Nancy HP will send a copy to Brenda Fowler (PHC) and Michelle Benjamin (Arts Council) for their information for future requests for funding.
(iii). Proposal for community education seminars on health promotion topics
The meeting discussed the Committee’s recommendations: list of suggested topics, the budget per event (from the Kitty Heller Fund), and the suggestion of two events per year. By general consent, the meeting agreed to support the Committee’s recommendations.
ACTIONS: Chuck will confirm this decision with Judy Rogers (representing the KH Fund); Health Services Committee will meet to discuss next steps.
f. Communications – Gloria
Gloria reported that filming is in progress on “telling the story” of the Health Centre.
6. New Business
a. 2018 AGM

Date: ACTION: Nancy HP will book the Arts Centre for May 8 or 9, and inform the Board.
Nominations Committee:
- Mike reported that recruitment is underway, particularly for people with a background in finance, building management, or health management.
Board members asked to send names of prospective Board members to Mike.
b. Membership in the BC Association of Community Health Centres (BCAHA)
- Meeting discussed the further information distributed ahead of the meeting, noting that membership includes joining the Canadian Association of Community Health Centres.
- MOTION: Harvey – That GHCF join the BC Association for Community Health Centres.
- ACTION: Nancy HP will contact the BCACHC re confirmation of eligibility, registration process and membership fee.
7. Adjournment: There being no further business, Chuck adjourned the meeting at 11:30am.

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Wednesday January 24, 2018 – Health Centre Meeting Room
Derek Brindle, Paul Champion, Chuck Connor, Harvey Graham, Gloria Hatfield, Nancy Hetherington Peirce, Mike Phillips, Nancy Rowan
Absent: Vicky Scott
1. Chuck called the meeting to order at 9:05am.
2. Approval of Agenda: The agenda was approved as circulated.
3. Approval of Minutes
MOTION: Gloria – That the minutes of the November 22, 2017 regular Board meeting and the January 10, 2018 special Board meeting are approved as distributed. CARRIED
4. Correspondence – None
5. Reports
Treasurer – Harvey
i. Draft 2017 Annual Financial Statements were distributed ahead of the meeting. Final version will be approved at the February 28 Board meeting.
ii. 2018 Budget: Meeting discussed the budget distributed ahead of the meeting.
MOTION: Harvey – To approve the 2018 GHCF Budget as distributed. CARRIED
iii. Year-to-date financial report to December 31, 2017
MOTION: Harvey – To approve the year-to-date financial report to Dec. 31, 2017. CARRIED
iv. Plan for funding future capital expenses – Postponed to March 28/18 Board meeting.
b. Building Management – Chuck
   Nothing to report
c. Strategic Planning – Chuck
   Nothing to report.
d. Governance – Derek
i. The Board discussed the changes proposed by the Governance Committee to the GHCF Bylaws (#4 Members, #17 Quorum at Members Meetings), distributed in advance of the meeting:
#4 Members
(1) To be eligible for membership in the Society, an individual must:
(a) reside (full-time or part-time) or own land in the Gabriola Island Local Trust area, as that area is established under the Islands Trust Act of British Columbia and
(b) be 19 years of age or older.
(2) An individual who meets the requirements set out in this section of these bylaws and is not otherwise ineligible under these bylaws may register with the Society as a member.
#17 Quorum at Members Meetings
(3) A quorum is five members present or a greater number that the members may determine at a general meeting.
ii. By general consent, the Board agreed to recommend these changes to the membership at the 2018 Annual General Meeting. Bylaw changes are not official until they are filed with the BC government; thus the current bylaws will be in effect for the 2018 AGM.
iii. The meeting also discussed a possible inconsistency re members of the Nominations Committee (for Board of Directors) between
: “… a nominations committee comprised of at least two directors or members of the society who, if possible, are not officers of the society” and
 the Board Governance Policy (Appendix): “The members of the Executive Committee will be members of the nominations committee. In addition, the Executive Committee or the Board may appoint additional members as appropriate.”
By general consent, it was agreed that the words "who, if possible, are not officers of the society” should be removed from the bylaws.
d. ACTION: Nancy will bring a draft membership form to the Feb 28/18 Board meeting for review, in preparation for the bylaw change regarding membership.
e. Health Services Committee – Nancy HP (Report distributed in advance of meeting)
Request from PHC for funding for the “Stepping Up Stepping Out” program:
The meeting discussed the request, and decided more information was needed before making a decision (specifically: objectives of the 2018-19 program, what health-care need does the program address, and what is the sustainability plan).
Nancy HP reported that the Committee is working on an “evaluation template” for future funding requests; Nancy R suggested some criteria for the Committee to consider.
ACTION: Nancy HP, Chuck and Gloria will meet with Brenda as soon as possible to convey the topics on which the Board would like more information; Nancy HP will distribute this information in advance of the Feb. 28 meeting.
ACTION: Nancy HP will bring to the February 28 Board meeting a draft template for evaluation of funding requests.
f. Communications – Gloria
Gloria reported there had not been an opportunity during the past month for a meeting regarding production of videos.
6. New Business
a. Next steps re the choice at the January 10, 2018 Board meeting of the following four approaches for implementing the GHCF purpose of “identifying health care needs [and] developing/delivering programs …” (random order)
• Work with community partners to determine gaps in the health services and facilities currently available on Gabriola Island;
• Work in partnership with Island Health and the Gabriola Chapter of the Rural & Remote Division of BC Family Practice to ensure an appropriate level of Island Health services and facilities on Gabriola Island;
• Provide funds from the Kitty Heller Fund (while it lasts) to appropriate organizations who will provide appropriate health programs; and
• Provide educational opportunities to the community for health promotion (financed by the Kitty Heller Fund)
By general consent, the Board confirmed the above four approaches.
The Board reviewed the information page on Primary Health Care.
Regarding who would take responsibility for each approach, the Board agreed that:
i. The Health Services Committee will coordinate the first and fourth approaches
ii. The Board as a whole will coordinate the second and third approaches
ACTIONS: Nancy HP will bring to the next Board meeting suggestions for educational opportunities for the community that the Health Services Committee thinks are reasonable to offer in 2018. Chuck will talk with Judy Rogers re financing these educational opportunities for the community from the Kitty Heller Fund.
b. Establish a Nominations Committee for Board elections at the 2018 AGM
ACTION: Mike will organize the Committee.
c. Decision on membership of GHCF in the BC Association of Community Health Centres (BCACHC), and the resulting mandatory membership in the Canadian Association of Community Health Centres (CACHC)
The meeting decided to postpone a decision until the February 28 Board meeting.
ACTION: Nancy HP will obtain and distribute to Board members before February 28 the Constitutions and Bylaws of the BCACHC and the CACHC.
7. Adjournment: There being no further business, Chuck adjourned the meeting at 11:20am.

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