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Gabriola Health Care Foundation
2024 AGM

Members, welcome to the GHCF 2024 AGM!  
The GHCF 2024 AGM is again being held remotely using email and the GHCF Web site. With over 800 members, we feel that having the meeting by email is be a better way of reaching as many of you as possible. We hope you agree. We will be most interested in receiving your comments on how well the process worked, and any suggestions you may have for future AGMs. Please email your comments, or any questions you might have, using the "Ask a question" button below.
You may review the slides for the entire AGM by clicking on the "All 2024 Sides" button below, or you may review any of the individual presentations. For those that wish to print the slides, the Printer friendly version reduces the number of pages substantially.

-- for questions, December 1,
-- for member director nominations, December 7, and
-- for voting, December 9,
all at 4:00 PM.

By clicking the "Vote here" button here, or at the bottom of this page, you will be presented with a ballot whereon you may vote on whether to adopt the 2023 AGM minutes, on whether to adopt the borowing resolution and on whethr to elect the members nominated to become directors. Please do that.
If two or more members share the same email address and so received just one AGM announcement (because of mailer restrictions) all members may still vote separately.  If you vote twice, the last vote will be counted.

President's report

GHCF's President, Jeff Malmgren 

Board Development Committee

Diane Cornish, Chair 

Building Committee

Marc Herrmann, Chair 

Communications and Membership Committee

Lu  Lazzarotto, Chair 

Community Wellbeing Committee 

Dyan Dunsmoor-Farley, Chair

Recruiting and Retention Committee

Lu Lazzarotto, Chair 

Treasurer's report
2023 AGM Minutes

When voting you will be asked to approve the 2023 AGM minutes

Nominating Committee

Diane Cornish, Chair

Please vote!

To Vote, please click on the "Vote here!" button to be taken to your electronic ballot.  Vote on the motions presented, or abstain if you wish, then click Submit.

Thank you for participating in our electronic AGM!