Directors' meeting minutes:
- May 26, 2015
- April 20, 2015
- March 16, 2015
- February 16, 2015
- January 19, 2015
- November 17, 2014
- October 20, 2014
- September 15, 2014
- May 26, 2014
- April 22, 2014
- March 17, 2014
- February 17, 2014
- January 20, 2014
- November 27, 2013
- October 23, 2013
- September 16, 2013
- July 10, 2013
- June 17, 2013
- May 21, 2013
- April 17, 2013
- February 20, 2013
- January 16, 2013
- November 21, 2012
- October 21, 2012
- September 19, 2012
- GHCS - September 4, 2012
- GHCF - August 15, 2012
- July 18, 2012
- GHCF - June 26, 2012
- June 20, 2012
- May 16, 2012
- GHCS - May 2, 2012
- April 18, 2012
- GHCS - April 18, 2012
- March 21, 2012
- February 15, 2012
- February 11, 2012
- January 18, 2012
- December 7, 2011
- November 17, 2011
- November 17, 2011
- November 7, 2011
- October 20, 2011
- September 15, 2011
- August 18, 2011
- July 21, 2011
- June 23, 2011
- May 25, 2011
- April 28, 2011
- March 31, 2011
- March 24, 2011
- February 24, 2011
- January 27, 2011
- December 16, 2010
- November 8, 2010
- October 21, 2010
- September 16, 2010
- August 17, 2010
- July 15, 2010
- June 29, 2010
- April 15, 2010
- May 20, 2010
- March 18, 2010
- February 21, 2010
- January 21, 2010
- October 15, 2009
- September 24, 2009
- August 20, 2009
- July 16, 2009
Directors' Meetings
The GHCF board welcomes input from the public. The annual general meeting is open to the general public. Notification of the AGM is published at least two weeks in advance. In addition, issues or concerns communicated to the Board in writing will be given careful consideration at our monthly meetings and responded to accordingly. Time may be set aside for a presentation upon request. If one wishes to make a presentation to the Board please indicate your intent in writing and send it to ghcf@ghcf.ca at least seven days in advance of the Board meeting. If you prefer mail, our mailing address is: PO Box 295, Gabriola, BC V0R 1X0.
Directors' Meeting Minutes
Minutes of Gabriola Health Care Foundation Board Meeting
Meeting Room, Community Health Centre
Present: Chuck Connor (President), Nancy Rowan (Vice-President), Harvey Graham (Treasurer), Nancy Hetherington Peirce (Secretary), Dale Butler, Paul Champion, Gloria Hatfield, Mike Phillips.
Absent: Derek Brindle
1. Call to Order and Quorum
Meeting was called to order at 9:00am; quorum was present.
2. Approval of Agenda
MOTION: Mike - That the agenda is adopted as distributed. CARRIED
3. Approval of Minutes
MOTION: Paul - That the minutes of the April 20, 2015 Board meeting are approved as distributed. CARRIED
4. Correspondence
a. April 28/15: Letter from Liz Ciocea, thanking Board for participating as a funder in the Mental Health First Aid course on April 25 & 26.
b. Inquiry regarding current policies of GHCF for recognition of donors to the Foundation.
ACTION: Nancy HP will prepare a draft policy for the Sept 21 Board meeting.
5. Reports
a. Treasurer - Harvey
i. Financial report was distributed in advance.
ii. MOTION: Harvey - That the Financial Report to April 30, 2015 is approved as distributed. CARRIED
b. Health Programs Committee - Nancy HP
i. Report was distributed in advance. Nancy R provided information regarding the possibilities of Island Health offering further Integrated Health Network (IHN) Programs on Gabriola
ii. MOTION: Nancy R - That the GHC Foundation contribute funds to support the advertizing, refreshments, and miscellaneous expenses for IHN programs on Gabriola during the next twelve months. CARRIED
c. Community Awareness Initiative - Gloria
i. Plan is for next article to be published in July.
ii. ACTION: Gloria will write a draft, and circulate to Board members for review.
d. Strategic Planning: Management Plan for the UTF - Dale
i. Dale and Nancy HP met to begin work on this topic (see April 20/15 minutes, #7.c)
ii. ACTION: Dale will provide a progress report at the September 21 Board meeting
6. New Business
a. Social event for Board and Health Centre
i. BBQ on Sunday September 20, at Page's Resort - ? time
ii. ACTION: Chuck will organize the invitations by mid-June.
iii. ACTION: Board will organize other details in early September
Sept 21, Oct 19, Nov 16 - 9:00am
8. Adjournment Meeting adjourned at 11:15am.
Minutes of Gabriola Health Care Foundation Board Meeting
Meeting Room, Community Health Centre
Present: Chuck Connor (President), Harvey Graham (Treasurer), Nancy Hetherington Peirce (Secretary), Derek Brindle (by phone), Dale Butler, Paul Champion, Gloria Hatfield, Mike Phillips.
Absent: Nancy Rowan (Vice-President)
1. Call to Order and Quorum
Meeting was called to order at 9:00am; quorum was present.
2. Approval of Agenda
MOTION: Mike – That the agenda is adopted as distributed. CARRIED
3. Election of Officers
MOTION: Mike – That the following people serve as Officers of the Board until the 2016 AGM: Chuck Connor – President, Nancy Rowan – Vice-President, Harvey Graham – Treasurer, Nancy Hetherington Peirce – Secretary. CARRIED
4. Approval of Minutes
MOTION: Nancy HP – That the minutes of the March 16, 2015 Board meeting are approved as distributed. CARRIED
5. Reports
a. Treasurer – Harvey
i. Financial statements were distributed in advance.
ii. MOTION: Harvey – That the Financial Report to March 31, 2015 is approved as distributed. CARRIED
b. Health Programs Committee – Nancy HP
Report was distributed in advance; meeting discussed information.
MOTION: Nancy HP – That the Foundation participate, at the cost of $275, in the upcoming special feature in the Sounder regarding Mental Health Week May 4 to 8, 2015. CARRIED
c. Community Awareness Initiative – Gloria
Plans continue for provision of further information to the public.
d. Risk Management – Derek
i. Meeting discussed aspects of the current insurance coverage.
ii. MOTION: Paul – That the Board proceed to obtain appropriate liability insurance for non-owned aircraft. CARRIED
iii. ACTION: Derek, Harvey and Chuck to work on obtaining the insurance.
6. Locum Accommodation
a. Meeting discussed the issue of housing for locum physicians during vacations of the on-call physicians.
b. ACTION: Chuck, Mike, and Gloria to meet soon to work on this issue.
7. Strategic Plan for GHCF Board – Chuck and Dale
a. Meeting discussed various goals for the Board to address during the next two years.
b. Two broad goals were chosen:
i. Develop an effective relationship with Island Health
ii. Develop a Management Plan for the Urgent Treatment Facility
c. Meeting agreed to focus on one goal for the moment: Management Plan for the UTF
i. Dale agreed to coordinate the sub-committee to work on this goal; Nancy HP offered to participate on the sub-committee
ii. ACTION: Dale will start organizing the work of the sub-committee, including clarifying aspects of the UTF that need attention.
8. Next meetings THIRD MONDAYS AT 9:00am; MEETING ROOM AT HEALTH CENTRE, CHANGE FOR MAY: TUESDAY MAY 26, 9:00am, Sept 21, Oct 19, Nov 16 – 9:00am
9. Adjournment Meeting adjourned at 11:15am.
Minutes of Gabriola Health Care Foundation Board Meeting
Meeting Room, Community Health Centre
Present: Chuck Connor (President), Nancy Rowan (Vice-President), Harvey Graham (Treasurer), Nancy Hetherington Peirce (Secretary), Derek Brindle (by phone), Dale Butler, Paul Champion, Gloria Hatfield, Mike Phillips.
1.Call to Order and Quorum
Meeting was called to order at 9:00am; quorum was present.
2.Approval of Agenda
MOTION: Mike – That the agenda is adopted as distributed. CARRIED
3.Approval of Minutes
a.MOTION: Nancy HP – That the minutes of the February 16, 2015 Board meeting are approved as distributed and amended. CARRIED
b.ACTION: Nancy HP will distribute the amended minutes to the Board.
A request was received from Robert Rooks for a letter of support for the land development proposal he recently presented to the Board. The Board agreed, and a letter was sent indicating support for the extension of Church Road, for health-care reasons.
a.Treasurer – Harvey
i.Financial statements were distributed in advance, and discussed at the meeting.
ii.MOTION: Harvey – That the Financial Report to February 28, 2015 is approved as distributed. CARRIED
iii.MOTION: Nancy R – That for any investment of Foundation funds, the Board will use GIC’s at the Coastal Community Credit Union. CARRIED
b.Health Programs Committee – Nancy HP
Request for funding for the Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) course in April 2015, sponsored by the Gabriola Mental Health & Substance Use Initiative
i.MOTION: Gloria – That the Board provide up to $2,500 from the Kitty Heller Fund to cover 50% of the costs for the April 2015 Mental Health First Aid course for health-care providers and the general public. CARRIED
ii.ACTION: HP Committee to explore the possibility of a Gabriola-based MHFA-certified presenter, for future MHFA courses.
c.Community Awareness Initiative – Gloria
Board reviewed the first draft of the initial communication publication
ACTION: Gloria will prepare a revised draft of the initial article.
6.Gabriola Island Chapter of the Rural & Remote Division of Family Practice – Nancy R
a.Nancy presented a document regarding primary and emergency care services on Gabriola from the GI Chapter to the Collaborative Services Committee.
The meeting agreed by consensus to accept the document in principle.
b.The submission to the “GP for Me” Initiative continues in the application process.
MOTION: Gloria – That the Board provide a letter of support for the “Integration of Social Worker” proposal to the GP for Me Initiative. CARRIED
7.Strategic Plan for GHCF Board – Dale
a.Meeting agreed by consensus that the April 20 Board meeting will include time to discuss and prioritize the main goals of the Board for the next few years.
b.ACTION: Board members to bring their suggestions for main goals to the April 20 meeting.
8.Facility Management
a.Infection Control – Chuck
No report
b.Risk Management – Derek
Work is continuing re clarifying relevant information.
9.Annual General Meeting: Thursday April 16, 7:00pm, Rollo Centrea.Meeting agreed by consensus that a motion to remove bylaw #36 will be presented at the AGM as a special resolution.
b.ACTION: Nancy HP and Harvey will prepare the information regarding the Notice of Meeting, the nominations list, and the special resolution, for publication in the Sounder on March 31.
c.ACTION: Harvey will coordinate the Board’s presentation at the AGM.
April 20, May 25 (4th Monday due to Victoria Day)
11. Adjournment Meeting adjourned at 12:15 pm.
Minutes of Gabriola Health Care Foundation Board Meeting
Meeting Room, Community Health Centre
Present: Chuck Connor (President), Nancy Rowan (Vice-President), Harvey Graham (Treasurer), Nancy Hetherington Peirce (Secretary), Dale Butler, Paul Champion, Gloria Hatfield, Mike Phillips.
Absent: Derek Brindle
Guest: Bob Rooks
1. Call to Order and Quorum
Meeting was called to order at 9:00am; quorum was present.
By agreement of the Board and before the business of the meeting began, Bob Rooks presented a proposed land development project that includes the extension of Church Street to Spruce Street, for information to the Board. After the presentation and some discussion, Bob Rooks left the meeting.
2. Approval of Agenda
MOTION: Paul – That the agenda is adopted as distributed. CARRIED
3. Approval of Minutes
MOTION: Paul – That the minutes of the January 19, 2015 Board meeting are approved as distributed. CARRIED
4. Correspondence
Letter received from Ferry Advisory Committee re applications for new appointments to the FAC; letter was circulated to Board for information.
5. Reports
a. Treasurer – Harvey
i. Financial statements were distributed in advance, and discussed at the meeting.
ii. MOTION: Harvey – That the Financial Report to January 31, 2015 is approved as distributed. CARRIED
b. Health Programs – Nancy HP
Verbal report provided and discussed.
6. Teleconferencing Services in Health Centre – Nancy R
Nancy R provided updated information; no decisions made
7. “GP For Me” Initiative
a. Meeting discussed information provided by Nancy R
b. MOTION: Mike – That the Board supports the application by the Gabriola Chapter of the Rural & Remote Division of Family Practice for funding to establish a Community Health Network on Gabriola Island. CARRIED
8. Reports (continued)
a. Facility Management – Chuck
Verbal report provided and discussed.
b. Community Awareness Initiative – Gloria
No update for this meeting.
9. Urgent Treatment Facility – Risk Management – Derek
No report for this meeting.
10. Strategic Plan – Dale
a. A sample template for a strategic plan was distributed in advance of the meeting. Meeting discussed options for proceeding on creating a strategic plan for the Board.
b. ACTION: Dale will bring a simpler template to the next Board meeting.
11. Nominations Committee & Annual General Meeting
a. Nominations: Mike reported that Chuck and Paul are willing to be nominated for a further three-year term. All other Board members are continuing in their terms.
b. AGM: ACTION: Nancy HP will book the Rollo Centre for April 16 or 23.
Monday March 16, April 20, May 25 (4th Monday due to Victoria Day)
13. Adjournment Meeting adjourned at 12:05pm.
January 19, 2015
Minutes of Gabriola Health Care Foundation Board Meeting
Meeting Room, Community Health Centre
Present: Chuck Connor (President), Nancy Rowan (Vice-President), Harvey Graham (Treasurer), Nancy Hetherington Peirce (Secretary), Derek Brindle (by phone), Dale Butler, Paul Champion, Gloria Hatfield, Mike Phillips.
1.Call to Order and Quorum
a.Meeting was called to order at 9:00am; quorum was present.
2.Approval of Agenda
MOTION: Paul - That the agenda is adopted as distributed. CARRIED
3.Approval of Minutes
MOTION: Nancy R - That the minutes of the November 17, 2014 Board meeting are approved as distributed. CARRIED
a.Letter received from Margaret Litt re funding for paramedic training. Chuck has responded verbally to Margaret.
b.Letter of thanks received from the Gabriola Arts Council for the funding grant from GHCF.
a.Treasurer - Harvey
i.Financial statements were distributed in advance, and discussed at the meeting.
ii.MOTION: Harvey - That the Financial Report to December 31, 2014 is approved as distributed. CARRIED
b.Health Programs - Nancy HP
Written report was distributed in advance, and discussed at the meeting.
c.Facility Management - Chuck
Verbal report was provided at the meeting and discussed.
6.Community Awareness Initiative - Gloria
a.Meeting discussed the GHCF Communications Plan proposed by Gloria, distributed in advance.
b.Meeting approved the objectives, communication channels, processes and report topics.
c.Meeting agreed on details needed to prepare the first communication report.
7.Urgent Treatment Facility - Infection Control - Chuck
a.Meeting discussed the January 4, 2015 “Preliminary Report re Infection Prevention and Control Assessment of the Urgent Care Room, Gabriola Community Health Centre†from MDL Consultancy, Gabriola Island, distributed in advance.
b.MOTION: Derek - That the Board approves the Recommendations & Next Steps in the Preliminary Report from MDL Consultancy, and authorizes the President to begin implementing the recommendations. CARRIED
8.Proposed GHCF 2015 Budget - Harvey
a.Meeting discussed the proposed budget distributed in advance.
b.MOTION: Harvey - That the Board approves the 2015 Budget as distributed and amended. CARRIED
9.Urgent Treatment Facility - Risk Management - Derek
a.Meeting discussed the report distributed in advance.
b.ACTION: Derek will obtain detailed information regarding further insurance coverage.
10.New Business
a.Report on the Community Forum on Primary Health Care (January 11, 2015) - Nancy R
The Forum was sponsored by the Gabriola Chapter of the Rural & Remote Division of Family Practice, in collaboration with Sustainable Gabriola. A compilation of all the comments was distributed to the Board for information. Further work by the R & R Division will happen over the next few months (to ascertain next steps, etc).
b.Progress of provision of teleconferencing services in the Health Centre
ACTION: Nancy R will make some further inquiries.
c.New Strategic Plan for GHCF Board - Dale
ACTION: Dale will be providing information to the Board before the next meeting.
d.Nominations Committee
i.ACTION: Mike agreed to chair the Nominations Committee for the 2015 AGM.
ii.ACTION: Nancy HP will distribute the list of Board members and terms.
iii.Date of the 2015 AGM will be decided at Feb 9 Board meeting
e.Patients as Partners
Website for information: https://www.patientsaspartners.ca/network/get-involved
Monday February 16, March 16, April 2012. Adjournment Meeting adjourned at 12:05pm.
November 14, 2014
Minutes of Gabriola Health Care Foundation Board Meeting
Meeting Room, Community Health Centre
Present: Chuck Connor (President), Nancy Rowan (Vice-President), Harvey Graham (Treasurer), Nancy Hetherington Peirce (Secretary), Derek Brindle (by phone), Dale Butler, Paul Champion, Gloria Hatfield, Mike Phillips.
1. Call to Order and Quorum
Meeting was called to order at 9:00am; quorum was present.
2. Approval of Agenda
MOTION: Nancy HP – That the agenda is adopted as distributed. CARRIED
3. Approval of Minutes
MOTION: Nancy HP – That the minutes of the October 20, 2014 Board meeting are approved as distributed. CARRIED
4. Correspondence
a. Actions completed
Letters to PHC, Gabriola Auxiliary, Dyan Dunsmoor-Farley
b. No correspondence received.
5. Reports
a. Treasurer – Harvey
i. Financial statements were distributed in advance, and discussed at the meeting.
ii. MOTION: Harvey – That the Financial Report to October 31, 2014 is approved as distributed. CARRIED
b. Health Programs – Nancy HP
i. Written report was distributed in advance, and discussed at the meeting.
ii. Funding request from the Gabriola Arts Council
MOTION: Nancy HP – That the Board provides $4,000 to the Gabriola Arts Council (GAC) for its next annual budget for the “Healing Power of Art” Program, and that an evaluation report will be provided by GAC to the Foundation Board at the end of the funding period. CARRIED
iii. Mental Health & Substance Use Services (MHSUS) Planning Group
1. Nancy HP will distribute email updates regarding progress of the MHSUS Planning Group, from Dyan Dunsmoor-Farley (Planning Group coordinator)
2. Health Programs Committee will offer to take on the “training coordination” task of the MHSUS Planning Group.
c. Facility Management – Chuck and Mike
i. Verbal report was provided at the meeting and discussed.
6. Business Arising from minutes
a. “A GP For Me” program (an initiative of the General Practice Services Committee of BC)
i. Nancy R described the current GPSC Community Assessment Survey; the Board provided responses to the survey.
b. Urgent Treatment Facility: Update re infection control and cleaning – Nancy R
i. A report from a local infection control expert will be provided shortly to the Board, for review and decisions.
c. Update on Board actions re risk management of the Urgent Treatment Facility – Derek
i. Meeting discussed a brief summary of commercial general liability (third party liability) insurance coverage.
ii. ACTION: Derek and Harvey (and any other Board members) will carry out a detailed risk management review of the Health Centre during the next few months.
d. Discussion on long-range planning and funding – Chuck
i. Meeting agreed on the need to develop a new long-range plan for the Board.
ii. ACTION: Dale will provide a framework long-range planning for the next Board meeting.
e. Update on Community Awareness initiative – Gloria
Postponed to next meeting
f. Update on governance review – Nancy HP
Work not yet started; report will be provided for the next Board meeting.
7. New Business
Paul obtained information on the maintenance schedule for the ultrasound equipment.
Monday January 19, February 16, March 16.
9. Adjournment Meeting adjourned at 11:55am.
October 20, 2014
Minutes of Gabriola Health Care Foundation Board Meeting
Meeting Room, Community Health Centre
Present: Chuck Connor (President), Nancy Rowan (Vice-President), Harvey Graham (Treasurer), Nancy Hetherington Peirce (Secretary), Derek Brindle, Dale Butler, Paul Champion, Gloria Hatfield, Mike Phillips.
1. Call to Order and Quorum
Meeting was called to order at 9:00am; quorum was present
2. Approval of Agenda - MOTION: Mike – That the agenda is adopted as circulated. CARRIED
3. Approval of Minutes - MOTION: Paul – That the minutes of the September 15, 2014 Board meeting are approved as distributed. CARRIED
4. Correspondence
a. Actions outstanding:
i. Contacting the four candidates for Gabriola Trustees (See Sept. 15, 2014 minutes, #5.b.): Meeting decided not to pursue this initiative, and decided instead to contact the two new Trustees sometime after the election to offer information regarding the services of the Community Health Centre.
ii. Letter for PHC (See Sept. 15, 2014 minutes, #5.c.): To complete by Oct. 31, 2014.
b. Action completed:
Verbal response to Tessa Spero (See Sept. 15, 2014 minutes, #5.c.)
5. Reports
a. Treasurer – Harvey
i. Financial statements were distributed in advance, and discussed at the meeting.
ii. MOTION: Harvey – That the Financial Report to September 30, 2014 is approved as distributed. CARRIED
b. Health Programs – Nancy HP
i. Verbal report was provided at the meeting.
ii. ACTION: Board to send a note of thanks to Dyan Dunsmoor-Farley, for her leadership and work with Island Health to obtain more services on Gabriola for mental health and substance use issues.
c. Facility Management & Finance – Chuck
Verbal report was provided at the meeting and discussed.
6. New Business
a. Urgent Treatment Facility
i. Infection control; preventive maintenance of equipment & supplies
1. ACTION: Nancy R will consult with Margaret Litt, an infection control specialist, to clarify appropriate cleaning standards.
2. ACTION: Paul will gather information on preventive maintenance protocols for the ultrasound machine.
3. Goal: By the end of 2014, the Board will have an updated written description of procedures for topics such as: infection control, maintenance of equipment, provision of supplies, etc.
ii. Risk management:
1. ACTION Derek will review the issue of risk management of the Urgent Treatment Facility.
b. Longer-term topics for Board attention: Relationship with Island Health, financial planning for the Foundation, and community awareness of the Health Centre (particularly the Urgent Treatment Facility)
i. ACTION: Gloria will look into ways of communicating to the public the services of the Community Health Centre.
c. Governance
i.ACTION: Nancy HP will organize a small working group to identify any improvements in current Board governance, to recommend to the Board in the next few months.
Monday November 17, Monday December 15, Monday January 19, 2015 – 9:00am
8. Adjournment Meeting adjourned at 11:45am.
September 15, 2014
Minutes of Gabriola Health Care Foundation Board Meeting
Meeting Room, Community Health Centre
Present: Chuck Connor (President), Nancy Rowan (Vice-President), Harvey Graham (Treasurer), Nancy Hetherington Peirce (Secretary), Dale Butler, Paul Champion, Gloria Hatfield, Mike Phillips.
Absent: Derek Brindle
1. Call to Order and Quorum
Meeting was called to order at 9:00am; quorum was present
2. Guest: Dr. Francois Bosman – Dr. Bosman provided some information regarding the newly-established Gabriola Island Chapter of the Rural & Remote Division of the Divisions of Family Practice of the Doctors of BC (formerly BC Medical Association).
3. Approval of Agenda - MOTION: Paul – That the agenda is adopted as circulated. CARRIED
4. Approval of Minutes
MOTION: Nancy HP – That the minutes of the May 26, 2014 Board meeting are approved as distributed. CARRIED
5. Correspondence
a. July 16/14: Email request from Tessa Spero
ACTION: Chuck will contact Tessa Spero.
b. Aug 29/14: Email request from Jim Wilson-Storey
i. ACTION: Nancy HP will respond to Jim Wilson-Storey
ii. ACTION: Chuck will organize an invitation to all the candidates for the Islands Trust Gabriola Trustee positions to tour the Community Health Centre building before the November 15/14 election.
c. Sept 3/14: Email request from PHC for a letter of support from GHC Foundation for the upcoming PHC funding request to the BC Gaming Commission
ACTION: Nancy HP and Chuck will write a letter of response.
6. Reports
a. Treasurer – Harvey
i. Financial statements were distributed in advance, and discussed at the meeting.
ii. MOTION: Harvey – That the Financial Report to August 31, 2014 is approved as distributed. CARRIED
b. Physician Recruitment & Retention – Nancy R
Verbal report was provided at the meeting and discussed.
c. Health Programs – Nancy HP
i. Written report was distributed in advance of the meeting.
ii. Decision regarding recommendation for the current GHCF grant to PHC
MOTION: That the GHCF Board suspends further quarterly payments [to PHC] until a new accredited counselor is in place and until a report from PHC shows that the hours for counseling have increased. CARRIED
iii. Decision regarding the recommendation to establish Board guidelines for annual expenditure amounts from the Kitty Heller Fund for Health Programs:
Meeting agreed by consensus not to establish any guidelines for annual expenditure amounts.
iv. Decision regarding the application from Gabriola Arts Council for funding for the Healing Power of Art Program:
ACTION: Nancy HP will contact GAC for further information regarding the application, before the next Board meeting.
d. Facility Management & Finance – Chuck
Verbal report was provided at the meeting and discussed.
7. New Business
a. Upcoming Challenges for the GHCF Board – Chuck
Meeting discussed the ideas that Chuck had circulated in advance of the meeting.
b. Long-range Planning (see minutes of May 26, 2014 Board meeting, #7.d.c.)
i. On June 25/14, the sub-committee (to clarify current issues facing the Board in its role as manager of the Urgent Treatment Facility) met and developed a list of important issues.
ii. ACTION: Nancy R will distribute this list to the whole Board.
iii. ACTION: Board will discuss this list at the October 20/14 Board meeting.
Monday October 20, Monday November 17 – 9:00am
10. Adjournment Meeting adjourned at 11:40am.
May 26, 2014
Minutes of Gabriola Health Care Foundation Board Meeting
Meeting Room, Community Health Centre
Present: Chuck Connor (President), Nancy Rowan (Vice-President), Harvey Graham (Treasurer), Nancy Hetherington Peirce (Secretary), Dale Butler, Paul Champion, Gloria Hatfield, Mike Phillips.
Absent: Derek Brindle
1. Call to Order and Quorum
a. Meeting was called to order at 9:30 a.m. Chuck welcomed the new Board members.
b. A quorum was present.
2. Approval of Agenda
MOTION: Paul – That the agenda is adopted as circulated. CARRIED
3. Election of Officers
MOTION: Gloria – That the following people serve as Officers of the GHCF Board until the next AGM: President – Chuck Connor, Vice-President – Nancy Rowan, Treasurer – Harvey Graham, Secretary – Nancy Hetherington Peirce. CARRIED
4. Approval of Minutes
MOTION: Paul – That the minutes of the April 22, 2014 Board meeting are approved as distributed. CARRIED
5. Correspondence
a. Received a letter of thanks from Dr. M. Meirzweski.
b. ACTION: Nancy HP will send a letter of thanks from the Board to the Gabriola Lions Club for their recent donation for medical equipment.
6. Reports
a. Treasurer – Harvey
Financial statements were distributed in advance, and discussed at the meeting.
MOTION: Harvey – That the Financial Report to April 30, 2014 is approved as distributed. CARRIED
b. Physician Recruitment & Retention – Nancy R
Written report was distributed in advance, and discussed at the meeting.
c. Health Programs – Nancy HP
Verbal report was provided and discussed at the meeting.
ACTION: Harvey will make final changes to the funding agreement between GHCF and PHC, and then will send the agreement to Dave Innell (member of Health Programs Committee) who will obtain the needed signatures as soon as possible.
d. Facility & Finance – Chuck/Harvey
Verbal report was provided and discussed at the meeting.
7. Discussion on Committees
a. Terms of Reference for Board Committees
Terms of Reference for the Facility & Finance Committee were approved at the April 22/14 Board meeting.
MOTION: Mike – That the Board approve the Terms of Reference of the Recruitment & Retention Committee and the Health Programs Committee, as distributed and amended. CARRIED
b. Relationship of Board Committees with: Board, Gabriola Medical Clinic, & Island Health Authority
Meeting had a general discussion.
c. Agenda item for Sept meeting: appoint committee members, and chairs as needed.
d. MOTION: Paul – That the Board appoint Nancy Hetherington Peirce as chair of the Health Programs Committee CARRIED
e. Meeting discussed the need for an updated GHCF Board Strategic Plan
Background note: In 2011, a Strategic Plan was developed jointly by the GHC Foundation, the GHC Society, and the Gabriola Auxiliary.
Board agreed to develop an updated Strategic Plan in the fall of 2014
ACTION: Nancy R will organize a sub-committee meeting to clarify the current issues facing the Board in its role as manager of the Urgent Treatment Facility, in preparation for Board work in the fall on a new Strategic Plan. Sub-committee: Nancy R, Gloria, Paul, Derek, and Nancy HP.
f. Board governance issues will be addressed in discussions of a new strategic plan.
8. Social event for the Board and Gabriola Medical Clinic and families
ACTION: Chuck and Gloria will confirm Sunday September 14, lunch-time, and location.
Monday September 15, Monday October 20, Monday November 17 – 9:00am
10. Adjournment Meeting adjourned at 11:00am.
April 22, 2014
Gabriola Health Care Foundation
Board of Directors Meeting
Meeting Room, Community Health Centre
Present: Chuck Connor (President), Nancy Rowan (Vice-President), Harvey Graham (Treasurer), Paul Champion, Mike Phillips (Acting Secretary)
Absent: Dave Innell, Nancy Hetherington Peirce.
1. Call to Order
Meeting was called to order at 9:30 a.m. A quorum was present.
2. Approval of Agenda
MOTION: Paul Champion – That the agenda is adopted as circulated CARRIED
3. Approval of Minutes:
MOTION: Nancy Rowan – That the minutes of the March 17, 2014 Board meeting are approved as distributed. CARRIED
4. Correspondence
5. Reports
a. Treasurer – Harvey Graham.
Financial statements were distributed in advance, and discussed at the meeting.
MOTION: Harvey Graham – That the Financial Report to March 31, 2014 is approved as distributed. CARRIED
MOTION: Nancy Rowan – That Auditor reviewed Annual Financial Statements dated December 31, 2013 be recommended to the Shareholders for approval. CARRIED
b. Physician Recruitment & Retention – Nancy Rowan & Paul Champion.
Written report was distributed in advance, and discussed at the meeting.
c. Health Programs – Dave Innell
Written report was distributed in advance, and discussed at the meeting.
d. Facility Management & Finance – Chuck
Verbal report was provided and discussed at the meeting.
e. Nominating Committee.
MOTION: Mike Phillips – That the Board for the ensuing year consist of 9 members of whom Chuck Connor (2015), Paul Champion (2015) and Nancy Hetherington (2016) will continue to serve until expiry of their terms. The board recommends 6 members be appointed for 3 year terms (2017). They are Michael Phillips, Harvey Graham, Gloria Hatfield, Derek Brindle, Dale Butler and Nancy Rowan. CARRIED
6. New Business
a. MOTION: Paul Champion – That Derek Brindle and Denise Brindle be accepted as GHCF members. CARRIED.
b. MOTION: Chuck Connor – That $10,000 be made available to PHC for counselling services subject to satisfactory payment structuring and reporting arrangements being confirmed and the approval of Judy Rogers. CARRIED
c. MOTION: Mike Phillips - That the terms of reference of the Facility and Finance Committee be approved as presented. CARRIED
7. Next Meeting: May 26 at 9:30 a.m. in the Health Centre Meeting Room.
8. Adjournment: Meeting adjourned at 12:30 a.m.
March 17, 2014
Gabriola Health Care Foundation
Board of Directors Meeting
Meeting Room, Community Health Centre
Present: Chuck Connor (President), Nancy Rowan (Vice-President), Harvey Graham (Treasurer), Nancy Hetherington Peirce (Secretary), Dave Innell, Paul Champion, Mike Phillips
1. Call to Order
Meeting was called to order at 9:35 a.m.; quorum was present.
2. Approval of Agenda
MOTION: Nancy HP – That the agenda is adopted as circulated. CARRIED
3. Approval of Minutes:
MOTION: Mike – That the minutes of the February 17, 2014 Board meeting are approved as distributed. CARRIED
4. Correspondence
5. Reports
a.Treasurer – Harvey
Financial statements were distributed in advance, and discussed at the meeting.MOTION: Harvey – That the Financial Report to February 28, 2014 is approved as distributed. CARRIED
b.Physician Recruitment & Retention – Nancy R & Paul
Written report was distributed in advance, and discussed at the meeting.
c.Health Programs – Dave
Written report was distributed in advance, and discussed at the meeting.
d.Facility Management & Finance – Chuck
Verbal report was provided and discussed at the meeting.
6. New Business
a. Nominations Committee progress and discussion – Mike
Three of the current directors have terms that do not end at the 2014 AGM: Paul Champion, Chuck Connor, Nancy Hetherington Peirce
MOTION: Mike – That six directors will be elected at the 2014 AGM. CARRIED
Committee continues to work, and will bring the recommended slate to the April 21 Board meeting.
b. Determine most suitable date for the AGM (based on nomination process)
ACTION: Nancy HP will contact Rollo Centre to reserve at date for the end of April.
c. Plans for attending next Islands Health Board meeting: Wednesday March 26, 2014
ACTION: Chuck, Mike, and Paul will attend the next IH Board meeting on Wednesday March 26 in Esquimalt.
d. Committee Structure & Terms of Reference
Meeting agreed on the revised generic format distributed in advance of the meeting, with a few changes after discussion.
i. Nancy HP distribute the approved generic format to the Board.
ii. All three committees provide their Terms of Reference, using the approved generic format, for the April 21 Board meeting.
7. Next Meetings: Third Monday of the month at 9:30 a.m. in the Health Centre Meeting Room: April 21, ? May 26 (fourth Monday to avoid Victoria Day), ? June 16
8. Adjournment
Meeting adjourned at approximately 12:00 noon.
February 17, 2014
Gabriola Health Care Foundation
Board of Directors Meeting
Present: Chuck Connor (President), Nancy Rowan (Vice-President), Harvey Graham (Treasurer), Nancy Hetherington Peirce (Secretary), Dave Innell, Paul Champion, Mike Phillips
1. Call to Order
Meeting was called to order at 9:35 a.m.; quorum was present.
2. Approval of Agenda
MOTION: Mike – That the agenda is adopted as circulated. CARRIED
3. Approval of Minutes:
MOTION: Nancy R – That the minutes of the January 20, 2014 Board meeting are approved as distributed. CARRIED
4. Correspondence
February 11, 2014: Received a Proposal for Funding from People for a Healthy Community
ACTION: See #6.b. below
5. Reports
a. Treasurer – Harvey
i. Financial statements were distributed in advance, and discussed at the meeting.
ii. MOTION: Harvey – That the Financial Report to January 31, 2014 is approved as distributed. CARRIED
b. Physician Recruitment & Retention – Nancy R
i. Verbal report was provided, and discussed at the meeting.
ii. ACTION: Chuck will pursue approvals for some specific uses of the GHCF Kitty Heller Programmes Fund (restricted fund).
c. Health Programs – Dave
i. Written report was distributed in advance, and discussed at the meeting.
ii. MOTION: Nancy R – That the Board approves the GHCF Terms & Conditions for the Bursary Fund for Paramedic Continuing Education, December 2013, as distributed and amended, subject to approval by the Kitty Heller Health Programmes Fund administrator. CARRIED
ACTION: Dave will amend and distribute the approved Terms and Conditions document.
iii. MOTION: Dave – That the Board approves the GHCF Rental Agreement for the Lower Consultation Room, February 2014, as distributed and amended. CARRIED
ACTION: Nancy HP will amend and distribute the approved Rental Agreement document.
iv. MOTION: Dave – That the Board approves a rental agreement for the Lower Level Consultation Room with Mitchell Orthotics, 1175 Dufferin Crescent, Nanaimo. CARRIED
d. Facility Management & Finance – Chuck
i. Verbal report was provided and discussed at the meeting.
6. New Business
a. AGM plans (tentatively April 10) & Nominations Committee – Chuck
i. ACTION: Nancy HP will book the Rollo Centre for the evening of Thurs. April 10, 2014.
ii. Nominations Committee (Mike Phillips, Paul Champion, Konrad Mauch) is at work.
b. Proposal for funding from People for a Healthy Community (Brenda Fowler, ED) – Chuck (Distributed in advance of the meeting)
i. ACTION: Health Programs Committee will review the proposal in detail and report at the next Board meeting.
c. Establishing Terms of Reference for Board Committees – Nancy HP
(Proposed generic format distributed in advance of the meeting)
i. ACTION: Nancy HP will revise and distribute the proposed generic format
ii. ACTION: The three Board Committees (Recruitment & Retention, Facility Management & Finance, and Health Programs) will provide draft Mandates for their committees, using the revised generic format, for the next Board meeting.
d. Relationships with the Island Health Board – Chuck
i. Chuck and Mike attended the January 29/14 IH Board meeting in Campbell River.
ii. ACTION: Chuck and one or more other BHCF Board members will attend the next two IH Board meetings on Wednesday March 26 (Victoria) and Thursday May 29 (Oceanside).
7. Next Meetings: Third Monday of the month at 9:30 a.m. in the Health Centre Meeting Room March 17, April 21, May 26 (fourth Wednesday Monday to avoid Victoria Day)
8. Adjournment
Meeting adjourned at approximately 12:00 noon.
January 20, 2014
Gabriola Health Care Foundation
Board of Directors Meeting
January 20, 2014, 9:30 a.m. – Meeting Room, Community Health Centre
Present: Chuck Connor (President), Nancy Rowan (Vice-President), Harvey Graham (Treasurer), Nancy Hetherington Peirce (Secretary), Dave Innell, Paul ChampionAbsent: Mike Phillips
1. Call to Order
Meeting was called to order at 9:35 a.m.; quorum was present.
2. Approval of Agenda
MOTION: NANCY HP – That the agenda is adopted as circulated. CARRIED
3. Approval of Minutes:
MOTION: DAVE – That the minutes of the November 27, 2013 Board meeting are approved as distributed. CARRIED
4. Correspondence
a. None
5. Reports
a. Treasurer – Harvey
(i) Financial statements were distributed in advance, and discussed at the meeting.
(ii) MOTION: HARVEY – That the Financial Report to December 31, 2013 is approved as distributed. CARRIED
(iii) ACTION: Nancy HP will write a letter of thanks as soon as possible to the Auxiliary for Island Health Care Society for their recent donation.
b. Physician Recruitment & Retention – Nancy R
Written report was distributed in advance, and discussed at the meeting.
c. Health Programs – Dave
Written report was distributed in advance, and discussed at the meeting.
d. Building, Business & Finance – Chuck
Verbal report was provided and discussed at the meeting. Current building projects will be completed in the next few months.
b. Proposed Board Budget for 2014:
(i) Meeting discussed the draft distributed in advance of the meeting
(ii) MOTION: PAUL – That the Board approve the 2014 GHCF Board Budget as distributed and amended. CARRIED
e. Donor Recognition Signs – Nancy HP
(i) Verbal report was provided and discussed. Most of the remaining tasks will be completed in the next few months.
(ii) The “photo history” will take several months to complete.
ACTION: Judith Graham and Nancy Hetherington Peirce to co-ordinate this task.
f. Task Force on Further Health Care Services on Gabriola – Dave
Verbal report was provided and discussed. Dave and Paul will represent the GHCF Board at the Sustainable Gabriola meeting with Island Health mental health services staff on Jan 29/14.
ACTION: Dave will organize a meeting in early February to review information gathered from the Island Health website regarding services provided by IH.
6. New BusinessNext steps from the discussion on Jan 8/14 re planning a proposal to the IH Board
Mental health issues: Dave and Paul will attend the Sustainable Gabriola meeting with IH staff on Jan 29/14, and will report to the Board on the results of that meeting
ACTION: Chuck and one other Board member will plan to attend the IH Board meeting in Campbell River on January 29 as observers.
b. Date for the 2014 AGM
Meeting agreed on Thursday April 10, 2014 as a tentative date.
c. Establishing Terms of Reference for Board Committees
Postponed to next Board meeting
7. Next Meetings: Third Monday of the month at 9:30 a.m. in the Health Centre Meeting Room
February 17, March 17, April 21
8. Adjournment
Meeting adjourned at approximately 11:30 a.m.
November 27, 2013
Gabriola Health Care Foundation
Board of Directors Meeting
November 27, 2013, 9:30 a.m. – Community Health Centre (lower level)
Present: Chuck Connor (President), Nancy Rowan (Vice-President), Harvey Graham (Treasurer), Nancy Hetherington Peirce (Secretary), Dave Innell, Mike Phillips
Absent: Paul Champion
1. Call to Order
Meeting was called to order at 9:45 a.m.; quorum was present.
2. Approval of Agenda
MOTION: MIKE – That the agenda is adopted as circulated. CARRIED
3. Approval of Minutes:
MOTION: MIKE – That the minutes of the October 23, 2013 Board meeting are approved as distributed. CARRIED
4. Correspondence
a. None
5. Reports
a. Treasurer – Harvey
a. Financial statements were distributed in advance, and discussed at the meeting.
b. MOTION: HARVEY – That the Financial Report to October 31, 2013 is approved as distributed. CARRIED
c. ACTION: Nancy HP will write a letter of thanks to the Auxiliary for Island Health Care for their recent donation.
b. Physician Recruitment & Retention – Nancy R
a. Written report was distributed in advance, and discussed at the meeting.
b. Final details were organized for the November 29/13 visit by BCMA President and the Open House to welcome Dr. Mierzewski.
c. Health Programs – Dave
a. Written report was distributed in advance, and discussed at the meeting.
b. ACTION: Nancy HP will distribute to the Board the current draft of the “GHCF Bursary Fund for Paramedic Continuing Education: Terms & Conditions”, and the current draft of the “Rental Contract for the Lower Level Treatment Room”, both for information.
d. Building, Business & Finance – Chuck
a. Verbal report was provided and discussed.
b. Proposed policies for renting the lower level meeting room
i. MOTION: HARVEY – That the GHCF Board adopt the document “Policies for Rental of the Health Centre Meeting Room”, as distributed and amended. CARRIED
ii. ACTION: Harvey will make the amendments and distribute the new document to the Board.
c. Outdoor signs, generator shed, sidewalk: Work is progressing well on these activities.
e. Donor Recognition Signs – Nancy HP
a. Verbal report was provided and discussed.
b. Tasks still in progress that will be completed within the next few months: Written history of the Centre (to be posted beside the donor board), photo history, sign at bike-rack, title for main donor board.
f. Task Force on Further Health Care Services on Gabriola – Dave
a. Verbal report was provided and discussed (referring to the section in the Health Programs Report noting the task of researching IH services).
6. New Business
a. Island Health Meeting - GHCF involvement in the January visit from Island Health mental health services staff, being organized by Sustainable Gabriola
a. Dave reported on the plans to date.
b. ACTIONS: Dave will circulate to the Board the draft of the information document that is being developed to present to the IH staff when they visit Gabriola in January.
b. Planning for a Board Presentation to an IH Board meeting
a. Meeting decided to make a presentation to the IH Board meeting on Wednesday, March 26, 2014 in Victoria (instead of the January Board meeting).
b. See #7 below for date of planning meeting.
c. Request for an overall Board budget for 2014
a. Nancy HP explained her request, and the Board agreed to begin the process.
b. ACTION: Nancy HP and Chuck will discuss next steps.
d. Report on the IH community consultation on November 25/13 in Nanaimo
a. Harvey Graham and Judith Graham attended on behalf of the GHCF Board. They collected information and talked with several IH staff members.
7. Next Meetings
a. Planning meeting for the proposal to the March 26/14 IH Board meeting:
WEDNESDAY JANUARY 8, 2014 – 9:00 a.m. (note earlier start time)
a. ACTION: Chuck will develop some discussion topics for this meeting, and will circulate these to the Board before the meeting.
b. Next Board meeting (in January): To be announced as soon as some Board members’ January schedules are clarified.
8. Adjournment
Meeting adjourned at approximately 12:00 noon.
Respectfully submitted: Nancy Hetherington Peirce
October 23, 2013
Gabriola Health Care Foundation
Board of Directors Meeting
October 23, 2013, 9:30 a.m. – Community Health Centre (lower level)
Present: Chuck Connor (President), Nancy Rowan (Vice-President), Harvey Graham (Treasurer), Nancy Hetherington Peirce (Secretary), Dave Innell, Mike Phillips
Absent: Paul Champion
1. Call to Order
Meeting was called to order at 9:35 a.m.; quorum was present.
2. Approval of Agenda
MOTION: M HARVEY That the agenda is adopted as circulated. CARRIED
3. Approval of Minutes:
MOTION: M DAVE That the minutes of the September 16, 2013 Board meeting are approved as distributed. CARRIED
4. Correspondence
a. Resignations from the Board were received from Margaret Litt and Judy Rogers, and accepted with regret.
b. Letter of thanks was sent to Lions Club on September 28, 2013. Letter of response was sent to Adrienne Marskell et al on September 30, 2013.
5. Reports
a. Treasurer – Harvey
MOTION: M HARVEY That the Financial Report to September 30, 2013 is approved as distributed. CARRIED
b. Physician Recruitment & Retention – Nancy R
Verbal report was received and discussed.
c. Health Programs – Dave
Written report was distributed in advance, and discussed at the meeting.
d. Building, Business & Finance – Chuck
Verbal report was received and discussed.
e. Donor Recognition Signs – Nancy HP
Verbal report was received and discussed.
DECISION: The meeting approved the donors’ choices of wording for the room-signs for the main level of the Health Centre, as distributed in advance of the meeting (noting that final choice of wording is still to come from two donors).6. New Business
a. Visit from the President of the BC Medical Association.
Meeting discussed the visit in November by Dr Glen Cunningham, President of the BCMA.
ACTION: Chuck, Dave, Nancy HP & Nancy R will organize the visit
b. “Welcome” event for Dr. Mierzewski at the Health Centre
Will be held at the same time as the visit from the BCMA President. Planning will happen once the date is established for the visit of the BCMA President.
c. Consider establishing a Task Force to address the issue of further health-care services on Gabriola (see e-mail from Chuck on May 14/13)
DECISION: Meeting supported the idea of a new Board Task Force to address the issue of further health-care services on Gabriola, and named Dave Innell to lead the group. Members will be recruited during the next few months.
MOTION: M DAVE That the GHCF Board accept the invitation of Sustainable Gabriola to send a representative of the GHCF Board to the Sustainable Gabriola meetings, and that Dave Innell act as the representative. CARRIED
d. Review and update the current governance procedures of the GHCF Board
(e.g. Terms of reference for committees, Board Policies binder, changes to By-laws)
Postponed to next meeting.
e. Establish a policy for rental of the lower level Meeting Room
ACTION: Nancy HP and Harvey will bring a proposed policy to the next meeting.
7. Next Meeting Wednesday Nov 27 at 9:30 a.m. – Meeting Room, lower level, Health Centre
8. Adjournment
Meeting adjourned at approximately 12:35 p.m.
Respectfully submitted: Nancy Hetherington Peirce
September 16, 2013
Gabriola Health Care Foundation
Board of Directors Meeting
Sept 16, 2013 , 7:00 p.m. – Community Health Centre (lower level)
Present: Chuck Connor (President), Nancy Rowan (Vice-President), Harvey Graham (Treasurer), Nancy Hetherington Peirce (Secretary), Paul Champion, Dave Innell, Mike Phillips
Absent: Judy Rogers
1. Call to Order
Quorum was present.
2. Approval of Agenda
MOTION: M DAVE That the agenda is adopted as circulated. CARRIED
3. Approval of Minutes:
MOTION: M HARVEY That the minutes of the June 17/13 regular Board meeting and the July 10/13 special Board meeting are approved as distributed. CARRIED
4. Correspondence
5. Reports
a. Treasurer – Harvey
MOTION: M HARVEY That the Financial Report to August 31, 2013 is approved as distributed. CARRIED
b. Physician Attraction & Retention – Nancy R / Paul
Report was discussed.
c. Health Programs – Dave
Report was discussed.
MOTION: M DAVE That the Board establish a Gabriola Paramedic Bursary Fund that would provide two bursaries of up to $500 each for each of the next three years to assist local paramedics with skills upgrading, with the bursaries funded from the Health Programs Fund. CARRIED
DECISION: As tenants in the Community Health Centre, the GHCF Board will favour those health-care practitioners who are regulated to practice in the province of British Columbia (see BC Ministry of Health website for regulation details). The Foundation will, however, consider other practitioners who offer health-care services that, in the opinion of the Board, meet health-care needs not already adequately fulfilled on Gabriola Island.
d. Building, Business & Finance
No report.
6. New Business
a. Response to August 6/13 letter from Adrianne Marskell and others
The Board will send a letter of response in the next few weeks.
b. Signs to recognize donors for construction of Health Centre, and directional signs – Nancy HP
Meeting reviewed the information that was distributed ahead of the meeting, and made some procedural decisions. The goal is to have all signs in place by the end of December.
c. Request for change of date for Board meetings in Oct, Nov, and Dec
Meeting agreed to change to the third or fourth Wednesday of the month (depending on availability of members) at 9:30 a.m.
7. Next Meeting – WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 23, 2013 at 9:30 am, Health Centre (lower level)
8. Adjournment
Meeting adjourned at approximately 9:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted: Nancy Hetherington Peirce
July 10, 2013
Gabriola Health Care Foundation
Board of Directors Meeting
Community Health Centre, Lower Level
Present: Nancy Rowan (Vice-President), Harvey Graham (Treasurer), Nancy Hetherington Peirce (Secretary), Paul Champion, Dave Innell, Mike Phillips, Judy Rogers
Absent: Chuck Connor
1. Call to Order and Quorum – Nancy R called the meeting called to order at 7:00 pm; quorum present
MOTION Moved by Dave:
That the Board waives notice of this special Board meeting, as per Bylaw #46.5. CARRIED
2. Approval of Agenda – Meeting agreed by consensus to the agenda as stated by Nancy R.
MOTION M/S Mike/Nancy HP: That the Board move into Executive Session at 7:05 pm. CARRIED
MOTION M/S: Paul/Dave: That the Board move out of Executive Session at 8:45 pm. CARRIED
3. Adjournment Meeting was adjourned at 8:55 pm.
Respectfully submitted: Nancy Hetherington Peirce, Board Secretary
June 17, 2013
Gabriola Health Care Foundation
Board of Directors Meeting
Community Health Centre, Lower Level
Present: Paul Champion, Chuck Connor, Harvey Graham, Dave Innell, Margaret Litt, Mike Phillips, Nancy Rowan.
Absent: Judy Rogers, Nancy Hetherington Peirce
Sandy Affle-Besseling, Jeremy Baker, Carol Baird-Krul, Judy Besseling, Diane Cornish, Jake Galbraith, Verna Gregson, Antoinette Herivel, Donna Kydd, Jim Mackenzie, Adrianne Maskell, John McDowell, Dave Wharskell, Muriel Wiens, Deborah Vitek.
1. Call to Order – Chuck called the meeting to order at 7.00 pm
2. Quorum – Yes.
The Chair explained to the observers that this Board meeting did not include a “public discussion session”, but that they were welcome to stay as observers for the meeting unless/until the meeting moved into Executive Session, at which point all non-Board members must leave. The observers then requested the opportunity to ask some questions to the Board before the business of the meeting began. The Chair agreed to provide fifteen minutes. During this time, the observers invited any Board members to join them at the Gabriola Professional Centre for further discussion after they left this meeting.
3. Approval of Agenda – Approved by consensus
4. Approval of the Minutes –
MOTION: M/S Paul/Dave: That the minutes of the May 21, 2013 Board meeting are approved as distributed. CARRIED
5. Correspondence
a. June 5, 2013: Letter from Dr. Jim Mackenzie to Paul Champion (copied to Nancy Rowan and Chuck Connor) regarding the June 4/13 meeting of Jim Mackenzie and Paul Champion.
6. Reports
Treasurer – Harvey
a. Year-to-date financial report for May 31, 2013 was distributed in advance of meeting.
Physician Attraction and Retention – Nancy R, Paul
a. Written report was distributed.
b. ACTION: Nancy R will prepare a draft response from the Board to Dr. Mackenzie regarding his June 5, 2013 letter to Nancy R, and will distribute it to all Board members for review.
Building Construction – Chuck, Mike
a. Report was provided verbally to the meeting
b. Work on the lower level and on landscaping is proceeding well, and is on time and on budget
Health Programs – Dave
a. Report was distributed in advance of the meeting; paper copy is in Minute Book.
b. ACTION: Margaret to report to Sustainable Gabriola that GHCF Board supports their discussions re possibly organizing a community forum on primary health care needs on the island.
Business and Finance – Mike/Chuck
a. This newly-forming committee provided a verbal report to the meeting.
MOTION: M/S Harvey/Mike That the meeting move into Executive Session at 7:45 pm. CARRIED
The observers then left, along with Board members Margaret Litt and Mike Phillips, to continue discussions at the Gabriola Professional Centre.
Mike Phillips returned to the Board meeting at approximately 10:00 pm.
MOTION: M/S Mike/Harvey That the meeting move out of Executive Session at 11:00 pm CARRIED
7. Adjournment – Chuck adjourned the meeting at 11:05 pm.
MONDAY SEPTEMBER 16, 2013, 7:00 pm, at the Community Health Centre, lower level.
Respectfully submitted, Nancy Hetherington Peirce, Secretary
May 21, 2013
Gabriola Health Care Foundation
Board of Directors Meeting
Present: Chuck Connor (President), Nancy Rowan (Vice-President), Nancy Hetherington Peirce (Secretary), Harvey Graham (Treasurer), Paul Champion, Dave Innell, Margaret Litt, Mike Phillips, Judy Rogers.
1. Call to Order and Quorum – Chuck called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Quorum present.
2. Approval of Agenda – Meeting agreed by consensus to approve agenda as distributed.
3. Approval of Minutes:
• MOTION: M/S Harvey / Mike That the minutes of the Feb 20/13 Board meeting are approved as distributed. CARRIED
• MOTION: M/S Nancy R / Dave That the minutes of the Apr 17/13 Board meeting are approved as distributed. CARRIED
4. Correspondence – None
5. Reports
(a) Treasurer – Harvey
Year-to-date financial report to April 30, 2013 was distributed in advance of meeting; paper copy is in Minute Book. Some questions and discussion; no specific actions were named.
(b) Building Management – Chuck/Mike
• 2012/13 New Horizons Project (landscaping and trails): All funds ($25,000) have been spent as per the agreement. A final report to the New Horizons office (federal government) has been submitted by Mike.
• Lower level construction completion is on schedule and on budget.
(c) Physician Attraction & Retention – Nancy R
Report was distributed in advance of meeting; paper copy is in Minute Book. Meeting discussed several aspects of the report; no specific actions were named.
(d) Health Programs – Dave
Report was distributed in advance of meeting; paper copy is in Minute Book. Meeting discussed several aspects of the report; no specific actions were named.
6. Updating the GHCF Vision Statement and major areas of work – Chuck
(a) Meeting reviewed the Overview Document prepared by Margaret, and discussed a range of issues relevant to updating the GHCF Vision Statement.
(b) Actions:
• Nancy R and Paul: Continue to gather information regarding medical needs for the urgent care room.
• Dave: Gather information regarding potential involvement of the BC Ambulance Service with the urgent care room.
• Health Programs Committee: Develop a list of high-priority health care needs on Gabriola, for the Foundation Board to discuss.
• Margaret: Develop a proposed Vision Statement, with help from other Board members, for the next Board meeting.
7. New Business
(a) “Triage Criteria for Proposed Projects”: Margaret distributed a draft version of this tool for evaluating proposed projects for the Foundation. Further discussion to happen at future meetings.
(b) “Medical Clinic” sign on North Road: Meeting discussed the pros and cons of the location and wording of this sign; no specific actions were named.
8. Next Meeting – Third Monday of the month -- June 17, 2013 at 7:00 pm; Community Health Centre lower level.
9. Adjournment – Meeting adjourned at 9:45 pm.
Respectfully submitted, Nancy Hetherington Peirce, Secretary
April 17, 2013
Gabriola Health Care Foundation
Board of Directors Meeting
Present: Paul Champion, Chuck Connor, Harvey Graham, Nancy Hetherington Peirce, Dave Innell, Margaret Litt, Mike Phillips, Nancy Rowan.
Absent: Judy Rogers
1. Call to Order – Jill Adamson, as acting chair the for election of Officers, called the Board meeting to order at 8:20 pm
2. Quorum – Yes. (Quorum is more than 50% of the current Board members.)
3. Approval of Agenda – by consensus
4. Election of Officers
MOTION: M/S Harvey / Dave That the following directors be elected as the Officers of the GHCF Board until the next AGM: President – Chuck Connor, Vice-President – Nancy Rowan, Treasurer – Harvey Graham, Secretary – Nancy Hetherington Peirce. CARRIED
Jill left the meeting.
Chair for remainder of meeting: Chuck Connor
5. New Business
a. Bank Resolution
MOTION: M/S Harvey / Mike That:
1. All cheques, drafts, and orders for payment of money drawn on any Bank, Credit Union or Trust Company (hereinafter referred to as the “Credit Union”) account operated in the name of the Gabriola Health Care Foundation, (hereinafter referred to as "GHCF") shall be signed by:
(a) any two of:
the President, Chuck Connor,
the Vice-president, Nancy Rowan,
the Secretary, Nancy Hetherington Peirce, and
the Treasurer, Harvey Graham
except that:
(b) cheques, drafts, and orders for payment of money in amounts not exceeding $500.00 may be signed by any one of the persons set out above.
2. All authorized banking accounts of GHCF existing as of the date of this resolution and all arrangements with regard to electronic banking are hereby continued.
3. Any two of the foregoing are authorized to provide direction to the Credit Union with respect to the opening and closing of any GHCF accounts.
4. Any two of the foregoing are authorized to enter into agreements relating to interest rates and other agreements of every nature whatsoever related to the investment of GHCF moneys in investment instruments issued by the Credit Union.
b. Vision of GHCF
(i) Meeting discussed the suggestion from Chuck that the Board promptly undertake a process to review and update the vision of GHCF, and then establish specific objectives and committees.
(ii) ACTION: Margaret, Dave, and Nancy HP will collect historical documents regarding the GHCF vision, objectives, etc, and distribute to the Board before the next Board meeting.
(iii) ACTION: Paul and Nancy R will meet with the physicians as soon as possible to discuss their opinions regarding health services on the island and the role of GHCF.
Meetings will be held on the third Wednesday of the month at 7:00 pm at the Gabriola Community Health Centre, in the meeting room on the lower level.
7. Adjournment – Chuck adjourned the meeting at 9:00 p.m.
February 20, 2013
Gabriola Health Care Foundation
Board of Directors Meeting
February 20, 2013 7pm Rollo Centre
GHCF Board Attendees: Jill Adamson (President), Judith Madsen (Secretary), Harvey Graham (Treasurer), Brenda Fowler, Mike Phillips, Nancy Rowan, Chuck Connor, Judith Graham, Dave Innell,
Absent: Konrad Mauch (Vice-President), Rufus Churcher
Chair: Jill Adamson
1.0 Meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Jill Adamson.
2.0 Quorum: Present
3.0 Approval of Agenda: MOTION: M/S Dave/Nancy R accept the agenda as distributed, with the additions of New Business 7.1 Date for AGM and 7.2 Assessment Appeals Update from Dave Innell. CARRIED
4.0 Approval of Minutes
4.1 MOTION: M/S Mike/Nancy R That the GHCF Board approve the minutes, as distributed by email, of the Board meeting January 16th 2012 with changes to 5.2 “A letter to and from the Gabriola Auxiliary for Island Health Care Society was received Nov. 26th/12 acknowledging that there is not space available on the first floor of the building.” to delete after Nov 26th /12 to read “regarding space on the first floor of the building.” CARRIED
Business Arising from the Minutes - covered throughout the Agenda.
5.0 Reports and New Business
5.1 Finance: Harvey
Report was distributed by email, in advance of the meeting.
MOTION: M/S Harvey/Mike Phillips That the GHC Foundation financial report be approved. CARRIED
5.2 Nominations/Governance: Chuck Connor
MOTION: 7:13pm M/S Dave/Chuck That the meeting move into Executive Session. CARRIED
MOTION: 7:45pm M/S Konrad/Rufus That the meeting move out of Executive Session. CARRIED
5.3 Doctor Attraction and Retention: Nancy Rowan
See attached report as distributed by email.
5.4 VIHA; Dave Innell
Dave Innell’s report attached as distributed by email.
MOTION: Dave/ Judith G Move that we write a letter to the Dept. of Operations BC Ambulance Services, proposing expansion of their role, within the Gabriola Community Health Centre. CARRIED
5.5 Programs Committee: Dave Innell
Dave will follow up on the 2013 Spring meeting with the Gabriola Health Practitioners, working alongside PHC and inviting the island doctors.
5.6 Building Management Committee: Chuck Connor
• Water reverse Osmosis will begin next week.
• The Benches are progressing for installation in late March.
• Mike has the landscaping well in place on the first level of the building.
6.0 Correspondence:
6.1 Article forwarded by the Sounder News regarding Amendments to Strenghthen Emergency Health Services.
7.0 New Business:
7.1 Date for the 2013 AGM is set for April 17th Wednesday, 2013 at the Rollo Centre.
7.2 The application has been put in by Dave Innell for the Appeals update.
Wednesday AGM April 17th 7:00 pm GHCF AGM Meeting, Rollo Centre,
The meeting adjourned at 9:10 p.m. JudithG/Dave
Respectfully submitted, Judith Madsen, GHCF Secretary
January 16, 2013
Gabriola Health Care Foundation
Board of Directors Meeting
January 16, 2013 7pm Rollo Centre
GHCF Board Attendees: Jill Adamson (President), Konrad Mauch (Vice-President), Judith Madsen (Secretary), Harvey Graham (Treasurer), Mike Phillips, Judith Graham, Chuck Connor, Dave Innell, Nancy Rowan. Rufus Churcher
Absent: Brenda Fowler
Chair: Jill Adamson
1.0 Meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Jill Adamson.
2.0 Quorum: Present
3.0 Approval of Agenda: MOTION: M/S Konrad/Rufus accept the agenda as distributed, CARRIED
4.0 Approval of Minutes
4.1 MOTION: M/S Mike/Nancy R That the GHCF Board approve the minutes, as distributed by email, of the joint Board meeting November 21/2012 with changes to 5.4 -Health Services Forum report: Line7: VIHA meetings, Nancy R, Brenda and Dave Innell attending Wednesday, Nov 27th/12. CARRIED
Business Arising from the Minutes - covered throughout the Agenda.
5.0 Reports and New Business
5.1 Finance: Harvey
Report was distributed by email, in advance of the meeting.
MOTION: M/S Harvey/Dave Innell That the GHC Foundation “prepared” yearly financial report for the year 2012 be approved. M/S Moved for approval by Konrad/Rufus. CARRIED
5.2 Building Management Committee:
Attached Building Report as distributed by email.
Attached: A letter to and from the Gabriola Auxiliary for Island Health Care Society was received Nov 26th/12 acknowledging that there is not space available on the first floor of the building.
7:10 pm MOTION: M/S Konrad/Rufus That the meeting move into Executive Session. CARRIED
7:55 pm M/S Konrad/Dave Out of Executive Session.
5.3 Doctor Attraction and Retention: Nancy Rowan
Nancy Rowan’s report attached as distributed by email. The group has had meetings with the Doctors. Focus: Increased advertising for Doctor position via medical journals, local newspapers, and within the community. Attraction incentives were discussed. Attached GHCF Communication Strategy Key Messages recommendations submitted by Nancy Rowan.
MOTION: M/S Mike, Rufous Moved that $5,000 is available for recruitment purposes. CARRIED
5.4 VIHA; Dave Innell
Report on Terms of Reference.
There will be a meeting with VIHA ,Victoria Powers Jan 18th/2013. Nancy Rowan and Dave Innell will attend. The meetings are every 2-3 months, on Vancouver Island and the next one will be in Feb.2013. GHCF committee is using every opportunity to discuss the GHCF work with VIHA Board members and staff. Several Board members and senior staff have expressed interest in visiting the island and touring the new Health Centre"
5.5 Programs Committee: Dave Innell
No report at this time.
5.6 Nominations/Governance: Chuck Connor
See attached report by Chuck Connor, Dave Innell, & Lawrence Spero
It is proposed that the AGM date be as early as April 2013.
They recommend a smaller board of 8-10 members.
Currently 4 board members; Harvey Graham, Mike Phillips, Nancy Rowan and Dave Innell, continue on and 7 members are at the end of terms. The committee would like the 4 board members to have input. They request the 2013 end of term members to submit their names as to whether they would continue or step down.
6.0 Correspondence:
6.1 Brenda asked for a published Wish List of equipment and approximate costs in December 2012. (Action)
6.2 Letter from the Gabriola Auxiliary for Island Health Care Society - under Building Management Committee report.
Wednesday March 20th 7:00 pm GHCF Meeting, Rollo Centre,
The meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m. Konrad/Mike
Respectfully submitted, Judith Madsen, GHCF Secretary
November 21, 2012
Gabriola Health Care Foundation
7pm Rollo Centre
GHCF Board Attendees: Jill Adamson (President), Konrad Mauch (Vice-President), Judith Madsen (Secretary), Harvey Graham (Treasurer), Mike Phillips, Judith Graham, Brenda Fowler, Chuck Connor, Dave Innell, Nancy Rowan
Absent: Rufus Churcher
Chair: Jill Adamson
1.0 Meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Jill Adamson.
2.0 Quorum: Present
3.0 Approval of Agenda: MOTION: M/S Konrad/Dave accept the agenda as distributed, with the addition of 7.4 “Arts Council Letter”.
4.0 Approval of Minutes
4.1 MOTION: M/S Mike/Brenda That GHCF Board approve the minutes, as distributed by email, of the joint Board meeting October 17th, 2012.
Business Arising from the Minutes - covered throughout the Agenda.
5.0 Reports and New Business
5.1 Finance: Harvey
Report was distributed by email, in advance of the meeting.
MOTION: M/S Harvey/Konrad That the GHC Foundation financial report for October 2012 be approved.
5.2 Building Management Committee:
7:07 pm
MOTION: M/S Konrad/Dave That the meeting move into Executive Session. CARRIED
8:00 pm M/S Konrad/Dave Out of Executive Session.
5.3 Doctor Attraction and Retention: Nancy Rowan
Nancy Rowan prepared a report of her working group. The group has had meetings with the Doctors, VIHA representatives and submitted a report of the goals and objectives.
MOTION: Mike/Harvey Moved that the Board accepts the report by the working group Doctor Attraction and Retention as submitted, see attached copy, approving in principal the goals and objectives.
MOTION: Mike/Konrad That the Board give a Christmas Gift to the 3 staff members.
5.4 Health Services Forum:
Dave Innell presented the Health Services Forum Report, as previously emailed to the Board.
The Health Services Forum was viewed as a good experience and the group wants to do this again in the new year, with co-ordination through PHC and GHCF.
Discussion from Nancy Rowan about the issue of Nurse and Urgent Care requires further understanding of this issue.
VIHA meetings, Dave, Nancy R and Brenda are attending Wed. Nov 27th/12.
6.0 Correspondence:
6.1 This November 21, 2012 an email letter to Jill Adamson from the Gabriola Arts Council, will be forwarded on to the Board members and discussed at the next meeting.
6.2 Brenda asked for a published Wish List of equipment and approximate costs.
7.0 Committees: Discussion / Implementation
List of Committees and members emailed in advance, see attached copy, was agreed upon with the addition of Dave Innell to the VIHA Liaison
VIHA meetings, Dave, Nancy R and Brenda are attending Wed. Nov 27th/12.
Request by Konrad that the Nomination/Governance Committee create a Governance Paper covering Goals and Structure required going forward. (2013 AGM there are 7 of the 11 board members completing their term.)
Brenda suggests a Communications Committee with a re-statement of protocols dealing with media and government agencies. Decision re-affirmed that the President will speak to the press. Nancy Rowan would like to see an orientation package for new board members.
Wednesday Dec 21st 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm GHCF Meeting, Rollo Centre,
7:00pm to 9:00pm; a small Christmas Celebration for the Board and guests.
The meeting adjourned at 9:25 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Judith Madsen, GHCF Secretary
October 17, 2012
Gabriola Health Care Foundation
Board of Directors Meeting
Gabriola Health Care Foundation
Board of Directors Meeting
October 17th, 2012 7pm Rollo Centre
GHCF Board Attendees: Jill Adamson (President), Konrad Mauch (Vice-President), Judith Madsen (Secretary), Harvey Graham (Treasurer), Rufus Churcher, Mike Phillips, Judith Graham, Brenda Fowler, Nancy Rowan, Dave Innell.
Absent: Konrad Mauch (Vice-President)
Chair: Jill Adamson
1.0 Meeting was called to order at 7:03 pm by Jill Adamson. Jill welcomed Nancy Rowan and Dave Innell as new Foundation Board members.
2.0 Quorum: Present
3.0 Approval of Agenda: MOTION: M/S Mike/Rufus accept the agenda as distributed. CARRIED
4.0 Approval of Minutes
4.1 MOTION: M/S Mike/Rufus That GHCF Board approve minutes, as distributed by email, of the joint Board meeting September 19, 2012.
5.0 Appointment of Officers:
5.1 MOTION;;M/S Harvey/Mike That the GHCF Board appoint the following members as officers on the board the slate.
President: Jill Adamson
Vice President: Konrad Mauch
Financial Officer: Harvey Graham
Secretary: Judith Madsen
Privacy Commissioner: Brenda Fowler
5.2 MOTION: M/S Mike/Harvey That Chuck Connor, Dave Innell be appointed to the Nominating Committee and inviting Lawrence Spero as part of the group.
6.0 Correspondence:
Correspondence was read from the Gabriola Aux Island Health Care Society to thank the board for the use of the cart and that they were uncertain about purchasing the Gabe Cart in 2013 due to future programs. GAIHC asked for pickup for October 31st, 2012.
Business Arising from the Minutes - covered throughout the Agenda.
7.0 Reports and New Business
7.0 FINANCE – Harvey Graham
Report was distributed by email, in advance of the meeting.
7.1 MOTION: M/S Harvey/Mike. That the GHC Foundation financial report for September 2012 be approved.
7.1.a Harvey reported that the Highways Loan will be released in 2 days.
7.1.b Chuck Connor recommended a Maintenance Fund to be established with any excess money for an Operations Shortfall that can be used for specific repairs for the future. Harvey will check on Revenue Canada’s current rules of operating percentages.
MOTION: Harvey/Mike That any future donations would go into the operations account to balance income against expenses unless otherwise specified by the donor. CARRIED
7.1.c There is no update with the Tax Assessor, however, Konrad Mauch has discussed our case with him.
7.2 Fundraising: Set aside for next board meeting.
7.3 Health Forum: Dave Innell
24 attendees have confirmed and Nancy Rowan will be attending. The Sounder has been informed and will write about the co-ordination and collaboration of health practitioners as news for the community.
7.4 Health Centre Management: Chuck Connor
With the Building permits the construction on the lower floor, for Life Labs and the waiting room is progressing.
7.4.a Nancy Rowan asked about Physician Recruitment. Discussion followed, concerning rural physician recruitment. Don Butt is currently attending a physicians conference and is giving a presentation about Gabriola Community Health Care Centre.
MOTION: Jill/Judith M That Nancy Rowan will head a committee for attraction and retention for rural physician recruitment.
8.0 ADJOURNMENT Dave I/Nancy R
The meeting adjourned at 8:38p.m.
9.0 The Next Meeting is November 21st/2012 Rollo Centre 7pm
Respectfully submitted,
Judith Madsen, GHCF Secretary
September 19, 2012
Gabriola Health Care Foundation & Society
Board of Directors Meeting
Rollo Centre
GHCF Board Attendees: Jill Adamson (President), Konrad Mauch (Vice President), Judith Madsen (Secretary), Harvey Graham (Treasurer), Judith Graham, Brenda Fowler, Chuck Connor
Absent: Don Butt, Inge Fretheim, Rufus Churcher, Mike Phillips, Dallas Smith
GHCS Board Attendees: Nancy Hetherington Peirce (President/Secretary), Harvey Graham (Treasurer), Lynne Young, Brenda Fowler
Absent: Don Butt, Dave Innell, Earl Miller, Nancy Nevison.
Guest: Nancy Rowan
Chair: Jill Adamson
1.0 Meeting was called to order at 7:05 pm by Jill Adamson with a welcome to everyone. Jill introduced Nancy Rowan, who spoke about her career with health care prior to the meeting agenda. Nancy then left the meeting.
2.0 Quorum: Present for Foundation. Not present for Society
3.0 Agenda: MOTION: M/S Judith/Lynne approved agenda. CARRIED
4.0 APPROVAL OF MINUTES (distributed in advance of Meeting)
4.2 Foundation Board
4.1.1 MOTION: M/S Judith M/Brenda That the GHCF & GHCS Joint Board Minutes of July 18th 2012 as distributed by email prior to the meeting be approved. CARRIED
4.2.2 MOTION: M/S Judith M/ Brenda That the GHC Foundation Board approve the minutes, as distributed by email, of the Special Foundation Board Meeting of Aug 15th, 2012 with the following changes:
1. The date to be changed to August 15th, 2012.
2. Item 6.0 Correspondence: Judith G reported the receipt of a number of responses to written invitations to our Official Opening and Ribbon Ceremony; as well, she wrote a letter to Mr. Don Hubbard, Chair of the Board of Directors, Vancouver Island Health Authority thanking him for his attendance, and requesting guidance with respect to moving forward with the Request for Proposal (RFP) with respect to Home and Community Care on Gabriola Island. CARRIED
Business Arising from the Minutes - covered throughout the agenda.
5.0 CORRESPONDENCE: Judith Graham
5.1 There has been a response from Mr. Hubbard, Chair of the Board of VIHA, to our inquiry about the Request for Proposal (RFP) with respect to Home and Community Care on Gabriola Island.
6.0 Reports and New Business
6.1 GHC Society
6.1.1 FINANCE – Harvey
Report was distributed in advance of the meeting. No quorum present to approve report.
6.1.2 Auxiliary Committee - inactive: no report.
6.2 GHC Foundation
6.2.1 FINANCE – Harvey
Report was distributed in advance of the meeting.
MOTION: M/S Harvey/Konrad That the GHC Foundation financial report for August 2012 be approved. CARRIED
6.2.2.i Jill Adamson reported an anonymous Donation of $50,000 as a contribution to the required paving.
6.2.2.ii The Donation of $50,000 from the estate bequest of Kitty Heller managed by Judy Rogers has been received.
The coordinated efforts of Judy Rogers and the GHCF board Committee will apply this money towards Health initiatives.
7:50 pm M/S Lynne Young / Nancy HP That the meeting move into Executive Session CARRIED
8:30 pm Judith M / Nancy HP That the meeting move out of Executive Session CARRIED
6.2.3.i MOTION: M/S Harvey/Brenda That the GHCF Board appoints the President or the Vice-President or the Treasurer to be the signing authority for VIHA Request For Proposal (RFP) and any follow up negotiations with VIHA on the RFP. CARRIED
Brenda asked what is left to be done with the first level that is funded by the 1.34 million dollars raised in donations?
Chuck’s Report: Landscaping and interior work on the lower level will be covered by the monies raised to date: $1.34 million. The workers are volunteering to begin this September and estimate to be finished by December 2012.
The Paving is done on the roadway, and on both lower and upper lots. Our cost was lessened by a contribution of labour and equipment from Steve Rhicard. The Strano’s have donated a bike shelter. The lower level will have an entrance area built similar to upstairs level. The lower level will have the cement floors poured, the walls put up, the electrical, heat, vent and plumbing. A garbage container will be built outside as well as an enclosure for the Generator. The Landscaping will be finished. The Helicopter pad will have a switch for lighting that approaching pilots turn on 15 km away. Konrad’s Report: Water testing and treatment is on budget as is the garbage collection and the first BC Hydro bill was under budget.
7.0 Joint Business
7.1 Action from 2011 Joint Strategic Plan - Increased Profile of the Centre with VIHA
The Foundation’s submission to the RFP has been outlined. It will be submitted by October 2, 2012.
7.2 Gabriola Health Services Forum Sat Oct 20, 2012. Nancy HP
There has been an excellent response from all invited; planning continues.
7.3 Discussion of decisions from Sept 4/12 Special Society Board Meeting. Nancy HP
7.3.i Decision to dissolve the GHC Society as soon as possible after the 2012 AGM and to bring 4 motions to the membership at the AGM; no concerns were raised.
See attached resolutions.
7.3.ii Decision to hold the 2012 AGM for the GHCS on Wednesday October 10/2012, just in advance of the GHC Foundation AGM; no concerns were raised.
7.3.iii Use of the Gabe Cart is confirmed until the loan from the Foundation ends Oct 31, 2012.
7.4 Planning for Society and Foundation 2012 AGM’s
7.4.i A draft Notice of Meeting for both AGM’s was reviewed, with some revisions suggested. Harvey will handle the revisions, and send the Notice to the Sounder and Shingle newspapers for publication on Monday September 24th/ 2012.
7.4.ii Jill and Nancy HP will write the explanations for the proposed motions. Harvey will post the proposed motions and explanations on the website by Sept 24.
7.5 Debriefing of Ideas for Future Strategic Planning
Postponed due to the number of absent Board members.
8.0 Next Meeting
9.0 AdjournmentThe meeting adjourned at 9:05 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Judith Madsen, GHCF Secretary
Nancy Hetherington Peirce, GHCS Secretary
Return to the top of the pageSeptember 4, 2012
Gabriola Health Care Society
Special Board of Directors Meeting
September 4, 2012, 7:00pm – Gabriola Island
Present: Nancy Hetherington Peirce (President/Secretary), Dave Innell (Vice-President), Harvey Graham (Treasurer), Brenda Fowler, Lynne Young, Nancy Nevison, Earl Miller
Absent: Don Butt
Chair: Nancy Hetherington Peirce
1. Call to Order – Meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm.
2. Quorum – Meeting had a quorum
3. Approval of Agenda
MOTION: M/ Lynne That the agenda is approved as distributed. CARRIED
4. On-going role of the GHC Society
MOTION: M/S Harvey/Lynne That the Gabriola Health Care Society Board approves the dissolution of the Gabriola Health Care Society as soon as possible after the 2012 AGM. CARRIED
MOTION: M/S Dave/Nancy N That the Board brings the following four motions to the 2012 AGM:
a) “Resolved that the members of the Gabriola Health Care Society approve the dissolution of the Gabriola Health Care Society as soon as possible after the 2012 AGM.”
b) “Resolved that the members of the Gabriola Health Care Society direct that all assets of the Society remaining after all liabilities have been paid, and after the costs of dissolving the Society have been provided for, be distributed by the directors in the following manner:
1. All office equipment (cash register, shelving, etc) be donated to the Gabriola Auxiliary for Island Health Care Society, and
2. All remaining funds of the Society (approximately $500) be donated equally to the Gabriola Health Care Foundation and the Gabriola Auxiliary for Island Health Care Society.”
c) “Resolved that the Registrar of Companies for the Province of British Columbia be requested to dissolve the Gabriola Health Care Society.”
d) “Resolved that the directors of the Gabriola Health Care Society be authorized to take all necessary steps to obtain the dissolution of the Society.”
5. Date for the GHC Society 2012 AGM
MOTION: M/S Earl/Brenda That the GHC Society 2012 AGM is held on Wednesday October 10, 2012, just in advance of the GHC Foundation AGM. CARRIED
Terms of current directors:
o The first 3-year terms end at the 2012 AGM: Harvey, Dave, Don, Brenda
o The Board appointed Lynne in December 2011 to serve as a director until the 2012 AGM
o The first 3-year terms continue: Nancy HP (2013), Earl (2014), Nancy N (2014)
MOTION: M/S Earl/Nancy N That Harvey Graham and Dave Innell will be nominated at the 2012 AGM for election to the Board of Directors, in order that the Board continues with the required minimum of five directors. CARRIED
6. Review of uses of the Gabe Cart in September and October
The Auxiliary is using the Cart for storing extra items for the Gabe Shop, and for advertizing the location of the Shop; preference is to continue these uses until October 31 (end of the loan of the Cart from the Foundation to the Society), and the Society Board supports this plan. The Cart will not be used to serve food at the Fall Fair on September 16th.
7. Review of the draft minutes of the 2011 AGM on September 8, 2011
The meeting provided some corrections, which will be made before presentation at the 2012 AGM.
8. Adjournment: 8:10 pm
Respectfully submitted,
Nancy Hetherington Peirce
Return to the top of the pageAugust 15th, 2012
Gabriola Health Care Foundation
Board of Directors Meeting
7:00 PM Rollo Centre
GHCF Board Attendees: Jill Adamson (President), Konrad Mauch (Vice-President), Judith Madsen (Secretary), Harvey Graham (Treasurer), Rufus Churcher, Mike Phillips, Inge Fretheim, Judith Graham, Brenda Fowler
Absent: Chuck Connor, Dallas Smith, Don Butt
Guest: Lawrence Spero
Chair: Jill Adamson
1.0 Meeting was called to order at 7:03 pm by Jill Adamson.
2.0 Quorum: Present
3.0 Approval of Agenda: MOTION: M/S Mike/Konrad accept the agenda as distributed. CARRIED
Business Arising from the Minutes - covered throughout the Agenda.
4.0 Nominating Committee Report: Lawrence Spero, Inge Fretheim
See Attached report
5.0 Approval of Minutes
5.1 MOTION: M/S Konrad/Harvey That GHCF Board approve the joint minutes, as distributed by email, of the joint Board meeting July 18th, 2012, with the following changes. CARRIED
- #1.0: Change address to "695 Church Road"
- #6.2.1: Remove the paragraph beginning with "Action" and insert the following paragraph: "The AGM for the GHCF will be set at the July 18th joint Board meeting. A request was made that the Foundation Board members address a letter to the President re their intention to complete their term or step down from the GHCF Board at the AGM, in order to assist the Nominations Committee."
5.2 MOTION: M/S Mike/Inge That the GHCF board approve the minutes of the Special Board Meeting July 18th, 2012. CARRIED
6.0 Correspondence: Judith Graham
Correspondence presented acknowledging receipt of a number of responses to written invitations to our Official Opening and Ribbon Ceremony, along with a letter to Mr. Don Hubbard, Chair of the Board of Directors, Vancouver Island Health Authority thanking him for his attendance, and requesting guidance with respect moving forward with our Request for Proposal with respect to Home and community Care on Gabriola.
7.0 Reports and New Business
7.1 FINANCE – Harvey
Report was distributed by email, in advance of the meeting.
MOTION: M/S Harvey/Konrad That the GHC Foundation financial report for July 2012 be approved. CARRIED
7.2 MOTION: M/S Harvey/Mike That the GHC Foundation Financial Statement for the year of Dec 31st 2011 as previously distributed by email be approved. CARRIED
8.0 Nominations Committee members for the 2012 AGM
The nominating committee of Rufus Churcher, Inge Fretheim and Lawrence Spero will interview current directors and make other recommendations if necessary, to the board. The date has been set for October 10th, 2012 at the Rollo Centre.
Wednesday 7:00 pm September 19th 2012, at the Rollo Centre.
The meeting adjourned at approximately 9:15p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Judith Madsen, GHCF Secretary
Return to the top of the pageJuly 18, 2012
Gabriola Health Care Foundation & Society
Board of Directors Meeting
Rollo Centre
GHCF Board Attendees: Jill Adamson (President), Konrad Mauch (Vice President), Judith Madsen (Secretary), Harvey Graham (Treasurer), Rufus Churcher, Mike Phillips, Inge Fretheim, Judith Graham
Absent: Don Butt, Chuck Connor, Brenda Fowler, Dallas Smith
GHCS Board Attendees: Nancy Hetherington Peirce (President/Secretary), Dave Innell (Vice-President), Harvey Graham (Treasurer), Nancy Nevison, Earl Miller, Lynne Young
Absent: Don Butt, Brenda Fowler
Chair: Jill Adamson
1.0 Order: Meeting was called to order at 7:03 pm by Jill Adamson with a welcome to everyone.
2.0 Quorum: Present for Foundation and Society.
3.0 Agenda: MOTION: M/S Mike/Lynne approve agenda with two items added (7.3, 7.4) CARRIED
4.0 Approval of Minutes
4.1 MOTION: M/S Earl/Dave That GHC Society Board approve the minutes, as distributed by email, of the joint Board meeting of June 20th, 2012 with the following changes:
- #1.0: Change address to "695 Church Road"
- #6.2.1: "The AGM for the GHCF will be set at the July 18th joint Board meeting. A request was made that the Foundation Board members address a letter to the President re their intention to complete their term or step down from the GHCF Board at the AGM, in order to assist the Nominations Committee."
- #6.2.4: Remove the paragraph after "Action" and insert the following paragraph: "A number of donations for trees came in; the Building Management Committee will address the recognition of these donations."
- #10.1: Remove the first sentence. CARRIED
4.2 MOTION: M/S Mike/Konrad That the GHC Foundation Board approve the minutes, as distributed by email, of the joint Board meeting June 20, 2012 with changes as per the Society Board motion in #4.1. CARRIED
4.1.3 MOTION: M/S Harvey/Mike That the GHC Foundation Board approve the minutes, as distributed by email, of the Special Foundation Board Meeting of June 26, 2012. CARRIED
5.0 Correspondence
5.1 From Dr. Bob Henderson for information: He is co-ordinating a 2-day CARE course (Comprehensive Approach to Rural Emergencies – for rural emergency physicians, nurses, and paramedics; www.rccbc.ca) at the Gabriola Community Health Centre, on the 8th and 9th of September 2012.
Business Arising from the Minutes - covered throughout the agenda.
6.0 Reports and New Business
6.1 GHC Society
6.1.1 FINANCE – Harvey
Report was distributed in advance of the meeting.
MOTION: M/S Harvey / Dave That the GHC Society financial report for June 2012 be approved. CARRIED
6.1.2 MOTION: M/S Harvey/Nancy HP That the GHC Society Board approve the Gabriola Health Care Society 2011 Financial Statements as distributed by email. CARRIED
6.1.2 AUXILIARY COMMITTEE – verbally by Nancy Nevison. The Gabe Cart is currently in use beside the GAIHCS Gabe Shop. Funds generated by serving ice-cream from the Shop will go to the GHC Society.
6.2 GHC Foundation
6.2.1 FINANCE – Harvey
Report was distributed in advance of the meeting.
MOTION: M/S Harvey/Konrad That the GHC Foundation financial report for June 2012 be approved. CARRIED
ACTION: Harvey will distribute by email the GHC Foundation 2011 Financial Statements, for approval at the next Board meeting.
ACTION: Harvey will request offers from those who have expressed an interest in purchase of the Generator.
7:30 pm M/S Judith M / Nancy HP That the meeting move into Executive Session CARRIED
7:40 PM Judith M / Nancy HP That the meeting move out of Executive Session CARRIED
REQUEST: That whenever practical Board members direct questions, comments, concerns to the Management Committee members first, in order to reduce confusion or unnecessary communication to all Board members:
Address Tenant questions/comments to Earl Miller
Address Doctors office questions/comments to Mike Phillips
Address Building questions/comments to Konrad Mauch
No report. Meeting decided that this Committee can now be replaced by the Building Management Committee.
6.2.4 FUNDRAISING – Inge, Judith M, Jill
Fund raising continues for construction expenditures and operating costs.
Action: Inge will continue his discussions with potential donors.
Action: Judith M offered to continue to promote the funds raised through Village Foods (approx. $4,000 a year) and the Co-op Gas Card program (approx. $9,000 a year).
Action: Fund-raising Committee will develop policies on public communications re current purposes for fund-raising: construction, landscaping, and initial operating costs.
The Foundation has been notified of a large new donation in the form of a bequest.
ACTION: Harvey, Brenda, Jill, and Konrad will meet with one of the executors of the estate for further discussions. Board members will submit any additional comments to Harvey.
7.0 Joint Business
7.1 Health Centre Opening Event, Aug 5/12 – Lynne
All the organization is progressing well.
7.2 Conflict of Interest Policy for Society and Foundation Boards – Nancy HP
Proposed Definition and Policy were distributed in advance of the meeting.
MOTION: M/S Dave/Lynne That the GHC Society Board accept the Conflict of Interest Policy as distributed and then amended. CARRIED
MOTION: M/S Konrad/Inge That the GHC Foundation Board accept the Conflict of Interest Policy as distributed and then amended. CARRIED
ACTION: Nancy HP will prepare the amended version for attachment to these minutes.
7.3 Action from 2011 Joint Strategic Plan: Increase Profile of Centre with VIHA
Several VIHA Board and staff members will be attending the Centre Opening Event on August 5th.
7.4 Action from 2011 Joint Strategic Plan: Fall 2012 event for health-care providers – Dave
The co-ordinating team (Dave, Nancy HP, Judith M, and Rufus) met, and plans are organized. Invited participants for this event in October will be the individual health-care practitioners as well as groups that provide health-care services.
8.0 Next Meeting
WEDNESDAY 7:00 PM, AT THE ROLLO CENTRE: August 15th 2012
9.0 Adjournment
The meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Judith Madsen, GHCF Secretary
Nancy Hetherington Peirce, GHCS Secretary
Return to the top of the pageJune 26, 2012
Gabriola Health Care Foundation
Board of Directors Meeting
Rollo Centre
GHCF Board Attendees: Jill Adamson (President), Judith Madsen (Secretary), Harvey Graham (Treasurer), Rufus Churcher, Mike Phillips, Brenda Fowler, Don Butt, Inge Fretheim, Judith Graham
Absent: Chuck Connor, Dallas Smith, Konrad Mauch
Chair: Jill Adamson
1.0 Meeting was called to order at 7:10 pm by Jill Adamson.
2.0 Quorum: Present .
3.0 Agenda: MOTION: Agenda as adjusted with one addition. CARRIED
4.0 Date for AGM, appoint Nominating Committee
MOTION: Mike/ Inge Date for the AGM: Wednesday Sept 12th, 2012 , subject to availability. CARRIED
Nominating committee deferred to the next GHCF Special board meeting.
5.0 Continuation of Joint Board Meetings
ACTION: We will continue with joint meetings until the AGM.
6.0 Use of image of Gabriola Community Health Centre by other organizations eg. letterhead, business cards etc.
ACTION: the GHCF letterhead on the website and GC Health Centre will be looked at by Jill Adamson and Judith Graham.
7.0 Request from Gabriola Auxiliary for Island Health Care Society to sponsor them for a grant from Enterprising non-profits.
MOTION: Harvey/Mike that the GHC Foundation not sponsor nonprofit organizations until such time as the GHCF constitution is clarified. A letter will be sent to the GAIHCS. CARRIED
8.0 GABE Cart
The Auxiliary Committee through the GHC Society may use the cart. August 5th of the Ribbon cutting/ Opening ceremony the cart may be used by the GHC Foundation.
The GABE Cart is for sale and If the GAIHCS would like to buy it they should make an offer. Brenda will advise the GAIHCS.
9.0 Initiative of the GHCS and GHCF to hold a meeting of Gabriola Health Care practitioners to work together to improve health care on Gabriola Island. The date for this will be October 20th or 27th/ 2012.
Committee Members: Dave I, Nancy HP, Judith M and Rufus C will report to the GHCF and GHCS.
The meeting adjourned at 8:15 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Judith Madsen, GHCF Secretary
Gabriola Health Care Foundation Directors
Meeting June 26th, 2012
Rollo Centre, 635 North Rd.
Return to the top of the pageJune 20, 2012
Gabriola Health Care Foundation and Gabriola Health Care Society
Joint Board of Directors Meeting
Rollo Centre
GHCF Board Attendees: Jill Adamson (President), Judith Madsen (Secretary), Harvey Graham (Treasurer), Rufus Churcher, Mike Phillips, Brenda Fowler, Don Butt, Inge Fretheim, Judith Graham
Absent: Chuck Connor, Konrad Mauch, Dallas Smith
GHCS Board Attendees: Nancy Hetherington Peirce (President/Secretary), Dave Innell (Vice-President), Harvey Graham (Treasurer), Brenda Fowler, Nancy Nevison, Earl Miller, Don Butt, Lynne Young
Chair: Jill Adamson
1.0 Meeting was called to order at 7:10 pm by Jill Adamson. Celebration amongst all for the June 11, 2012 transition for the Doctors, staff and equipment from Twin Beaches interim clinic to the new Gabriola Community Health Centre at 695 Church Road.
2.0 Quorum: Present for Foundation and Society.
3.0 Agenda: MOTION: M/S Mike/Lynne approve agenda as adjusted. CARRIED
4.0 Approval of Minutes
4.1 MOTION: M/S/ Dave/Don That GHC Society Board approve the minutes, as distributed by email, of the joint Board meeting of May 16th, 2012 . CARRIED
4.1.2 MOTION: M/S Earl/Lynne That the GHC Society Board approve the minutes, as distributed by email, of the special board meeting June 13, 2012. CARRIED
4.1.3 MOTION: M/S Judith M/Mike That the GHC Foundation Board approve the minutes, as distributed by email, of the joint Board meeting of May 16, 2012. CARRIED
5.0 Correspondence
5.1 June 18/12, from the new Gabriola Auxiliary for Island Health Care Society: see #12
5.2 June xx/12 from the Islands Trust: to announce a 2012 Stewardship Award to the GHC Foundation, Society and Auxiliary.
Business Arising from the Minutes - covered throughout the agenda.
6.0 Reports and New Business
6.1 GHC Society
6.1.1 FINANCE – Harvey
Report was distributed in advance of the meeting.
MOTION: M/S Harvey / Dave That the GHC Society financial report for May 2012 be approved.
Harvey met recently with Kelly Brooks who confirmed that the current condition of the vacated space at Twin Beach is fine with him.
6.1.3. Information from June 13/12 Special Society Board meeting – see items # 7, 8, 9 & 10.2.
6.2 GHC Foundation
6.2.1 FINANCE – Harvey
Report was distributed in advance of the meeting.
MOTION: M/S Don/Mike That the GHC Foundation financial report for May 2012 be approved. CARRIED
The AGM for the GHCF will be set at the July 18th Joint Board Meeting. A request was made that Foundation Board members address a letter to the President re: their intention to complete their term or step down from the GHCF Board at the AGM, in order to assist the Nominating Committee.
(established May 16th 2012 Joint Board meeting)
Members are Konrad Mauch, chair, Mike Phillips, Inge Fretheim, Harvey, Graham, and Earl Miller.
At the first meeting Chuck Connor, the Building Project Manager, went over the financial books and spending to date. The report is that construction is ‘roughly’ on budget.
Konrad reported that the initial year of Operating Costs will be a “work in progress”.
Chuck Connor was very thorough in his budget sum - up. Chuck left a “to do” list for the basement area, to begin in September.
June 26, 2012, Toronto Dominion Bank will come to the GCH Centre building for a tour and photo op for their donation with Jill and Inge.
Action: Island Pharmacy would like to donate a bench at the front for a name-plate and logo. Inge Fretheim will report on the amount and their final decision.
Action: A number of donations for trees came in; the Building Management Committee will address the recognition of these donations.
7.0 Joint: Transfer of Capital Assets from Society to Foundation
MOTION: M/S Mike/Harvey That the capital assets of the GHC Society be transferred to the GHC Foundation for the new Gabriola Community Health Centre as a donation from the GHC Society, with the understanding that the Foundation would assume responsibility for any needed final restoration of the previously-leased space at Twin Beaches. CARRIED
8.0 Joint: Dates of the AGM’s for Foundation and Society
8.1 Nancy HP presented the proposal of the June 13/12 Society Special Board meeting: that the Society AGM happen in the late fall, preferably a few weeks after the Foundation AGM.
8.2 DECISION: Foundation Board will choose the date of their AGM at a Special Board meeting soon.
9.0 Joint: Continuation of Joint Foundation/Society Board Meetings
9.1 Nancy HP presented the proposal of the June 13/12 Society Special Board meeting to continue meeting as both Boards every two months, during the time the Society continues to exist.
9.2 DECISION: Deferred until the GHC Foundation Board has their next Special meeting.
10.0 Joint: Reports on Actions from 2011 Joint Strategic Plan
10.1 Increase Profile of the GCHCentre with VIHA.
Judith G moving forward with work on this topic. Several VIHA Board and staff members are being invited to the Opening Event on August 5th.
Action: Mike Phillips will talk to Howard Waldner, VIHA CEO, at the August 5th Opening Event.
10.2 Proposal from Society Re: Action #8 (Develop and maintain community engagement and support by encouraging co-ordination among all organisations on Gabriola that provide health-care services.
10.2.1 Meeting discussed the proposal (distributed in advance of the meeting) for a gathering in
October of health-care providers.
Attachment in minute book: June 19, 2012 GHC Society proposal.
10.2.2 MOTION: That the GHC Foundation co-sponsor an event with the GHC Society in mid-October for individuals and groups who provide health-care services on Gabriola. CARRIED
10.2.3 Action: Judith M, Rufus, Dave, and Nancy HP will organise this event.
11.0 Joint: Health Centre Opening Event - Sunday August 5, 2012
Report: Letters have gone out with invitations in 12 separate categories.
Ads will be placed twice, in the papers, prior to the event.
MC for the event will be John Campbell.
Dignitaries are responding re: attendance.
Arrangements are in progress.
12.0 Foundation: Letter of June 18, 2012, to the Foundation from the Gabriola Auxiliary for Island Health Care Society (GAIHCS) with two requests
12.1 Request for a letter of support for the GAIHCS application for a New Horizons grant.
Action: President Jill Adamson of GHC Foundation will send a letter to the GAIHCS stating support of their application for a New Horizons grant.
12.2 Request for Foundation sponsorship of the GAIHCS re their interest in applying for a grant from Enterprising Non-Profits.
Action: A decision on the GHC Foundation sponsorship of funds received as grants for the GAIHC will be deferred until the next GHCF Special Board meeting.
12.3 A request was made by Jill, the GHCF President, to the GAHICS president, Nancy Nevison, to create a different letterhead than the one used on their June 18th letter.
The meeting adjourned at 9:20 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Nancy Hetherington Peirce, GHCS Secretary Judith Madsen, GHCF Secretary
Return to the top of the pageMay 16, 2012
Gabriola Health Care Foundation and Gabriola Health Care Society
Joint Board of Directors Meeting
Rollo Centre
GHCF Board Attendees: Jill Adamson (President), Konrad Mauch (Vice-President), Judith Madsen (Secretary), Harvey Graham (Treasurer), Chuck Connor, Rufus Churcher, Mike Phillips, Brenda Fowler, Don Butt, Inge Fretheim
Absent: Judith Graham, Dallas Smith
GHCS Board Attendees: Nancy Hetherington Peirce (President/Secretary), Dave Innell (Vice-President), Harvey Graham (Treasurer), Brenda Fowler, Nancy Nevison, Earl Miller, Don Butt
Absent: Lynne Young
Chair: Jill Adamson
1.0 Meeting was called to order at 7:05 pm by Jill Adamson.
2.0 Quorum: Present for Foundation and Society.
3.0 Agenda: MOTION: M/S Dave/Nancy HP To approve agenda as adjusted. CARRIED
4.0 Approval of Minutes
4.1 GHC Society
4.1.1 MOTION: M/S Nancy HP / Dave That the Society Board approve the minutes, as distributed by email, of the April 18, 2012 joint Board meeting. CARRIED
4.1.2 MOTION: M/S Dave / Earl That the Society Board approve the minutes, as distributed by email, of the May 2, 2012 Special Society Board meeting. CARRIED
4.2 GHC Foundation
4.2.1 MOTION: M/S Harvey / Don That the Foundation Board approve the minutes, as distributed by email, of the April 18, 2012 Joint Board meeting. CARRIED
4.2.2 MOTION: M/S Harvey / Mike That the Foundation Board approve the minutes, as distributed by email, of the April 18, 2012 Special Foundation Board meeting, as amended. CARRIED
Amendment: #6 Motion should read: “That the Gabriola Health Care Foundation executive take whatever steps may be required to seek approval from the Canada Revenue Agency to add the following purposes to the Foundation’s constitution:
(a) assess and respond to health care needs of residents of and visitors to Gabriola Island;
(b) work with the health professionals and relevant government agencies to develop programs that address those needs; and
(c) work in partnership with other community agencies to improve conditions affecting the health of residents of and visitors to Gabriola Island.”
5.0 Correspondence - None
Business Arising from the Minutes - covered throughout the agenda.
6.0 Reports and New Business
6.1 GHC Society
6.1.1 FINANCE – Harvey
Report was distributed in advance of the meeting.
MOTION: M/S Harvey / Dave That the GHC Society financial report for April 2012 be approved. CARRIED
Report was distributed in advance of the meeting. No questions or discussion.
6.2 GHC Foundation
6.2.1 FINANCE – Harvey
Report was distributed in advance of the meeting. Noted that there is about $47,000 still to fund-raise for the construction budget.
MOTION: M/S Harvey / Konrad That the GHC Foundation financial report for April 2012 be approved. CARRIED
MOTION: M/S Konrad / Don That the GHC Foundation Board accepts the transfer from the GHC Society of the New Horizons grant of $24,900, and agrees to implement the required obligations. CARRIED
Mike Phillips will be the Board liaison for this project; money must be spent by March 31, 2013.
MOTION: M/S Brenda / Inge That the GHC Foundation Board uses on-island suppliers for the purchase of materials, wherever competitive, for the New Horizons project. CARRIED
MOTION: M/S Harvey / Konrad That the GHC Foundation Board modifies the wording of the proposed new Purposes in the motion passed at the Special Board meeting on April 18, 2012, to be:
“(a)assessing the health care needs of those visitors and residents;
(b) working in partnership with community agencies, health care professionals, government bodies and other groups to develop and implement programs to help address those needs.” CARRIED
ACTION: Harvey will send these proposed additional purposes to the Canada Revenue Agency as soon as possible.
7.0 Joint: Report on Actions from 2011 Joint Strategic Plan
Meeting agreed that this action has now been completed. The Auxiliary group is forming a separate organization – the Gabriola Auxiliary for Island Health Care Society. The Foundation Board is preparing further purposes, based on the purposes of the Society, for its Constitution to recommend to the Foundation membership for approval. The Society is reviewing options for its future, given the decisions of the Auxiliary and Foundation.
7.2 FUND-RAISING – Jill, Inge
There is about $47,000 left to raise. The Auxiliary Committee was thanked for their successful organization of the April 28th Open House and Helipad Dedication. Judith M and Mike were thanked for their work in obtaining some further donations. Jill reported that she had a very positive meeting with the Stranos, regarding the decision at the April 18/12 joint Board meeting. Inge reported that he is continuing to work with some organizations regarding donations.
ACTION: Brenda will contact someone who had, some time ago, offered assistance in fund-raising.
Construction continues to be generally on time and on budget. One major focus is on receiving approvals soon, such as the Occupancy Permit from the RDN and approval of the water system from VIHA. Landscaping work is going well. An important need at this point is to establish a Board committee to oversee the operation of the building.
MOTION: M/S Chuck / Don That the Foundation Board establish, as per the By-laws, a Health Centre Management Committee to take on the following mandate (from the April 16, 2012 proposal for Renewal of the Foundation):
a) Manage the operation of the Health Centre to meet Foundation goals regarding urgent care services, integration of health care services, and financial sustainability of the Centre;
b) Prepare an annual budget including operating and maintenance costs, capital expenditures, allocation for reserves, and expected income;
c) Provide building management, operation, and maintenance services - either through volunteers or contracted providers;
d) Manage relationship with tenants;
e) Manage relationship with physicians to maintain and, if possible, improve the quality of urgent care service.
ACTION: Chuck, Konrad, Harvey, Inge and Mike will meet as soon as possible to decide who will chair the Committee (must be a Board member) and who will serve on the Committee – for the next several months until the AGM.
Meeting agreed that the Committee would begin its work immediately after the Chair and members have been chosen.
8:35 pm
MOTION: M/S Nancy HP / Judith M That the meeting move into Executive Session CARRIED
8:50 pm
MOTION: M/S Judith M / Nancy HP That the meeting move out of Executive Session CARRIED
Meeting decided to postpone indefinitely the action as a priority action (i.e. reporting each month)
ACTION: Jill will write a letter of thanks to VIHA for their donation, and include an invitation to visit the Centre at any time.
8.0. Joint: Health Centre Opening Event – Sunday August 5, 2012 – Jill
The time will be 1:00 to 3:00 pm on August 5th.
Regarding the information in the Auxiliary Committee report that the Lieutenant Governor, Steven Point, is interested in attending the Opening Event, the organizing committee (Jill, Judith G, Judith M, and Lynne) will co-ordinate future communications with the office of the LG. Judith G will obtain protocol details from Nancy N.
Meeting decided that it would be appropriate to invite some people to speak briefly at the Event. Jill asked the Board to suggest speakers to her.
9.0 Joint New Business
9.1 New Horizons funding: Dave reported that the next date for applications is in late June. Meeting decided to go ahead with another application.
ACTION: Anyone interested in working on a new funding application is asked to contact Dave as soon as possible.
9.2 Further rentals of the Rollo Centre for Board meetings: Meeting decided to continue renting the third Wednesday of the month, from June to September.
ACTION: Harvey will organize payment for the rental plan.
WEDNESDAY 7:00 PM, AT THE ROLLO CENTRE: June 20, July 18, August 15
The meeting adjourned at 9:10 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Nancy Hetherington Peirce, GHCS Secretary Judith Madsen, GHCF Secretary
Return to the top of the pageMay 2, 2012
Gabriola Health Care Society
Special Board of Directors Meeting
Rollo Centre
Present: Nancy Hetherington Peirce (President/Secretary), Dave Innell (Vice-President), Brenda Fowler, Lynne Young, Nancy Nevison, Earl Miller, Don Butt
Absent: Harvey Graham
Chair: Nancy Hetherington Peirce Minutes: Brenda Fowler
1. Call to Order – Meeting was called to order at 7:05 pm.
2. Quorum – Meeting had a quorum
3. Approval of Agenda
MOTION: M/S Dave/Lynne That the agenda is approved as distributed. CARRIED
4. Approval of Minutes
MOTION: M/S Nancy N / Don That the minutes of the Special GHC Society Board meeting of April 18, 2012 are approved. CARRIED
5.1 BACKGROUND INFORMATION: the details below were discussed as context for next steps
5.1.1 Society finances
1. Income
a. $ 300 projected approx. rental surplus at May 31/12 lease-end
b. $2,000 current approx. surplus from April 28 Open House / Helipad Dedication
c. Funds are available if needed from Dawe Family Trust for move-out expenses
2. Expenses
a. ?? $1,000 net expense for interim clinic lease in June, if needed
b. ?? $200 for Gabe Cart insurance, license, maintenance for April 25 to Oct 31/12
5.1.2 Transition of the Auxiliary group: from the Auxiliary Committee of the Society Board to the
“Gabriola Auxiliary for Island Health Care Society” (GAIHCS)
1. New name is approved, and reserved until May 29/12
2. Constitution, etc have been recently submitted. The Purposes submitted are identical to those of GHC Society, with the word “Research” added to the beginning of the first Purpose. Approval of incorporation takes about 10 days after receipt of Constitution, By-laws, etc.
3. Initial Board of Directors: Nancy Nevison (President), Lynne Young (Vice-President), Brenda Fowler (Secretary), Marilyn Geater (Treasurer), Norma Burns (director at large).
4. The first GAIHCS Board meeting could happen in June; first AGM for members must be held within 15 months of incorporation date.
5.1.3 Current Status of the Nine Actions in the Oct 2011 Strategic Plan (Society, Foundation, Auxiliary)
1. Raise another $400,000 for the construction costs of the Clinic ALMOST DONE
2. Ensure that Clinic is built – on time/budget as much as possible ALMOST DONE
3. Attract/retain 3 physicians through attractive compensation, benefits, etc ONGOING
4. Secure appropriate health care services from other paying tenants ONGOING
5. Increase the profile of the Clinic with VIHA and Ministry of Health ONGOING
6. Establish the “going-forward” relationship among the Society, Foundation, and Auxiliary [regarding governance] DONE
7. Identify and implement appropriate health-care services that can be provided by volunteers (Meals on Wheels, driving to appointments, etc) GAIHCS IS STARTING
8. Develop and maintain community engagement and support by encouraging co-ordination among all organizations on Gabriola that provide health-care services NOT YET STARTED
9. Provide regular updates to the community regarding Clinic data and analysis, in order to demonstrate the effectiveness of services provided by the Clinic NOT YET STARTED
5.2.1 Transfer from the Society to the Foundation the “New Horizons for Seniors” Grant of $24,900 (now received by Society) for a Community Clinic Exercise Loop Trail – Phase 1. (Post-meeting information from funding application: Phase 1 is the planning, design, and completion of the first 400 m. of the 1 km walking trail around the perimeter of the property; includes landscaping and three exercise stations. A report is due within 60 days of completion of the project.) Dave reported that the NH contact person did not object to the proposed transfer between organizations, since the project fits within the landscaping section of the construction work that the Foundation is managing. Dave reported that Mike Philips is willing to be the Foundation Board liaison for the NH project. The money must be spent by March 31, 2013.
MOTION: M/S Don/Dave That the Society Board request that the Foundation Board accept the transfer of the New Horizons Grant of $24,900 from the GHC Society to the GHC Foundation. CARRIED
ACTION: Nancy HP will bring this motion to the joint Board meeting on May 16, 2012. Before the meeting, Nancy HP will distribute the project document for the information of the Foundation Board.
5.2.2 Start working on Action # 8 from the October 2011 Strategic Plan (see 5.1.3 above)
Suggested activities for #8 from the Strategic Plan:
- Organize a meeting with relevant Gabriola organizations (PHC, Ambulance Soc., Recreation Soc., Rollo Centre, Hope Centre, Sustainable Gabriola, Gabriola Lands and Trails Trust, etc) to discuss ways that health services can be coordinated.
- Organize a meeting with providers of “non-MSP-funded” [basic provincial health insurance] health-care services on the island to discuss their needs re: liaison with physicians/nurses, and overall integration into health services on Gabriola.
INFORMAL DECISION: Meeting agreed that the Board would start working on Action #8, with a general plan of organizing an initial meeting for organizations in the fall of 2012. Dave stated his interest in working on this initial meeting.
ACTION: Nancy HP will bring this decision to the joint Board meeting on May 16, 2012 for discussion and co-ordination with other actions from the 2011 Strategic Plan.
5.2.3 Provide advice/assistance, as requested, for the start-up of the new GAIHCS
INFORMAL DECISION: Meeting agreed.
5.2.4 When the GAIHCS begins in June:
INFORMAL DECISION: Meeting agreed that the Society Board would continue to be responsible for the Foundation’s Gabe Cart until Oct 31/12, including all income and expenses pertaining to the Cart.
ACTION: Auxiliary Committee of the Society Board will co-ordinate and staff the Cart.
INFORMATION: Nancy N stated that an initial annual membership for the Auxiliary in the BC Association of Health Care Auxiliaries was paid in April 2012 by her, in the name of the future GAIHCS, from fees she collected from members of the future GAIHCS. Thus the membership fee was not paid by the GHC Society, and no fees were collected by the Society from Auxiliary Committee members.
INFORMAL DECISION: Meeting agreed that the Auxiliary Committee would continue as a committee of the Society Board at least until the Oct 31/12 end of the Society’s use of the Cart.
5.2.5 Continue joint monthly Board meetings of the Society and Foundation, at least until the AGM’s in the autumn
INFORMAL DECISION: Meeting agreed. Meeting also supported Special Society Board meetings as needed.
5.2.6 End the Society when the expanded purposes for the Foundation (i.e. the general purposes of the Society that the Fdn Board agreed on April 18/12 to add to the Fdn Constitution) are approved by the Foundation membership and are being implemented by the Foundation Board
Meeting noted that it was perhaps too soon to make any decisions on this topic. Meeting also noted that the Society could decide to end at a time when other Gabriola groups, along with the Foundation, are implementing the current purposes of the Society.
ACTION: Brenda will (based on information she has recently heard) gather further details from VIHA and BC Ambulance Services regarding proposed increased roles for paramedics in BC.
7. ADJOURNMENT: Meeting adjourned at 8:55 pm.
Return to the top of the pageApril 18, 2012
Gabriola Health Care Foundation and Gabriola Health Care Society
Joint Board of Directors Meeting
Rollo Centre
GHCF Board Attendees: Jill Adamson (President), Harvey Graham (Treasurer), Chuck Connor, Rufus Churcher, Mike Phillips, Brenda Fowler, Judith Graham
Absent: Konrad Mauch, Judith Madsen, Inge Fretheim, Don Butt, Dallas Smith
GHCS Board Attendees: Nancy Hetherington Peirce (President/Secretary), Dave Innell (Vice-President), Harvey Graham (Treasurer), Lynne Young, Brenda Fowler, Nancy Nevison, Earl Miller
Chair: Jill Adamson Minutes: Nancy Hetherington Peirce
1.0 Meeting was called to order at 7:10 pm by Jill Adamson.
2.0 Quorum: Present for Foundation and Society.
3.0 Agenda: MOTION: M/S Dave/Nancy HP To approve agenda as adjusted. CARRIED
4.0 Approval of Minutes
4.1 MOTION: M/S Lynne/Earl That the Society Board approve the minutes, as distributed by email, of the March 21, 2012 joint Board meeting. CARRIED
4.2 MOTION: M/S Konrad/Inge That the Foundatio Board approve the minutes, as distributed by email, of the March 21, 2012 Joint Board meeting. CARRIED
5.0 Correspondence - None
Business Arising from the Minutes - covered throughout the agenda.
6.0 Reports and New Business
6.1 GHC Society
6.1.a REPORT FROM SOCIETY SPECIAL BOARD MEETING – April 18, 2012 at 5:30 pm
Nancy HP gave a summary of decisions made:
- Board passed the motion in the agenda re support for the Foundation Renewal Proposal of April 16, 2012.
- Board agreed to send a letter to the BC Registry, consenting to the name of the new Auxiliary non-profit society: Gabriola Auxiliary for Island Health Care Society
- Board agreed to bring a motion to the joint Board meeting of April 18th regarding the Gabe Cart (see item #9 below)
6.1.b FINANCE – Harvey
Report was distributed in advance of the meeting.
MOTION: M/S Harvey/Nancy HP That the GHC Society financial report for March 2012 be approved. CARRIED
6.1.c AUXILIARY COMMITTEE – Nancy Nevison
See attached report
6.2 GHC Foundation
6.2.a FINANCE – Harvey
Report was distributed in advance of the meeting.
MOTION: M/S Harvey/Mike That the GHC Foundation financial report for March 2012 be approved. CARRIED
- Dave recently received notice from the New Horizons federal government program that the GHC Society’s funding request of $24,900 for a Community Clinic Exercise Loop Trail has been approved. The money will come to the Society as the requesting organization; the Society and Foundation will work together to implement the project. Money must be spent by March 31, 2013.
- This grant is not to be included in the “thermometer” total published in the Sounder, because it is not for construction of the building and basic landscaping.
- The federal government has sent specific guidelines on publicity for New Horizons projects.
ACTION: Dave will obtain more details regarding the government’s publicity guidelines.
ACTION: Dave and Mike will develop an implementation plan for this project.
ACTION: Judith M will ensure that this grant is not included in the “thermometer” total.
Jill and Judith G are researching various types of displays, costs, etc. More information will be brought to future Board meetings as appropriate. The date for completion of the display is not yet decided; it will be sometime after the Opening Event on August 5/12.
7.0 Joint: Report on Action from 2011 Joint Strategic Plan
A motion for the Society Board to approve the Foundation Renewal Proposal of April 16, 2012 was passed at a Special Society Board meeting at 5:30 pm on April 18, 2012.
A motion for the Foundation Board to approve the Foundation Renewal Proposal of April 16, 2012 was considered at a Special Foundation Board meeting that followed this joint Board meeting.
Action in Feb 15/12 minutes: Judith G, Brenda and Mike will approach Doug Routely, MLA, regarding assistance that he might offer for obtaining government funding.
Doug Routley has been invited to the Aug. 5th Opening Event, and has agreed to attend.
Strano family’s “Tour de Gabriola”, June 3, 2012 – involvement of the Foundation:
- MOTION: M/S Brenda/Judith G That Jill approach the Strano family with an offer to name a room in the Health Centre for their family, to honour their family’s long-standing support of the construction of the new Health Centre. CARRIED
- ACTION: Mike will ask the Lions, and Lynne will ask GaLLT, for volunteers to assist the Stranos with the Tour de Gabriola this year.
- ACTION: The Auxiliary will co-ordinate the June 3rd afternoon “Senior-and-Other Citizens’ Walk” in conjunction with the Tour de Gabriola in the morning.
Construction continues to be generally on time and on budget. Water installation is happening, as is telephone and data installation. There is much work still to do, as well as several inspections and certifications to obtain.
Action in Mar 21/12 minutes: Jill will write a letter of confirmation to Kelly Brooks naming the terms that she and Harvey and Kelly agreed upon, regarding the move out at the end of the lease. DONE
Action in the Feb 15/12 minutes: A flow chart regarding the moving plan will be developed by Judith M and Jill A. NO LONGER NEEDED
8:05 pm
MOTION: M Mike That the meeting move into Executive Session CARRIED
8:25 pm
MOTION: M Nancy HP That the meeting move out of Executive Session CARRIED
Action in the Feb 15/12 minutes: Judith G and Brenda will look into the support VIHA can offer to provide equipment, and a person to maintain the stocking of the shelves in the Urgent Care area. ONGOING
No report
ACTION: Jill will acknowledge the $100,000 contribution from VIHA for the new Health Centre either by attending the next VIHA Board meeting (May 30/12 at 1:00 pm in Victoria) or by writing a letter of appreciation.
8.0. Joint: Health Centre Opening Event – Sunday August 5, 2012
8.1 MOTION: M/S Brenda/Harvey That the following people are the Organizing Committee for the Opening Event: Jill, Judith G, Lynne, and Judith M. CARRIED
8.2 Meeting discussed the pros and cons of sending an invitation for the Opening Event to each residence on the island; no decision made. Board members are encouraged to offer further comments to the Committee.
8.3 The Organizing Committee is planning a “commemorative insert” in the Sounder for Monday July 30th, to focus on thanking all the donors of money, materials, and time. A four-page insert would cost about $2,500 and eight-page about $5,000.
8.4 MOTION: M/S Mike/Rufus That the Foundation’s budget for the Opening Event on August 5th will be $6,000. CARRIED
9.0 Foundation: Use of the “Gabe Cart”
MOTION: M/S Brenda/Harvey That the Foundation loans the Gabe Cart to the GHC Society for the period of April 25 to October 31, 2012, with the commitment that the Society will handle the costs of insurance, licence, and maintenance for this period of time. CARRIED
May 16, June 20th.
The meeting adjourned at approximately 8:40 p.m.
Return to the top of the pageApril 18, 2012
Gabriola Health Care Society
Special Board of Directors Meeting
Rollo Centre
Present: Nancy Hetherington Peirce (President/Secretary), Dave Innell (Vice-President), Harvey Graham (Treasurer), Brenda Fowler, Lynne Young, Nancy Nevison, Earl Miller.
Absent: Don Butt
Chair: Nancy Hetherington Peirce Minutes: Brenda Fowler
1. Call to Order – Meeting was called to order at 5:30 pm.
2. Quorum – There was a quorum present
3. Notice of Meeting
MOTION: M/S Earl/Dave That the GHCS Board waive the required 48 hours’ notice for this meeting. CARRIED
4. Approval of Agenda
MOTION: M/S Nancy N /Lynne That the agenda is approved as distributed. CARRIED
5. Approval of the Foundation Renewal Proposal of April 16, 2012
5.1 Proposal was circulated to all Board members in advance of this meeting. Meeting agreed to use written ballots. Meeting agreed to the method requested by the Chair (as stated in the agenda distributed in advance of the meeting) to enable absent Directors to vote:
5.1.1 GHCF/S bylaw #52: “Directors who are unable to attend a meeting may deliver their vote with respect to any particular resolution [motion] to be considered at a meeting in writing to the president prior to the meeting.”
5.1.2 For those Directors who cannot attend the April 18th Special Society Board meeting, and who choose to vote on the motion stated below, distributed in advance of the meeting, you are requested to: E-mail your “yes” or “no” vote to Nancy by 4:00 p.m. on Wednesday April 18th; then at the meeting, Nancy will write each of those yes/no votes onto separate ballots and they will be counted in the vote. If the motion is amended significantly, then above process is not used.
5.2 No vote was received by the absent director.
PROCEDURAL NOTE: The GHC Society By-laws state that a seconder for a motion is not necessary.
5.3 MOTION: Moved by Dave - That the GHC Society Board endorse, in principle, the elements of the Foundation Renewal Proposal [of April 16, 2012] as outlined in the report appended to the minutes of this meeting. The proposal includes the following:
- expanding the purposes of the Foundation to include, to the extent possible, the purposes of the GHC Society;
- limiting the number of directors to be on the Board at the next AGM of the Foundation to nine;
- establishing a number of standing committees;
- using the process outlined in the report to select the nomination committee and nominees for the Board to be elected at the next AGM.
5.3.1 MOTION TO AMEND: Moved by Harvey - That all the words after “… this meeting” are removed, and the following words are added after “… this meeting”: “with the exception of the Section named Transition Process”. DEFEATED (2 yes; 5 no)
5.3.2 VOTE ON MAIN MOTION CARRIED (6 yes; 1 no)
6. Transition of the Auxiliary Committee: Information6.1 The Auxiliary Committee submitted a Report to the April 4, 2012 joint informal Board meeting (to discuss the Foundation Renewal Proposal), stating the decision of the Auxiliary Committee to form its own organization under the Society Act of BC. (See Report at end of these minutes.)
6.2 Meeting noted the following information
- Fund-raising for construction: March 31/12 total - $1,311,155 (Foundation financial report)
- Society funds available for interim clinic lease and move-out expenses: estimated remaining cash at May 31/12 lease-end: $300 (Society financial report, March 31/12); possible further funds from April 28 Open House / Helipad Dedication event; funding if needed from Dawe Family Trust for move-out expenses.
7. Transition of the Auxiliary Committee: New Organization
7.1 New name has been submitted to BC Registry: “Gabriola Auxiliary for Island Health Care Society”. Registry has requested that the GHC Society send a letter consenting to the submitted name for the new Auxiliary organization, as it is quite similar to the GHCS name. Name is reserved until May 29, 2012.
7.2 MOTION: Moved by Dave – That the GHC Society Board consent to the requested name of “Gabriola Auxiliary for Island Health Care Society” for the new Auxiliary organization. CARRIED
7.3 ACTION: Nancy HP will send a letter to the BC Registry, stating the Board’s consent.
8. Transition of the Auxiliary Committee: Possible Auxiliary activities between June and Aug 2012
8.1 Sunday, June 3: Stranos’ Tour de Gabriola
- Decided to discuss involvement with this event at the April 18/12 joint Board meeting (7:00 pm)
8.2 June 3: Citizens Walk to the Health Centre (afternoon of Tour de Gabriola day)
- Meeting decided to defer decision until after decision at joint Board meeting re Tour de Gabriola
8.3 July and August: Borrowing the Gabe Cart from the Foundation to sell ice-cream in the Folklife Village parking lot – to raise funds for Auxiliary Committee activities
- MOTION: Moved by Dave – That the Society Board requests that the Foundation loans the Gabe Cart to the GHC Society for the period of April 25 to October 31, 2012, with the commitment that the Society will handle the costs of insurance, licence, and maintenance for this period of time. CARRIED
- ACTION: Nancy HP will bring this motion to the April 18/12 joint Board meeting (7:00 pm)
8.4 August 5: Health Centre Opening Event
- Auxiliary Committee can directly contact the Event’s organizing committee
8.5 Beginning a Thrift Shop
- Auxiliary Committee continues to gather information.
9. Adjournment: Meeting adjourned at 6:45 pm.
Return to the top of the pageMarch 21st., 2012
Gabriola Health Care Foundation and Gabriola Health Care Society
Joint Board of Directors Meeting
Rollo Centre
GHCF Board Attendees: Jill Adamson (President), Konrad Mauch, (Vice-President), Judith Madsen (Secretary), Harvey Graham (Treasurer), Chuck Connor, Rufus Churcher, Inge Fretheim, Mike Phillips, Brenda Fowler, Don Butt.
Absent: Dallas Smith, Judith Graham
GHCS Board Attendees: Nancy Hetherington Peirce (President/Secretary), Dave Innell (Vice-President), Harvey Graham (Treasurer), Lynne Young, Brenda Fowler, Nancy Nevison, Don Butt, Earl Miller
Chair: Jill Adamson Minutes: Judith Madsen
1.0 Meeting was called to order at 7:04 pm by Jill Adamson who thanked everyone for coming.
2.0 Quorum: There was a quorum present for the Foundation and the Society.
3.0 The Agenda was approved as distributed. M/S Jill/Nancy HP CARRIED
4.0 Approval of Minutes:
4.1 MOTION: M/S Dave/Lynne That the GHCS Board approve the minutes, as distributed by email, of the January 18th, 2012 Joint Board meeting. CARRIED
MOTION: M/S Lynne/Earl That the GHCS Board approve the minutes, as distributed by email, of the February 11, 2012 Special Society Board meeting CARRIED
MOTION: M/S Nancy N/Dave That the GHCS Board approve the minutes, as distributed by e-mail, of the Feb 15th, 2012 Joint Board meeting with one correction: #7.1 - change "MP" to "MLA". CARRIED
4.2 MOTION: M/S Konrad/Inge That the GHCF Board approve the minutes, as distributed by email, of the Feb 15th, 2012 Joint Board meeting with noted change as above.
5.0 Correspondence
5.1 Jill received a letter from PHC, encouraging the idea of joint partnerships to deliver programs to the community.
Business Arising from the Minutes - covered throughout the agenda.
6.0 REPORTS and New Business
6.1 GHC Society
6.1.a FINANCE - Harvey
Report was distributed in advance of the meeting.
MOTION: M/S Harvey/Don That the GHC Society financial report for February 2012 be approved. CARRIED
The current Society balance does not include any portion of the $5,000 from the Dawe Family Foundation.
See attached report.
ACTION: Nancy HP will clarify with Nancy N and Brenda the decisions to date of the Society Board regarding the idea of a Thrift Shop.
ACTION: Nancy HP and Nancy N will decide if a proposed Terms of Reference for the Auxiliary Committee will be developed.
6.2. FINANCE - Harvey
Report was distributed in advance of the meeting.
MOTION: M/S Harvey/Don Butt That the GHC Foundation financial report for February 2012 be approved. CARRIED
Action in Feb 15/12 Minutes: Jill will speak to Regan and Sylvie Lall directly to convey the decision of the Foundation Board and to thank them for their idea - DONE
7.0. Joint: Planning the Opening of the Gabriola Community Health Centre (GCHC) - Sunday August 5, 2012
7.1 Jill reported that she has established a committee to organize the Opening of the GCHC: Jill, Judith M, Judith G, and Lynne Young. Suggestions and input are welcome from Board members.
7.2 Action in Feb 15/12 Minutes: Jill will co-ordinate with calendars and community events regarding this choice of date - DONE
There are no other conflicting events for the proposed date of August 5, 2012. It has been published in the GoGabriola brochure and on the chamber website events page.
7.3 Decision to focus on Celebration as the theme of the Opening Event was made by all.
8.0 Joint: Reports on Actions from 2011 Joint Strategic Plan
8.1 FUND-RAISING: Judith Madsen gave a thank you to the Board Members who worked so diligently to prepare a presentation to VIHA, with the successful request of $100,000.
An anonymous donation is coming of $25,000.
Mike has a number of inquiries out and is feeling positive of some good responses.
ACTION: Jill will provide Mike with the current logo drawing of the GCHC and address below so any person can use his letter to fundraise. He will send the letter to Lynne Young.
MOTION: M/S Harvey/Konrad that the GHCF adopt the VIHA Capital Funding
Agreement signed by GHCF Board member Judith Graham. CARRIED
Action in Feb 15/12 minutes:
Judith G, Brenda and Mike will approach Doug Routely, MLA, regarding assistance that he might offer for obtaining government funding. NOT YET DONE
ACTION: Action in the Feb 15/12 minutes
Recognition "Display" - Jill & Judith G (per #7.1.b Nov. 17/11 minutes) will bring a proposal for the April 18th Joint board meeting.
ACTION: in the Feb 15/12 minutes:
Tawny Capon of the Ambulance Society has given Chuck Connor the Building Project Manager, the plaque for the Helicopter Pad that they donated. Vivian Williams and Tawny are working on placement. DONE
8.2 CONSTRUCTION: Chuck Connor
Construction is on schedule and on budget. We have the major medical equipment list from the Doctors. From a schedule point of view we are looking at 6 weeks left to finish. The power is in, the lights are in the ceiling. April 1st the flooring arrives and the cabinets on the 9th of April. Then the computers and phones will be installed and working. The Heating and Ventilating and Water systems have to be tested and inspected by all inspectors, both VIHA and Provincial. Two thirds of the cisterns are filled. Sewage is installed and ready. The generator arrives next week.
Needs follow up: Lynne suggested an application could be made to the RDN for a portion of the costs of the turn around at the dead end of our property road.
Needs follow up: According to Maeve O'Byrne of the Nanaimo Hospital Foundation, there is equipment in storage from the Nanaimo Hospital that can be used. As well, when ordering new equipment for the clinic there might be an opportunity for us to add to the Hospital's order.
Action in Feb 15/12 Minutes: Mike will send his fund-raising information letter to Board members for information - DONE
Action in Feb 15/12 Minutes: Jill will co-ordinate with Janice Kerr and the doctors and staff to have a meeting to offer assistance with moving - DONE
Action in Feb 15/12 Minutes: Harvey and Jill will meet with Kelly Brooks as soon as possible to discuss the moving-out plans for the interim clinic - DONE
Harvey and Jill had a positive meeting with Kelly Brooks, owner of the Twin Beaches building, who will give us grace into June for a moving schedule, with a lowered rent for June.
ACTION: Jill will write a letter of confirmation to Kelly Brooks, naming the terms that she and Harvey and Kelly agreed upon, regarding the move out at the end of the lease.
Tentative dates for moving in and for opening were discussed.
Action in the Feb 15/12 minutes:
A flow chart, regarding the moving plan will be being developed by Judith M and Jill A.
Action in the Feb 15/12 minutes. That Brenda and Judith G will continue to consult with Mr. Sullivan of the Home and Community Care regarding the upcoming request for proposals. IN PROGRESS.
8:10 PM MOTION: M/S Nancy HP/Konrad
That the meeting move into Executive Session. CARRIED
9:15PM MOTION: M/S Judith M/Nancy HP That the meeting move out of Executive Session.
Action in the Feb 15/12 minutes: That Judith G and Brenda will look into the support VIHA can offer to provide equipment, and a person to maintain the stocking of the shelves in the Urgent Care area.
8.6 GOVERNANCE: Due to lack of time, the proposal developed by Inge,Konrad, Lynne and Dave (and discussed informally by both boards on March 7th/12) was not presented. An informal meeting of both boards on April 4th, 2012 will further discuss the proposal.
8.7 Other Business:
8.7.1 Brenda and Nancy N advised that the "Enterprising Non-Profits organization" is offering a workshop on "Social Enterprises" on April 19th in Qualicum. Brenda and Nancy N have registered, and Brenda invited other board members to register.
8.7.2 Brenda asked if anyone else is printing a book besides Bruce Mason's book on the history of the Medical Clinic. Judith M replied that she is compiling a scrapbook of photos of the construction project. Copies will be printed on demand for approximately $30 a copy.
Wednesday, April 18th, 2012 - 7:00 pm. at the Rollo Centre.
April 18, May 16, June 20th.
The meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Judith Madsen, GHCF Secretary
Nancy Hetherington Peirce, GHCS Secretary
Return to the top of the pageFebruary 15, 2012
Gabriola Health Care Foundation and Gabriola Health Care Society
Joint Board of Directors Meeting
Rollo Centre
GHCF Board Attendees: Jill Adamson (President), Konrad Mauch (Vice-President), Judith Madsen (Secretary), Harvey Graham (Treasurer), Judith Graham, Chuck Connor, Rufus Churcher, Inge Fretheim, Mike Phillips, Brenda Fowler
Absent: Dallas Smith, Don Butt
GHCS Board Attendees: Nancy Hetherington Peirce (President/Secretary), Harvey Graham (Treasurer), Lynne Young, Brenda Fowler
Absent: Nancy Nevison, Don Butt, Dave Innell, Earl Miller
Chair: Jill Adamson Minutes: Judith Madsen
1.0 Meeting was called to order at 7:10 pm by Jill Adamson who thanked everyone for coming.
2.0 Quorum: There was a quorum present for the Foundation; no quorum for the Society.
3.0 Agenda: The Agenda was approved. M/S Jill/Rufus CARRIED
4.0 Approval of Minutes:
4.1 MOTION: M/S Inge/Rufus That the GHCF Board approve the minutes, as distributed by email, of the January 18th, 2012 Joint Board meeting. CARRIED
The January 18, 2012 joint Board meeting minutes and the February 11, 2012 Society special meeting minutes will be approved at the March 21, 2012 joint Board meeting.
5.0 Correspondence: None
Business Arising from the Minutes - covered throughout the agenda.
6.0 Separate: Reports and New Business
6.1 GHC Society
6.1.1 FINANCE – Harvey
Report was distributed in advance of the meeting. Due to no quorum, the report will be approved at the next meeting.
The Dawe Charitable Trust has directed that up to $5000 be made available to the Society only after the Society’s funds have been exhausted. These monies are only to be used towards any remaining leasehold improvement removal required at the Interim Clinic at Twin Beaches. Any funds remaining are to go to the Foundation.
Brenda read the Report (attached), and there was some discussion.
The Society Board is discussing a Terms of Reference document, with the plan of bringing a proposal to the March 21/12 joint Board meeting.
Nancy HP reported that at the Society Special Board meeting on February 11th, the GHCS Board decided that the Auxiliary Committee would not participate in the organization of the proposed Titanic Anniversary Event.
MOTION for the Foundation Board: M/S Brenda/Konrad That the Foundation wholeheartedly support the Titanic Anniversary Event,be present at the event, and allow the GHC Foundation name to be on the tickets. DEFEATED
ACTION: Jill Adamson will speak to Regan and Sylvie Lall directly to convey the decision of the Foundation Board and to thank them for their idea.
6.2 GHC Foundation
6.2.1 FINANCE – Harvey
Report was distributed in advance of the meeting.
MOTION: M/S Harvey/Konrad That the GHC Foundation financial report for January 2012 be approved. CARRIED
7.0. Joint: Reports on Actions from 2011 Joint Strategic Plan
7.1. FUND-RAISING: Jill, Judith Graham, Inge Fretheim and others
Jill distributed a summary of the Feb 1/2011 brain storming and prioritizing meeting, showing the prioritizing decisions and the people who are co-ordinating each activity.
February 26th, 2012 2-4pm is the February Open House tour of the Gabriola Community Health Centre. Judith Madsen has an art auction for donation planned as well as the tour.
ACTION: Judith G, Brenda and Mike will approach Doug Routely MP regarding assistance that he might offer for obtaining government funding.
ACTION: Donor Recognition “Display” - Jill & Judith G (per #7.1.b Nov. 17/11 minutes) will bring a proposal to the April 18/12 Board meeting.
ACTION: The Ambulance Society, donated the building of the Helicopter Pad, they have the plaque ready for installation.
Inge reported that $2,500 will be received from the Canadian Western Bank. He is optimistic that the Royal Bank and the Toronto Dominion Bank of Nanaimo will donate.
Mike suggested that we should not be underselling the value of the Gabriola Community Health Centre project, because he thinks it will be valued at more than $3,000,000 for insurance purposes. He estimates the building value at $300 / sq. ft. and the property value at $470,000. He believes we should be going to businesses and government with the replacement value.
ACTION: Mike will send his “fund-raising information letter” to Board members for information.
7.2 CONSTRUCTION: Chuck Connor
Construction is on schedule and purchases are all in order. The building siding is finished and the rock work, and walls needed to shore up landscaping are done. The Helipad will be finished with the cement poured by the end of the month. The area will be seeded with grass. Gyprock inside will be finished by the end of the month. Tapers and finishers will finish then and the initial primer coat can be put on. The sewage treatment area will be done by early March. Power inside the building will be activated by early March and the water cisterns will be filled. Chuck has awarded the counters and cabinets for delivery by the end of March and the flooring is out for tender this week. Later in February the t-bar ceilings will begin.
Tentative dates for moving in and for opening were discussed.
ACTION: Jill will co-ordinate with Janice Kerr and the doctors and staff to have a meeting to offer assistance with moving.
ACTION: Chuck will choose a “two-week window” for the actual move into the new Centre. A flow chart will be made by Judith M and Jill A for the move.
ACTION: Harvey and Jill will meet with Kelly Brooks as soon as possible to discuss the moving-out plans for the interim clinic.
8:45 pm MOTION: M/S Nancy HP/Judith M That the meeting move into Executive Session.
9:50 pm MOTION: M/S Inge/Judith G That the meeting move out of Executive Session.
ACTION: Brenda and Judith G will continue to consult with Mr. Sullivan on the Home and Community Care aspect with their RFP due to come up. Mr. Sullivan is i/c of capital and leasing. They will request for a proposal to lease the space for home care to be paid for by VIHA. They will report back.
ACTION: Judith G and Brenda will look into the support VIHA can offer to provide equipment, and a person to maintain the stocking of the shelves in the Urgent Care area.
The VIHA presentation letter, including the request for $100,000, has been prepared by Judith G, Brenda et al, and goes in the mail tomorrow Special Delivery.
The Strategy Meeting on February 11, 2012 was productive, with almost all Board members present. As decided at that meeting, Inge, Konrad, Lynne and Dave are working on proposal for a one-organization model after the Health Centre opens to present at an informal Board discussion meeting on Wednesday March 7, 2012 at 7:00 pm.
8.0 Joint: Planning the Gabriola Community Health Centre Opening
Jill distributed a summary of ideas regarding the organization of the Opening celebration.
The meeting decided that the Opening celebration will be held on Sunday August 5, 2012.
ACTION: Jill Adamson will co-ordinate with calendars and community events regarding this choice of date.
Wednesday, March 21, 2012 – 7:00 pm. at the Rollo Centre.
The meeting adjourned at 10:15 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Judith Madsen, GHCF Secretary Nancy Hetherington Peirce, GHCS Secretary
Return to the top of the pageFebruary 11, 2012
Gabriola Health Care Society
Board of Directors Meeting
Rollo Centre
Present: Nancy Hetherington Peirce (President/Secretary), Dave Innell (Vice-President), Harvey Graham (Treasurer), Brenda Fowler, Lynne Young, Nancy Nevison, Earl Miller.
Absent: Don Butt
Chair: Nancy Hetherington Peirce Minutes: Brenda Fowler
1. Call to Order – Meeting was called to order at 4:25 pm.
2. Notice of Meeting
MOTION: M/S Dave/Earl That the GHCS Board waive the required 48 hours’ notice for this meeting. CARRIED
3. Approval of Agenda
MOTION: M/S Dave/Lynne That the GHCS Board approve the agenda with the addition of New Business – Titanic Anniversary Event. CARRIED
4. Approval of Minutes
MOTION: M/S Earl/Dave That the GHCS Board approve the minutes of the November 17, 2011 joint Board meeting. CARRIED
5. Auxiliary Committee Report: Information Items – Nancy N
5.1 Feb 8th Auxiliary Committee brain-storming meeting – The meeting was well-attended and productive, with many ideas generated. Work is now focused on evaluating and priorizing the ideas.
5.2 The Auxiliary Committee agreed to the request by the Fund-raising Team, such that the Auxiliary Committee will manage the monthly on-site open-houses for March and April (combined with any small-group tours and/or other activities).
5.3 Update on researching the idea of a Thrift Shop – see Committee Report below.
6. Auxiliary Report: Decision Items – Nancy N
6.1 March Monthly Open House Tour – Request for a cash advance: Written budget was presented.
6.1.1 MOTION: M/S Nancy N / Dave That the GHCS Board approve a cash advance of $500 to the Auxiliary Committee for their March events, as per the budget presented. CARRIED
6.1.2 ACTION: Nancy N and Harvey will establish a $500 petty cash float. Nancy N will prepare monthly accounting reports for Harvey.
6.2 Membership in the BC Association of Health Care Auxiliaries (BCAHCA)
Nancy N explained that the annual membership fee for an Auxiliary to join the BCAHA is $6 per member; both informally organized Auxiliaries, as well as registered non-profit Auxiliaries, can join the Association.
6.2.1 MOTION: M/S Lynne/Earl That the GHCS Board establish an Auxiliary Committee membership fee of $10/person. CARRIED
6.2.2 MOTION: M/S Nancy N / Dave That the GHCS Board approve a 2012 annual membership in the BC Association of Health Care Auxiliaries, for the cost of approximately $120 ($6 / Committee member) and in the name of “Auxiliary Committee of the Gabriola Health Care Society”.
7. New Business – Titanic Anniversary Event – Nancy HP
7.1 A few residents of Gabriola have proposed a “gala dinner” event in April to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the sinking of the Titanic, with a focus of raising funds for the Foundation. This proposed event was discussed at the Auxiliary Committee meeting on February 11, and the Committee is considering publicly participating in the organization of this event as one of their fund-raising activities.
7.2 The Board discussed various concerns regarding the issue of the Auxiliary Committee (and thus the GHC Society) publicly participating in the organization of this event.
7.3 DECISION BY CONSENSUS: The Board decided by consensus that the Auxiliary Committee will not participate in the organization of the Titanic Anniversary Event. The Board clarified that any member of the Auxiliary Committee is free to participate in the organization of this event as an individual. The Board also clarified that this decision is not a broad policy decision; instead it is a decision related to this specific proposed event.
7.4 ACTIONS: Nancy N will contact the individuals proposing this event, to convey the Board’s decision. Nancy HP will contact Jill Adamson, as Foundation president, to convey the Board’s decision.
8. Adjournment – Meeting adjourned at 5:30 pm.
Return to the top of the pageJanuary 18, 2012
Gabriola Health Care Foundation and Gabriola Health Care Society
Joint Board of Directors Meeting
Rollo Centre
GHCF Board Attendees: Jill Adamson (President), Judith Madsen (Secretary), Harvey Graham (Treasurer), Judith Graham, Chuck Connor, Rufus Churcher, Inge Fretheim
Absent: Dallas Smith, Konrad Mauch (Vice-President), Don Butt, Brenda Fowler
GHCS Board Attendees: Nancy Hetherington Peirce (President/Secretary), Harvey Graham (Treasurer), Earl Miller, Lynne Young
Absent: Brenda Fowler, Nancy Nevison, Don Butt, Dave Innell
Chair: Jill Adamson Minutes: Judith Madsen
1.0 Meeting was called to order at 7:10 pm by Jill Adamson who thanked everyone for coming.
2.0 Quorum: There was a quorum present for the Foundation; no quorum for the Society.
3.0 Agenda: The Agenda was approved. M/S Jill/Rufus CARRIED
4.0 Approval of Minutes:
4.1 MOTION: M/S JudithM/Rufus That the GHCF Board approve the minutes, as distributed by email, of the November 17th 2011 Joint Board meeting.
4.2 MOTION: M/S Judith M / Rufus that the GHCF Board approve the minutes of the special GHCF Board meeting on December 8, 2011.
5.0 MOTION: M/S Chuck Connor/ Inge Fretheim That the GHCF Board appoint Mike Phillips to the Foundation Board until the next AGM.
5.1 Jill Adamson welcomed Mike Phillips to the Board.
6.0 Correspondence:
6.1 December 20th, 2011 from Dr. D Behn Smith to GHCS giving notice of leaving.
6.2 Dec. 30, 2011 From Nancy HP acknowledging Dr. D. Behn Smith’s letter.
6.3 A letter of thank-you from Jill to the Women’s Institute for the WI donation.
Business Arising from the Minutes - covered throughout the agenda.
7.0 REPORTS and New Business
7.1 GHC Society
7.1.1 FINANCE – Harvey
Report was distributed in advance of the meeting. Due to no quorum, the report will be approved at the next meeting.
7.1.2 AuxilIary Report - The Folklife Village is housing the Auxiliary’s extra items since December 31 in the former bookstore unit, while awaiting new tenants.
7.2 GHC Foundation
7.2.1 FINANCE – Harvey
Report was distributed in advance of the meeting.
MOTION: M/S Harvey/Mike That the GHC Foundation financial report for November and December 2011 be approved. CARRIED
7.3. Joint: Actions from 2011 Joint Strategic Plan
7.3.1. FUND-RAISING: Judith Graham, Inge Fretheim
Judith G reported that in December 2011, that significant amounts of new money came in, and in January 2012 to date, $30,000 has been received from the Dawe Trust (British).
Inge reported $2,500 received from the Canadian Western Bank and Jill reported $1,500 from the WI.
Harvey clarified that about $220,00 is still needed by May to reach the construction budget. (This $220,000 does not include any pledges that are due after June 2012.)
7.3.2 CONSTRUCTION: Chuck Connor
Construction is on schedule and purchases are all in order
Outside - We have roads and landscaping underway.
The Land Title will be completed this week.
ACTION: A committee of Konrad Mauch, Earl Miller, Harvey Graham, Inge Fretheim and Mike Phillips will update the business plan for presentation to the GHCF & S Boards at the February 15th Board meeting. The committee will then liaise with Doctors Bosman and Thorne.
8:27 PM MOTION: M/S Earl/Harvey That the meeting move into Executive Session.
8:44 PM MOTION: M/S Harvey/Earl That the meeting move out of Executive Session.
7.3.4 GOVERNANCE and Joint Strategy Meeting: Inge Fretheim and Nancy HP Nancy reported that the two Boards had an informal discussion on January 4th, about next steps for the new-governance process. The group supported an idea that Inge presented, and asked him to bring it to this meeting. Inge explained his idea of a strategy meeting for Feb 11th/ 2012 Saturday at the Rollo Seniors centre 9am to 4pm, for the GHCF and GHCS Boards to look at the responsibilities and governance structures as of June 2012. The meeting agreed to this idea.
ACTION: Inge will organize the Strategy Meeting on Feb 11, 2012.
7.3.5 PHYSICIAN COMPENSATION: Dave Innell No report.
7.3.6 Other Actions:
Increase profile with the Clinic with VIHA and with the Ministry of Health - Jill Adamson, Judith Graham, Brenda Fowler and Konrad Mauch are working on a presentation to the January 25, 2012 Board meeting of VIHA in Nanaimo. Konrad Mauch will do the presentation, and Board members are encouraged to attend.
8.0 JOINT: Joint or Separate Board Meetings From February to June 2012
MOTION: Jill/Nancy HP that the Boards continue to meet jointly. CARRIED
Wednesday, February 15th 2012 – 7:00 pm. at the Rollo Centre.
JOINT MEETINGS IN 2012 ARE CHANGED TO THE THIRD WEDNESDAY OF THE MONTH, 7:00 PM, AT THE ROLLO CENTRE: January 18, February 15, March 21, April 18, May 16.
The meeting adjourned at 9:15 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Judith Madsen, GHCF Secretary Nancy Hetherington Peirce, GHCS Secretary
Return to the top of the pageDecmber 7, 2011
Gabriola Health Care Foundation and Gabriola Health Care Society
Joint Board of Directors Meeting
Robert’s Upstairs Room
GHCF Board Attendees: Jill Adamson (President), Konrad Mauch (Vice-President), Judith Madsen (Secretary), Harvey Graham (Treasurer), Brenda Fowler, Judith Graham, Chuck Connor, Inge Fretheim, Mike Phillips (Lions Representative)
Absent: Dallas Smith, Rufus Churcher, Don Butt
Chair: Jill Adamson Minutes: Judith Madsen
1.0 Meeting was called to order at 3:10 pm by Jill Adamson who thanked everyone for coming. Jill welcomed Mike Phillips representing the Lions.
2.0 Quorum: There was a quorum present.
2.a Agenda: The Agenda was approved. M/S Jill/Judith M
3.0 Minutes: The Approval of the Minutes of November 17th, and November 07th,2011 will be deferred until the Joint Board Meeting in January 2012.
4.0 The November Financial Report will be presented at the Board Meeting, January 2012.
5.0 MOTION: M/S Harvey/Chuck
Resolved that:
1. All cheques, drafts, and orders for payment of money drawn on any Bank, Credit Union or Trust Company (hereinafter referred to as the “Credit Union”) account operated in the name of the Gabriola Health Care Foundation, (hereinafter referred to as "GHCF") shall be signed by:
(a) any two of: the President, Jill Adamson; the Vice-president, Konrad Mauch; the Secretary, Judith Madsen; and the Treasurer, Harvey Graham.
except that:
(b) cheques, drafts, and orders for payment of money in amounts not exceeding $500.00 may be signed by any one of the persons set out above.
2. All authorized banking accounts of GHCF existing as of the date of this resolution and all arrangements with regard to electronic banking are hereby continued.
3. Any two of the foregoing are authorized to provide direction to the Credit Union with respect to the opening and closing of any GHCF accounts.
4. Any two of the foregoing are authorized to enter into agreements relating to interest rates and other agreements of every nature whatsoever related to the investment of GHCF moneys in investment instruments issued by the Credit Union.
6.0 Naming of the Building:
The Doctors of the interim Gabriola Medical Clinic requested in attached letter that the name be changed at the new building to Gabriola Community Health Centre.
MOTION: M/S Harvey/Inge That the new facility at 693/695/697 Church Street be called the Gabriola Community Health Centre.
7.0 The two rooms at the Rollo Centre at 685 South Road will be available in 2012 from 7pm onwards on the 1st Wed for committee or other meetings and the 3rd Wednesday for Board Meetings.
8.0 Reports:
Fundraising: Judith Graham
8.1.a Vancouver Island Health Authority
8.1.a Jill Adamson and Judith Graham attended as guest observers the Vancouver Island Health Authority Board of Directors General Meeting held at the Mary Winspear Centre in Sidney on November 30, 2011.
ACTION: A delegation is planned for January 2012 Meeting. The committee will include Don Butt, Dave Inell, Konrad Mauch, Brenda Fowler, Jill Adamson, Judith Graham, Earl Miller.
8.1.b Donor Policy:
The Donor Policy Committee will review an Art Glass donation request and report to the Board in January 2012
8.2 Corporate Fundraising: Inge Fretheim
Inge reports that he has met with 8 Business representatives and has three more scheduled tomorrow.
Reminder from Brenda: Rexall Drugs has offered $1000 in kind to go toward toilet paper or usable items from their store.
9.0 Executive Session:
4:00 pm MOTION: M/S Jill/Inge That the meeting move into Executive Session.
5:15 pm MOTION: M/S Jill/Chuck That the meeting move out of Executive Session.
The meeting adjourned at 5:15 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Judith Madsen, GHCF Secretary
Return to the top of the pageNovember 17, 2011
Gabriola Health Care Society & Foundation
Joint Board of Directors Meeting
Village Office
GHCF Board Attendees: Jill Adamson (President), Judith Madsen (Secretary), Harvey Graham (Treasurer), Brenda Fowler, Judith Graham, Chuck Connor, Rufus Churcher, Don Butt, Inge Fretheim
Absent: Dallas Smith, Konrad Mauch (Vice-President)
GHCS Board Attendees: Nancy Hetherington Peirce (President/Secretary), Dave Innell (Vice-President), Harvey Graham (Treasurer), Brenda Fowler, Don Butt, Earl Miller, Nancy Nevison, Lynne Young
Chair: Nancy Hetherington Peirce Minutes: Judith Madsen
1.0 Meeting was called to order at 7:05 pm by Nancy Hetherington Peirce who thanked everyone for coming. Nancy HP welcomed Lynne Young.
2.0 Quorum: There was a quorum present for the Society and for the Foundation.
3.0 Agenda: The Agenda was approved. M/S Jill/Don CARRIED
4.0 Approval of Minutes:
4.1 MOTION: M/S Dave/Earl That the GHC Society Board approve the minutes for the Oct 20 2011 joint Board meeting. CARRIED
4.2 MOTION: M/S Harvey/Judith G That the GHC Foundation Board approve the minutes, as amended, for the Oct 20 2011 joint Board meeting. CARRIED
4.3 MOTION: M/S Judith G/Inge That the GHC Foundation Board approve the minutes of the November 7, 2011 special Foundation Board meeting. CARRIED
These minutes are attached.
5.0 Correspondence:
5.1 A letter was received on October 26 2011 from Nancy Nevison, chair of the Auxiliary (e-mailed to all Board members) re: Auxiliary plans to become a separate organization.
5.2 A letter was received from the Ambulance Society re: Donating a further $10,000 to building the helicopter pad.
5.3 A letter was received from the Farm Credit Canada with a donation of $9,000 to the clinic building.
6.1 GHC Society Reports
6.1.a SPECIAL BOARD MEETING Nancy HP reported on the special Society Board meeting, November 17/11 at 5:30 p.m., which the GHC Foundation Board members were invited to attend. The decisions made include the following motions. Minutes are attached.
MOTION: M/S Dave / Nancy N That the Board appoint Lynne Young to the GHC Society Board of Directors until the next AGM in approximately June 2012.
MOTION: M/S Dave / Earl That the Board recognize the partnership between the Auxiliary and the Society through establishing the Auxiliary as a Committee of the GHC Society Board of Directors (as per GHCS By-law #47), effective December 1, 2011 until the next AGM in approximately June 2012.
MOTION: M/S Dave / Earl That the financial responsibility for the Auxiliary’s activities transfer from the GHC Foundation Board to the GHC Society Board (e.g. accounting, spending decisions), effective December 1, 2011.
MOTION: M/S Brenda / Harvey That the Board confirms its commitment to the 2011 Joint Strategic Plan, in which all three groups agreed to the nine action items with the first priority action being the raising of money to complete the clinic.
6.1.a.i MOTION: M/S Brenda/Chuck That the Foundation Board endorse and support the new organizational structure between the Society and Auxiliary, and look forward to the successful completion of our Joint Strategic Plan priority of completing the clinic. CARRIED
6.1.b FINANCE – Harvey
Report was distributed in advance of the meeting.
MOTION: M/S Harvey/Dave That the GHC Society financial report for October 2011 be approved. CARRIED
Report by Dave that a small ad went in the Sounder. There were not any responses and Dave said he did not send out the request by email because he no longer has a list of health-care practitioners.
6.1.d Dave reported that the IHN contracts are completed so they can be removed from the website.
6.2 GHC Foundation Reports
6.2.a FINANCE – Harvey
Report was distributed in advance of the meeting.
MOTION: M/S Harvey/Jill That the GHC Foundation financial report for October 2011 be approved. CARRIED
6.2.b AUXILIARY – Nancy N
Report was distributed in advance of the meeting.
6.3 Joint: Actions from 2011 Joint Strategic Plan
6.3.a FUND-RAISING: Judith Graham
Judith reported that $150,000 funds have come in October which puts us at $1.15 million towards our goal of $1.4 million.
Donations for Oct 31 to Nov 17/2011 are approximately $22,000. There are two grant requests that we expect to have a response from.
MOTION: Harvey/Don That the Foundation Board authorize Harvey Graham to sign the agreement with the Farm Credit Canada that was previously distributed to the Foundation Board members.
6.3.b CONSTRUCTION: Chuck Connor
The membrane for the roof is nearly complete. There will be 2-3 months with the scaffolding to do the gutters, soffits, siding and windows. Sprinklers, electrics, heating and venting, gravel is ready for the road areas and the well report is positive.
The property title is in the hands of the lawyers to transfer the papers.
The Port Place Medical Centre donations of doors, frames, hardware, cabinets, heat registers and sinks are being used. The heat ventilator has already been installed.
Nothing to report at this time.
8:00PM MOTION: M/S Earl/Jill That the meeting move into Executive Session.
8:35PM MOTION: M/S Dave/Earl That the meeting move out of Executive Session.
66.3.e GOVERNANCE: Nancy HP
On November 3/11 the Governance Group Report of October 18, 2011 was presented to the Auxiliary meeting (9 members of the Auxiliary present) for their information.
The third recommendation of the Report – to hold a joint meeting of the GHC Society Board, Foundation Board and the core Auxiliary members to make a decision about a new organizational structure as of June 2012 – will be scheduled for Feb/March 2012. ACTION: Nancy HP will propose some dates by email.
7.1.a The rental of the Gabriola Health Care Foundation Village Office will be closed November 30, 2011. A grateful thanks to Steve Wohlleben for all of his help to the GHCF fundraising.7.1.b Donor Recognition “display” at the new Clinic
ACTION: Jill A andJudith G will bring to the next joint Board meeting a proposal, including terms of reference, for planning and producing the Donor Recognition “display” at the new Clinic. Judith M has previous proposals that were displayed during fundraising in the GHCF office that she will submit.
Thursday, December 15 – 7:00 pm.
JOINT MEETINGS IN 2012 ARE CHANGED TO THE THIRD WEDNESDAY OF THE MONTH, 7:00 PM, AT THE ROLLO CENTRE: January 18, February 15, March 21, April 18, May 16.
The meeting adjourned at 9:50 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Judith Madsen, GHCF Secretary Nancy Hetherington Peirce, GHCS Secretary
Return to the top of the pageNovember 17, 2011
Gabriola Health Care Society
Board of Directors Meeting
Village Office
Present: Nancy Hetherington Peirce (President/Secretary), Dave Innell (Vice-President), Harvey Graham (Treasurer), Don Butt, Brenda Fowler, Earl Miller, Nancy Nevison
GHC Foundation Board, attending by invitation: Jill Adamson (President), Judith Madsen (Secretary), Don Butt, Chuck Connor, Brenda Fowler, Inge Fretheim, Judith Graham
Chair: Nancy Hetherington Peirce
Acting Secretary: Brenda Fowler
1. Call to Order
The meeting was called to order to 5:30 p.m. Nancy welcomed everyone and thanked the Foundation Board members for attending. Nancy explained that she, with agreement from the Executive Committee of the Society Board, had invited Foundation Board members to attend in the interests of maintaining open communication between the two Boards.
2. Approval of Agenda: MOTION: M/S Nancy N / Dave That the agenda be approved as circulated. CARRIED
3. Proposal from Dave Innell – Goal
Dave presented his proposal, circulated in advance to members of the Society and Foundation Boards (see attached). The goal, as summarized by Dave in his written proposal, is as follows:
“… to enable the three groups [Foundation, Society, Auxiliary] to continue using the present organizational structure (of two formally-organized groups and one informally-organized group) until approximately June 2012, such that our work together over the next six months can continue to be well co-ordinated and integrated.”
Dave also outlined the previous communications regarding his proposal, which included a meeting with the Auxiliary Executive, and with the Board’s Executive Committee (with Jill Adamson attending as Foundation President). Nancy asked for questions of clarity and for thoughts on the proposal, and a full discussion ensued, with participation by Foundation Board members.
4. Proposal from Dave Innell – Actions
4.1 MOTION: M/S Dave / Nancy N That the Board appoint Lynne Young to the GHC Society Board of Directors until the next AGM in approximately June 2012. CARRIED
4.2 MOTION: M/S Dave / Earl That the Board recognize the partnership between the Auxiliary and the Society through establishing the Auxiliary as a Committee of the GHC Society Board of Directors (as per GHCS By-law #47), effective December 1, 2011 until the next AGM in approximately June 2012. CARRIED
4.3 MOTION: M/S Dave / Earl That the financial responsibility for the Auxiliary’s activities transfer from the GHC Foundation Board to the GHC Society Board (e.g. accounting, spending decisions), effective December 1, 2011. CARRIED
4.4 MOTION: M/S Brenda / Harvey That the Board confirms its commitment to the 2011 Joint Strategic Plan, in which all three groups agreed to the nine action items with the first priority action being the raising of money to complete the clinic. CARRIED
4.5 Nancy Nevison, as Chair of the Auxiliary, confirmed on behalf of the Auxiliary that:
The Auxiliary will put on hold its decision of October 26/11 to begin the process of registering as a separate non-profit society.
The Auxiliary will continue its participation in the current governance work (of the Auxiliary, Foundation, and Society) of choosing a new organizational structure to begin in June 2012.
5. Adjournment
The meeting adjourned at 6:50 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Brenda Fowler, GHCS Acting Secretary
Return to the top of the pageNovember 7, 2011
Gabriola Health Care Foundation
Board of Directors Meeting
Village Office
Present:Jill Adamson, Dallas Smith, Rufus Churcher, Inge Fretheim, Judith Graham, Chuck Conner, Brenda Fowler, Harvey Graham
Chair: Jill Adamson
Chuck presented an update on the property transfer and the road construction plans. The Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure require a Letter of Credit to cover the agreed road construction.
Harvey Graham moved the attached Directors Resolution
Rufus Churcher seconded the motion
Meeting was adjoured at 12:20
Return to the top of the pageOctober 20, 2011
Gabriola Health Care Society & Foundation
Joint Board of Directors Meeting
Village Office
GHCF Board Attendees: Brenda Fowler (President), Jill Adamson (Vice-President), Judith Madsen (Secretary), Harvey Graham (Treasurer), Judith Graham, Konrad Mauch, Chuck Connor, Rufus Churcher
Absent: Dallas Smith, Don Butt
GHCS Board Attendees: Brenda Fowler (President), Dave Innell (Vice-President), Harvey Graham (Treasurer), Nancy Hetherington Peirce (Secretary), Earl Miller, Nancy Nevison
Absent: Don Butt
Observers: Marilyn Geater (Auxiliary Presentation - attached)
Chair: Jill Adamson Minutes: Judith Madsen
1.0 Meeting was called to order at 6:58 pm by Jill Adamson who thanked everyone for coming.
2.0 Quorum: There was a quorum present for the Society and for the Foundation.
3.0 Agenda: The Agenda was approved. M/S Konrad/Dave
4.0 Approval of Minutes:
At the September 15, 2011 joint Board meeting, there was a quorum for the GHCS and not for the GHCF.
4.1 MOTION: M/S Dave/Brenda That the GHC Society Board approve the minutes for the Sept 15th, 2011 joint Board meeting.
4.2 MOTION: M/S Konrad/Rufus That the GHC Foundation Board approve the minutes for the August 18/ 2011 joint Board meeting.
5.0 Presentation: by Marilyn Geater, GHCF Auxiliary (Attached)
Marilyn gave a well thought out presentation for the GHCF Board to consider an Auxiliary Thrift Store in the present village GHCF&S office. The Auxiliary would need start up funds of $3500.00. The proposal will be discussed by the Foundation Board later in the meeting, under new business.
Marilyn left the meeting.
6.0 Correspondence:
6.1 The Government of Canada (New Horizons program) has received the application for the development of a Community Clinic Exercise Loop Trail. A written decision will arrive in 5 months or so.
6.2 A letter was received from the Ambulance Society.
7.1 GHC Society Reports
7.1.1 FINANCE – Harvey
Report was distributed in advance of the meeting.
MOTION: M/S Harvey/Dave That the GHC Society financial report for September 2011 be approved.
MOTION: M/S Brenda/Dave To place an ad in the Sounder Newspaper for a tenant for the vacant space left by D’Arcy Bolton at the Gabriola Community Interim Clinic, Taylor Bay Road. CARRIED
ACTION: Dave will notify his list of health-care practitioners regarding the space to rent.
See information in #6.1 above.
7.2 GHC Foundation Reports
7.2.1 FINANCE – Harvey
Report was distributed in advance of the meeting.
MOTION: M/S Harvey/Konrad That the GHC Foundation financial report for September 2011 be approved.
7.2.2 AUXILIARY REPORT - Nancy Nevison
See attached report.
The auxiliary have had two general meetings and they have been keeping the photos updated in the GHCF Village Office. The auxiliary has talked with VIHA about programs such as Meals on Wheels and how they can work together.
The Auxiliary, Brenda and Nancy N, discussed separating from the GHCF&S to independently fundraise.
7.3 Joint Reports GHCF & GHCS
7.3.1 Approval of Strategic Plan, Sept 30/11 - Nancy HP MOTION: M/S Dave/Earl That the GHC Society Board approve the 2011 Strategic Plan, dated October 12, 2011, of the GHCS Board, the GHCF Board, and the Auxiliary.
CARRIED MOTION: M/S Konrad/Brenda That the GHC Foundation Board approve the 2011 Strategic Plan, dated October 12, 2011, of the GHCS Board, the GHCF Board, and the Auxiliary, with one amendment: that Action #3 b) will read as follows – “Change compensation model to attract and retain physicians.” CARRIED The Society Board agreed to the amended Strategic Plan.
7.3.2 FUNDRAISING – Judith G
The fundraising is going along smoothly. Grant requests have gone to various businesses. Inge Freitheim has volunteered to help with corporate fundraising.
MOTION: Rufus/ Konrad That the GHC Foundation Board appoint Inge Freitheim to the Foundation Board until the next AGM.
The budget is on target for most items, including the site work, foundations, framing, heating and venting. The sprinkler system is slightly over budget. The electrical, windows, hydro, sewer and septic are on budget.
The schedule of building is excellent and on target. The trusses are complete and approved, the exterior walls are up and interior walls are being completed. The landscaping committee has met.
Danny Windecker has completed drilling the well and it is producing 5gal/ min at 350 feet. The Heliport site is being prepared. Tony Grove has a great plan for the entrance door and has begun. Emcon has volunteered graders and equipment to prepare the Church Street road.
Further legal work continues, in preparation for the transfer of property title.
No report this month.
8:40 pm MOTION: M/S Nancy HP / Konrad That the meeting move into Executive Session.
8:50 pm MOTION: M/S Nancy HP / Dave That the meeting move out of Executive Session.
Work on finding other paying tenants is continuing.
Nancy HP presented the report (prior to the meeting) from the Governance Group. Questions and discussion followed, regarding the recommendations. GHCS MOTION: M/S Dave/Earl That Nancy Nevision, as a member of the Society Board, be recognized as Chair of the Auxiliary until the next AGM.
CARRIED. GHCF MOTION: M/S Konrad/Brenda That Brenda Fowler, as a member of the Foundation Board, be recognized as the representative of the Auxiliary on the Foundation Board until the next AGM.
8.1.2 Society
MOTION: M/S Dave/Earl That the GHCS Officers until the next AGM are: Nancy Hetherington Peirce (President, Secretary), Dave Innell (Vice-President), and Harvey Graham (Treasurer) CARRIED
8.2 Foundation
MOTION: M/S Judith G/Brenda That the GHCF Officers until the next AGM are: Jill Adamson (President), Konrad Mauch (Vice-President), Judith Madsen (Secretary), and Harvey Graham (Treasurer). CARRIED
MOTION: M/S Judith G / Harvey Moved to table the funding of a thrift shop proposal until the clinic is completed.
Meetings will continue to be held on the third Thursday of the month, at 7:00 pm.
- December 15
- January 19
- February 16
The meeting adjourned at approximately 10:00 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Judith Madsen, GHCF Secretary Nancy Hetherington Peirce, GHCS Secretary
Return to the top of the pageSeptember 15, 2011
Gabriola Health Care Society & Foundation
Joint Board of Directors Meeting
Village Office
GHCF Board Attendees: Jill Adamson (Vice-President), Harvey Graham (Treasurer), Rufus Churcher, Chuck Connor, Konrad Mauch
Absent: Don Butt, Brenda Fowler, Judith Graham, Judith Madsen, Dallas Smith
GHCS Board Attendees: Dave Innell (Vice-President), Harvey Graham (Treasurer), Nancy Hetherington Peirce (Secretary), Earl Miller
Absent: Don Butt, Brenda Fowler, Nancy Nevison
Chair: Jill Adamson
1.0 Meeting was called to order at 7:02 pm by Jill Adamson.
2.0 Quorum: Quorum was present for the Society but not for the Foundation.
3.0 Agenda: MOTION M/S Dave/Earl to approve the agenda as distributed. CARRIED
4.0 Minutes of August 18, 2011 Joint Board meeting
4.1 Society: MOTION M/S Harvey/Earl To approve the minutes with correction as follows: after the Motion at 7:10 p.m., add: “The meeting agreed that Morrie Mostow could remain for the Executive Session.” CARRIED
4.2 Foundation: No quorum was present, so the minutes will be approved at the next meeting.
5.0 Correspondence – none
Jill mentioned her satisfaction with the proceedings of the Annual General Meetings of the Society and the Foundation on September 8th. About thirty people attended, and the reports and discussions were informative. Summaries of the reports will be posted to the website.
– HarveyGHCS financial report to August 31, 2011 was discussed.
MOTION: M/S Harvey/Earl That the GHC Society financial report to August 31. 2011 be approved as distributed. CARRIED
No report. Dave suggested that the Data and Services group be discontinued, as there is no need at present for further work in this area. The meeting agreed.
Application for $24,900 to develop exercise trails on the clinic property was submitted on September 14 to Human Resources Development Canada. Letters of support were received from GaLLT, Hope Centre, Rollo Centre, PHC, and the Gabriola Recreation Society.
Acknowledgement of submission will be sent in two or three weeks; notification of decision will be sent in two or three months.
Auxiliary: The Auxiliary report was received by Jill today, and will be circulated to Board members promptly. Jill did not raise any issues from the report.
Donor companies/organizations: Judith G has sent out proposals for funding to some companies. Jill is contributing photos of the clinic construction to these proposals.
Individual donors: Judith M is away Sept 18 to Oct 10. Some contacts are being made to donors who have pledged money.
ACTION: Jill will create a “Thank-you Certificate” as soon as possible, to give to donors.
ACTION: Each Board will prepare a slate of names and positions (President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Secretary) to present to the October 20th Board meeting for election.
Postponed to the October Board meeting.
ACTION: Nancy HP will update the Strategic Plan as per the August 18, 2011 minutes and circulate the updated version before the October 20th Board meeting.
The meeting agreed that the monthly Board meeting agendas would now include reports from the Board members co-ordinating the following five actions in the Strategic Plan: #1 Fundraising, #2 Building, #3 Physician Compensation, #4 Other Paying Tenants, and #6 Governance.
ACTION: Judith M and Nancy HP will prepare a draft agenda for each monthly joint Board meeting, and will forward the draft to Jill one week in advance of each meeting date to review and then circulate to Board members.
8:15 p.m.
MOTION: M/S Dave/Nancy HP That the meeting move into Executive Session. CARRIED
8:30 p.m.
MOTION: M/S Dave/Nancy HP that the meeting move out of Executive Session. CARRIED
Third Thursday of the month at 7:00 pm: October 20, November 17.
9.0 ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned at 8:35 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Nancy Hetherington Peirce, GHCS Secretary
Return to the top of the pageAugust 17, 2011
Gabriola Health Care Society & Foundation
Joint Board of Directors Meeting
The Roxy Theatre
GHCS Board Attendees: Don Butt, Tracie Der, Brenda Fowler, Harvey Graham, Nancy Hetherington-Peirce, David Innell, Terry Nimmon
GHCF Board Attendees: Jill Adamson (presiding), Don Butt, Tracie Der, Brenda Fowler, Harvey Graham, Judith Graham, Nancy Hout, Judith Madsen, Konrad Mauch
The meeting was called to order at 8:00 pm.
1. Previous Minutes
Moved (Tracie/Don): that the minutes of the meeting of 20 May 2010 be accepted as corrected. CARRIED
Moved (Tracie/Dave): that the minutes of the meeting of 15 July 2010 be accepted as previously circulated. CARRIED
2. Auxiliary Report – Brenda updated the boards on the activities of the auxiliary and their fundraising efforts.
3. Treasurer's Report (attached to original minutes)
Moved (Harvey/Don): that the financial reports be accepted as previously circulated. CARRIED
4. Data & Services Committee – Dave announced that the Wellness survey generated 417 responses (more than meeting the need for statistical significance) and that the analysis of the data has begun in Victoria. He estimated that, by September, we should be able to have the first "broad" review of the results. He and others have formed an ad hoc group to try to develop a functional tool/structured process to practically and usefully utilize the survey results.
Work has begun on drafting a letter to Valerie Tregillus of the Ministry of Health which will provide an update on what the GHCS/GHCF has achieved thus far, as well as what challenges and issues are being encountered going forward. The goal is to create an opportunity for a face-to-face meeting to discuss details.
There was also a discussion with respect to how the purpose of the community clinic is framed. There has been much emphasis placed on it's role in emergencies, but it is important to recognize that there is more to it than that. It is also not just a "clinic," but a "comprehensive community care model."
5. Special Ask – Judith Madsen confirmed that this event will take place on October 9th, 4-6 pm at the Dragon's Lodge.
Moved (Judith M./Dave): that a budget of up to $700 be authorized to cover the expenses in hosting this event. CARRIED
6. Judith Graham informed the board that there has been an email from Dr. Donald Sutherland, who was involved in the development of the Pender Island clinic. He has indicated that he has plans to be on Gabriola on the upcoming weekend (August 21/22) and would be interested in meeting with members of our organizations and/or our local physicians informally to discuss ideas and exchange information. Brenda indicated that she would be willing to meet with him at the office in the Village on the weekend.
7. In Camera Session – a brief planning discussion was held.
Moved (Brenda/Konrad): that the GHCS and GHCF proceed with due diligence on the offer of property from Dr. Rooks. CARRIED
Harvey will notify Dr. Rooks of our decision.
Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 8:42 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Tracie Der, Secretary
Return to the top of the pageJuly 21, 2011
Gabriola Health Care Society & Foundation
Joint Board of Directors Meeting
Village Office
GHCF Board Attendees: Brenda Fowler (President), Jill Adamson (Vice-President), Judith Madsen (Secretary), Harvey Graham (Treasurer), Judith Graham, Rufus Churcher, Kay Holt, Mike Phillips (Lions Club substitute for Don Butt), Konrad Mauch
Absent: Dallas Smith, Chuck Connor, Don Butt
GHCS Board Attendees: Brenda Fowler (President), Harvey Graham (Treasurer), Kay Holt, Dave Innell, Earl Miller, Nancy Hetherington Peirce (Secretary), Nancy Nevison
Absent: Don Butt
Observers: none
Chair: Jill Adamson Minutes: Judith Madsen
1.0 Meeting was called to order at 7:05 pm by Jill Adamson who thanked everyone for coming.
2.0 Quorum: There was a quorum present for the Society and for the Foundation.
3.0 The Agenda was approved. M/S Konrad/Dave
4.0 Approval of Minutes
4.1 MOTION: M/S Judith M/Konrad To approve the minutes of the June 23, 2011 meeting of the GHCF and GHCS Boards. CARRIED
7:10 pm MOTION: M/S Dave/Nancy HP That the meeting move into Executive Session. CARRIED
7:55 pm MOTION: M/S Dave/Nancy HP That the meeting move out of Executive Session. CARRIED
5.0 Correspondence
5.1 Thank-you note to the Foundation from Dr. Allan Oliver, Dentist admiring work accomplished by everyone.
6.0 Business arising from the minutes – covered throughout the agenda
7.1 Joint Reports
7.1.a. AUXILIARY: Nancy Nevison
Report was distributed in advance of the meeting; some items in the report were discussed.
7.2 GHC Society Reports
7.2.a. FINANCE – Harvey
Report was distributed in advance of the meeting.
MOTION: M/S Harvey/Dave. That the GHC Society financial report for June 2011 be approved. CARRIED
Tenant D’Arcy Boulton will be moving out of the Twin Beaches Interim Medical Clinic at the end of July 2011.
On July 18, Jill, Judith and Dave attended a meeting in Victoria sponsored by HRDC (Human Resources Development Canada), to gather information about funding opportunities regarding programs for seniors. Proposals must be submitted by Sept 16, 2011.
MOTION: M/S Brenda/Harvey That the Society Board research and submit a funding proposal for landscaping a walking-circuit trail for seniors on the clinic property. CARRIED
ACTION: A subcommittee of Rufus, Dave, Konrad, Judith G, Nancy N, and Brenda will work on the research and submission of a proposal.
Fay Weller and Dave met with a VIHA representative for a follow-up meeting regarding the new IHN contract granted to the Society. Dave and Fay voiced their concerns about VIHA’s decision-making process; they were thanked for their input and told that these decisions were now in place.
ACTION: Dave will draft a letter from the Society to VIHA to formally express concerns.
The new IHN contract was just received by Dave on July 21. He will review the details and report to the August Board meeting.
7.3 GHC Foundation Reports
7.3.a. FINANCE – Harvey
Report was distributed in advance of the meeting.
MOTION: M/S Harvey/Mike That the GHC Foundation financial report for June 2011 be approved. CARRIED
MOTION: M/S Harvey/Judith M Be it resolved that it is in the best interests of the Gabriola Health Care Foundation, a British Columbia incorporated Society, to enter into contracts in connection with the construction of a medical facility on Gabriola Island. In furtherance of this resolution, each of Brenda Fowler, President, Jill Adamson, Vice President, Judith Madsen, Secretary, Harvey Graham, Treasurer and Konrad Mauch, Director, is duly authorized to enter into and sign said contracts on behalf of the Gabriola Health Care Foundation. Each is further authorized to provide such additional information and execute such other documents as may be required in connection with said contracts and to execute any amendments, rescissions, and revisions thereto. CARRIED
7.3.b BUILDING – Konrad
The building team is working well together. Fencing around the site is installed, the site trailer has arrived, and hydro poles have arrived. The 4th reading by the Trustees of the rezoning application is July 28; then another several days will be needed for the subdivision and building permit processes.
Donations of various materials are coming in from off-island suppliers. Preparations are in place to pour the concrete foundations on the site. A building permit may be issued to Potlatch to enable foundation work to begin.
7.3.c. FUNDRAISING – Judith M
$400,000 still has to be raised. Judith M requested more co-ordination of input into future press releases and updating email lists.
8.1 GHC Society New Business
8.2 GHC Foundation New Business
The sub-committee distributed its report and recommendations in advance of the meeting. Discussion ensued regarding the four proposed policies and the summary statement: “All recognition of donations shall ultimately be at the discretion of the GHCF Board of Directors.”
The Board made the following decisions, effective July 21, 2011.
Policy #1 – Public Recognition of Donors: Board discussed the recommendations, and asked that the sub-committee consult with the donors of large amounts regarding their interest in being recognized via categories of donation amounts.
Policy #2 – Financing the Recognition of Donors: Board discussed the recommendations.
MOTION: M/S Konrad/Judith M That the GHCF Board spends modestly and responsibly regarding the ways in which donors are publicly recognized. CARRIED
Policy #3 – Acknowledgement of Large Donations: Board discussed the recommendations.
MOTION: M/S Konrad/Kay That certain opportunities are available for donors of $10,000 or more to name certain room within the building, using their own name or that of another person or group. CARRIED
The sub-committee presented a proposed list of naming opportunities and donation amounts.
MOTION: M/S Konrad/Kay That the proposed list of naming opportunities and donation amounts be approved at this time, subject to future adjustments by the Board. CARRIED
Policy #4 – Designated Use of a Donation: Board discussed the recommendations.
MOTION: M/S Konrad/Kay That the Board will consider, on an individual basis, any offer by a donor that includes conditions regarding a) a specific use for their donation, and/or b) a donation of a specific item instead of money. CARRIED
8.3 Joint New Business
The Nominations Committee distributed their report in advance of the meeting, regarding the election of new Directors and the date for the 2011 AGM.
Election of New Directors:
According to the by-laws, the Nominations Committee and the Board decide on the number of new directors to be elected at an annual General Meeting once the number of directors continuing in their terms has been established.
Regarding the Society Board, the terms of six directors continue past 2011; five of these directors are continuing in their terms and one is resigning as of the 2011 AGM. As permitted in the by-laws, the Board appointed two new directors during the past year, whose terms end at the 2011 AGM.
Regarding the Foundation Board, the terms of the nine elected directors continue past 2011; all nine of these directors are continuing in their terms. The two representative directors are appointed annually by their organizations.
MOTION: M/S Dave/Nancy HP That the GHC Society Board declare that two new directors will be elected at the 2011 AGM. CARRIED
MOTION: M/S Konrad/Rufus That the GHC Foundation Board declare that zero new directors will be elected at the 2011 AGM. CARRIED
Date of the 2011 Annual General Meeting
Meeting decided that the AGM will be held on Thursday September 8, 2011 at 7 pm. There will be public announcements of details.
9.0 NEXT MEETING: Thursday, August 18, 2011 – 7:00 pm at the Village GHCF&S office.
Respectfully submitted,
Judith Madsen, GHCF Secretary
Nancy Hetherington Peirce, GHCS Secretary
Return to the top of the pageJune 23, 2011
Gabriola Health Care Society & Foundation
Joint Board of Directors Meeting
Village Office
GHCF Board Attendees: Brenda Fowler (President), Jill Adamson (Vice-President), Judith Madsen (Secretary), Harvey Graham (Treasurer), Judith Graham, Rufus Churcher, Kay Holt, Don Butt, Konrad Mauch
Absent: Dallas Smith, Chuck Connor
GHCS Board Attendees: Brenda Fowler (President), Harvey Graham (Treasurer), Kay Holt, Dave Innell, Earl Miller, Nancy Hetherington Peirce (Secretary), Don Butt
Absent: none
Observer: Nancy Nevison, Auxiliary Chair
Chair: Jill Adamson Minutes: Judith Madsen
1.0 Meeting was called to order at 7:03 pm by Jill Adamson who thanked the successful efforts of everyone and our community at the June 4th 2011 Ground Breaking Ceremony.
2.0 Quorum: There was a quorum present for the Society and for the Foundation.
3.0 The Agenda was approved.
4.0 Approval of Minutes
4.1 MOTION: M/S Judith M/Konrad To approve the minutes of May 25th 2011 meeting of GHCF and GHCS Boards with two changes of wording: CARRIED
5.0 Auxiliary Report and Ground Breaking Reports: Nancy Nevison
5.1 Nancy Nevison gave a thank you and summary of the Ground Breaking June 4th 2011. Board members mentioned many positive aspects of the event, and expressed appreciation for the work of the Auxiliary in organizing the event Brenda Fowler complimented the Choirs singing, the gift a Quilt from the Women’s institute to raffle this year, the participants speaking including a baby on stage, saying that this is a symbolic community event, We should realize that 400 people blessed the location of our Gabriola community Medical Clinic.
5.2 See attached Auxiliary Report. See below in Business arising from Minutes re: Food-service trailer and Auxiliary Vision.
6.0 Financial Report: Harvey Graham
6.1 MOTION: M/S Harvey/Don Butt That the GHCS and GHCF financial reports for May 2011 be approved. CARRIED
7.0 Data and Services: Dave Innell
7.1 Dave met with VIHA and was told that VIHA would provide $2,400 or 10% of requested amount. This response was very disappointing. Dave explained that VIHA appears to have changed its method of disbursing money for patient services, by funding individual service providers rather than funding the umbrella group of the GHCS. Currently, of the approximately 1400 patients in the Nanaimo IHN program, about 250 live on Gabriola.
7.2 A discussion followed, noting input from Kay Holt that the IHN funding is only to introduce a client to a service for 3 months use, intending for the patient to motivate themselves to continue. As well, in other clinics IHN service providers do not pay for space.
ACTION: Dave will accept VIHA’s offer of a second meeting with them in early July regarding their funding processes; at that meeting Dave will collect more information. Then he will write a letter to VIHA from the GHCS Board – and will circulate to the Board for comments.
Thanks to Dave - great work and such a disappointment.
8.0 Fundraising: Judith Madsen
8.1 Thank you notes have been sent out to some of the June 4th Donations but have stopped due to the mail strike. They will continue. Fundraising will continue.
9.0 Business Arising from Minutes
9.1 Proposal from Auxiliary to purchase a food-service trailer.
9.2 Nancy N submitted, in her Auxiliary Report, a report regarding the “Mobile Communications and Cone with Coffee Business Cart”, and a Business Plan and options of how it could be purchased. VIHA approval was verbally submitted to Nancy N. A discussion ensued.
9.3 Motion: Nancy HP/Dave Innell That Nancy N have authority to negotiate the purchase price for the trailer for $5500 or less. Motion approved by 9 with 2 opposed. CARRIED
10.0 Discussion of future work of the Auxiliary.
10.1 Nancy N submitted, in her Auxiliary report, a researched report on the “Vision of the Auxiliary’s future role in the Clinic (fundraising and function)” within the Clinic Building.
There was a lengthy discussion.
10.2 ACTION: There will be a Strategic Discussion meeting with both boards and Auxiliary this July 14th, 2011, part of long range planning meetings to look at the the Society, Foundation and Auxiliary role during the next year, and once the Clinic is built.
11.0 Privacy Policy: Submitted by Don Butt
Don Butt submitted a privacy policy (attached) that has been in use with many organizations utilizing both legal and common sense approach. Discussion ensued.
11.1 Motion: M/S Don/Konrad That the GHCF Privacy Policy document and the Directors Consent form be adopted. CARRIED
11.2 Motion: M/S Don/Earl That the GHCS Privacy Policy document and the Directors Consent form be adopted. CARRIED
11.3 Motion: M/S Konrad/Rufus That Don Butt be appointed as privacy officer for the GHCFoundation. CARRIED
11.4 Motion: M/S Dave/Earl That Don Butt be appointed as privacy officer for the GHCSociety. CARRIED
12.0 Donor Recognition Policy: Submitted by Don Butt, Nancy HP, Judith G
12.1 ACTION: The committee presented its report, discussion ensued and the committee will take it back to work on specifics.
13.0 Building Update: Harvey Graham
13.1 The building permit is being held up with the request to have the landscaping in place before we build. We will honour the covenants, however there would not be any point in having construction going on without damaging gardens. It is now between lawyers and expected to be resolved and sent forward for mid July.
13.2 The well has been drilled.
14.0 Executive Session
14.1 MOTION: At 9:40 pm: M/S Judith M/Nancy HP That the meeting move into Executive Session. CARRIED
14.2 MOTION: At 9:45 pm: M/S Judith M/Nancy HP That the meeting move out of Executive Session. CARRIED
15.0 MOTION: M/S Brenda Fowler/ Don Butt That Nancy Nevison be appointed to the GHC Society Board. CARRIED
16.0 Adjournment: Meeting adjourned at 9:46 pm.
NEXT MEETING: July 21, 2011 – 7:00 pm
Respectfully submitted,
Judith Madsen, GHCF Secretary
Nancy Heatherington Peirce, GHCS Secretary
Return to the top of the pageMay 25, 2011
Gabriola Health Care Society & Foundation
Joint Board of Directors Meeting
Village Office
GHCF Board Attendees: Brenda Fowler (President), Jill Adamson (Vice-President), Judith Madsen (Secretary), Harvey Graham (Treasurer), Judith Graham, Chuck Connor, Kay Holt, Don Butt, Konrad Mauch
Absent: Rufus Churcher, Dallas Smith
GHCS Board Attendees: Brenda Fowler (President), Harvey Graham (Treasurer), Kay Holt, Dave Innell, Earl Miller, Nancy Hetherington Peirce (Secretary), Don Butt
Absent: none
Observer: Nancy Nevison, Auxiliary
Chair: Jill Adamson Minutes: Judith Madsen
1.0 Meeting was called to order at 7:07 pm by Jill Adamson
2.0 Quorum: There was a quorum present for the Society and for the Foundation.
3.0 The Agenda was approved - adding AGM details, and Nominating Committee.
4.0 Approval of Minutes
4.1 MOTION: M/S Judith M/Harvey To approve the minutes of April 28th 2011 meeting of GHCF and GHCS Boards. CARRIED
5.0 Auxiliary Report: Nancy Nevison
See Attached Report
5.1 The office’s daily donation sheet totals $17,032.70 to date.
5.2 The GHCF Board was asked to consider purchasing a used mobile ice-cream/food trailer for $5,500, to be part of the GHCF Auxiliary’s future activities once the Clinic is operating. Nancy also mentioned that, alternatively, a group of anonymous donors are willing to purchase the unit, if the Auxiliary decides to carry out activities without co-ordination with the GHCF Board.
The meeting discussed this proposal, and decided that further details would be helpful before making a decision.
ACTION: Nancy N. will bring information to the next meeting about zoning rules for the Clinic property, and about obtaining permission from VIHA, in regards to the operation of a food service on the Clinic property.
ACTION: Board members will send any other requests for information about the proposal to Nancy N. as soon as possible, and she will bring responses to the next Board meeting.
5.3 The meeting thought that it would be helpful to develop a description of the work of the Auxiliary (once the Clinic is operating): goals, activities, and relationship to the GHCF.
ACTION: Nancy N. will bring to a future Board meeting (date not set) a written description of her thoughts for the work of the Auxiliary, once the Clinic is operating – goals, activities, and relationship to the GHCF.
6.0 Financial Report: Harvey Graham
6.1 MOTION: M/S Harvey/Dave That the GHCS and GHCF financial reports for April 2011 be approved. CARRIED
6.2 MOTION: M/S Harvey/Don That the annual financial statements for the GHCSociety for the year ended Dec 31, 2010 be approved. CARRIED
6.3 Funds raised to date: $897,261.
7.0 Data and Services: Dave Innell
7.1 Dave reported that the workshop organized by Fay Weller and Bob McKechnie, on behalf of the Sustainable Gabriola group, was held on May 4th and the results of the Wellness Survey were presented and discussed. Mike Pennock from VIHA Victoria gave an excellent presentation; about 25 people attended. (Dave has e-mailed Mike’s presentation to Board members.) A major benefit of the workshop was the conversations among representatives of various Gabriola organizations who provide wellness-related services, regarding better co-ordination of these services.
7.2 GHCS has submitted a proposal to VIHA for a new three-year Integrated Health Network (IHN) contract starting July 1 2011. About ten health professionals on Gabriola participated in the proposal; the co-operation among these professionals in writing the proposal was positive and appreciated. The GHCS proposal requests approximately $24,000 in funding, and covers a wider range of services than the present contract. (About one third (about 300 people) of those registered in the Nanaimo District IHN program live on Gabriola.) A response from VIHA is expected in early June.
8.0 Donor Recognition: Judith Graham
8.1 Judith Graham reported that her recent meeting with Maeve O’Byrne of the Nanaimo & District Hospital Foundation was very helpful. Meeting discussed next steps re development of policies, and agreed to make some decisions at the June Board meeting.
ACTION: Judith G, Nancy HP, and Don Butt will bring recommendations for Donor Recognition Policies to the June 23 2011 Board meeting.
9.0 Fundraising
9.1 Judith Madsen reported that a mail-out of 2,000 went to the community on May 16 to 18, 2011. Further fundraising will continue throughout the year. Don Butt mentioned the importance of educating people about donating securities; he has detailed information that he can provide to Judith M.
Other Business
10.0 Improving Communications
10.1 Internal Communication
The meeting discussed Brenda’s concerns about how to achieve efficient and effective internal communication, given the complexity of the building project.
Meeting agreed to continue sending e-mails only to those involved in the topic of the e-mail – not to the whole Board.
Meeting agreed that all Board members’ names would remain on the “joint-Boards” e-mail list, even when some people are away for periods of time.
10.2 Public Communication
Meeting agreed that Judith M will continue writing the monthly “Building Update” for the Sounder, with the Building Committee reviewing for accuracy. The Building Update will also be used by Judith G in her monthly e-mail to GHCF donors.
11.0 AGM
11.1 MOTION: M/S Dave/Don That the Nominating Committee for the 2011 AGM consist of Nancy Hetherington Peirce, Earl Miller, and Konrad Mauch. CARRIED
11.2 MOTION: M/S Don/Konrad That the AGM be held in the fall of 2011 at a date to be determined, as there is too much going on now with the Building Construction. CARRIED
12.0 Executive Session
12.1 MOTION: At 9:10 pm: M/S Nancy HP/ Dave That the meeting move into Executive Session. CARRIED
12.2 MOTION: At 9:20 pm: M/S Dave/Nancy HP That the meeting move out of Executive Session. CARRIED
13.0 Letters of thanks
ACTION: Judith M will write letters of thanks to the people who have worked on the site to date.
14.0 Adjournment: Meeting adjourned at 9:25 pm.
NEXT MEETING: June 23, 2011 – 7:00 pm
Respectfully submitted,
Judith Madsen, GHCF Secretary
Nancy Nevison, GHCS Secretary
Return to the top of the pageApril 28th, 2011
Gabriola Health Care Society & Foundation
Joint Board of Directors Meeting
Village Office
GHCS Board Attendees: Brenda Fowler (President), Harvey Graham (Treasurer), Janice Kerr (acting for Kay Holt), Dave Innell, Earl Miller
Absent: Don Butt, Nancy Heatherington Peirce (Secretary)
GHCF Board Attendees: Brenda Fowler (President), Jill Adamson (Vice-President), Judith Madsen (Secretary), Harvey Graham (Treasurer), Judith Graham, Chuck Connor, Janice Kerr (acting for Kay Holt), Rufus Churcher
Absent: Don Butt, Dallas Smith,
Chair: Jill Adamson
Minutes: Judith Madsen
The Meeting was called to order at 7:12 pm by Jill Adamson
1.0 Jill welcomed all attendees. Janice Kerr will be replacing Kay Holt for two months as per Kay’s request.
2.0 Quorum: There was a quorum present for the Society and for the Foundation. The issue of change to the Quorum number of 50 +1 will be taken under advisement.
3.0 The Agenda was approved with adding Correspondence, Review of Business Plan and AGM date and nominating committee.
4.0 Approval of Minutes
4.1 Motion: M/S Brenda/Judith M To approve the minutes of March 24th 2011 meeting of GHCF and GHCS Boards. CARRIED
4.2 Motion: M/S Brenda/Judith M The Minutes of March 29th 2011 be approved as amended. CARRIED
5.0 Reports
5.1 Auxiliary Report: Nancy Nevison
The Mothers Day Tea is May 8th, 2011.
5.2 Financial Report: Harvey Graham
Motion: M/S Harvey To submit the financial statements for GHCSociety for March 24 2011 as circulated by email for approval May 26 2011 meeting.
5.3 Motion: M/S Harvey/Judith M Move to accept the GHCFoundation statements as circulated by email for March 2011. CARRIED
5.4 Motion: M/S Harvey/Judith M submits GHCF annual financial statements for the year ended Dec 31, 2010 by Judy McPhee accounting. CARRIED
6.0 Data and Services: Dave Innell
6.1 GHCS has submitted a proposal to VIHA regarding an IHN contract for the next time-period, starting July 1 2011.
Thanks and appreciation of the society and members of the Health Care Group. The request for proposal of all the professionals, that they wished to do it under the umbrella of the GHC Society. They view our role as positive.
7.0 Fundraising Reports
7.1 Judith Madsen submitted a report on the 2nd Dragon’s Keep results of the invitation to the function. Attached
7.2 Judith Madsen submitted an outline for communication for the building of the clinic process for 2011 and 2012. Attached
Action: Brenda Fowler, Judith Graham and Jill Adamson said they would be in charge of communication.
7.3 Judith Madsen is well underway with the next mailout of fundraising to the island with 2000 letters to be mailed out. The date of mailout is May 16th 2011. This is to coincide with the June 4th, 2011 shovel in the ground opening on site.
8.0 Building Report: by Chuck Connor - Project Manager
1. Landscaping cleared, roads are started for clinic site and for parking
2. Hydro will be coming in to the site with a pole line. Dr. Rooks will apply and we will re-imburse the costs
3. Septic design - will start when we have the title
4. Schedule printed out and attached (updated verdion for may 15th 2011 has been substituted).
5. Building Design - coming along to final stages.
The current projected cost of the project with the unfinished basement area will be $1,378,000. The extent of finishing the basement will be dependent on funds raised.
The current funds raised is $876,000. Projected funds needed to finish the Clinic will be approximately $501,000.
There are options that can be set aside for later finishing dependent on the funds raised.
Options: not paving the parking lot, furniture at later date, concrete basement floor not poured.
9.0 New Business:
10.0 AGM Annual date: Set as June 23, 2011, location to be announced.[subsequently postpones until fall]
11.0 Business Plan Review: Earl Miller
A business plan looking at all cost options - Two doctors versus 3 and or one doctor was discussed.
Adjournment: 9:05 PM
NEXT MEETING: May 26, 2011
Respectfully submitted,
Judith Madsen, GHCF Secretary
Return to the top of the pageMarch 31, 2011
Gabriola Health Care Society & Foundation
Joint Board of Directors Meeting
Village Office
GHCS Board Attendees: Brenda Fowler (President), Harvey Graham (Treasurer), Janice Kerr (acting for Kay Holt), Dave Innell, Earl Miller
Absent: Don Butt, Nancy Hetherington Peirce (Secretary)
GHCF Board Attendees: Brenda Fowler (President), Jill Adamson (Vice-President), Judith Madsen (Secretary), Harvey Graham (Treasurer), Judith Graham, Chuck Connor, Janice Kerr (acting for Kay Holt), Rufus Churcher, Janice Kerr.
Absent: Don Butt, Dallas Smith, Konrad Mauch,
Chair: Brenda Fowler
Minutes: Judith Madsen
Executive Meeting called to order 7:00 pm
Project Manger Chuck Connor advised that: With the surveying and clearing of the land site, it is apparent that an unfinished basement or lower story could be built at a much reduced cost.8:40 pm The Executive Meeting was adjourned after much discussion and perusal of statistic, figures, architectural drawings.
8:40 pm The Board convened meeting to pass a motion that:
Motion: M/S Brenda/Jill To move that we instruct the architects and building committee to go with the two storey plan fully understanding the financial and schedule implications and subject to obtaining a satisfactory legal opinion for securing the obligation of the donors. CARRIED by the GHCF Board
Action Items:
1. Chuck Connor (Project Mgr) will instruct the architects to set up and create the plans.
2. A committee will form to discuss the communication by Brenda, Jill and Judith Graham.
3. Harvey and Brenda will take legal advice on the time - plan donations.
4. Earl Miller will prepare a business plan to present to the board at the April 28th meeting.
Adjournment 8:56 pm
NEXT MEETING: April 28th, 2011.
Respectfully submitted,
Judith Madsen, GHCF Secretary
Return to the top of the pageMarch 24, 2011
Gabriola Health Care Society & Foundation
Joint Board of Directors Meeting
Village Office
GHCS Board Attendees: Brenda Fowler (President), Harvey Graham (Treasurer), Nancy Hetherington Peirce (Secretary), Janice Kerr (acting for Kay Holt), Dave Innell
Absent: Don Butt, Tracie Der, Terry Nimmon, Earl Miller
GHCF Board Attendees: Brenda Fowler (President), Jill Adamson (Vice-President), Judith Madsen (Secretary), Harvey Graham (Treasurer), Judith Graham, Chuck Connor, Konrad Mauch, Janice Kerr (acting for Kay Holt)
Absent: Nancy Huot, Don Butt, Dallas Smith, Rufus Churcher, Tracie Der
Observers: Morri Mostow (Ambulance Society representative)
Chair: Jill Adamson
Minutes: Judith Madsen
The Meeting was called to order at 7:05 pm by Jill Adamson
1.0 Jill welcomed all attendees. Janice Kerr will be replacing Kay Holt for two months as per Kay’s request.
2.0 Quorum: There was a quorum present for the Society and for the Foundation.
3.0 Agenda: The Agenda was approved with adding Correspondence, Physician Recruitment, and GHCS Action Items.
4.0 Approval of Minutes
4.1 Motion: M/S Judith M/Dave I To approve the minutes of February 24th 2011 meeting of GHCF and GHCS Boards. CARRIED
4.2 In early March, Tracie Der, the previous secretary for the GHCS and GHCF, delivered the Minute Book and other documents to the present secretaries. After a review by Nancy HP of past minutes, the following motions were made:
4.2.1 Motion: M/S Brenda F/ Dave I To approve the minutes of Sept 16th, 2010 meeting of GHCF and GHCS Boards. CARRIED
4.2.2 Motion: M/S Brenda F/ Dave I To approve the minutes of Oct. 21 2010 meeting of GHCF and GHCS Boards. CARRIED
4.2.3 Motion: M/S Nancy HP/Harvey G. That the minutes of the January 27 2011 Joint Board meeting be corrected, by changing #3.1 to: “Minutes of the January 6th 2011 Joint Board meeting were approved. CARRIED
4.2.4 Motion: M/S Nancy HP/Harvey G That the minutes of the January 6th 2011 meeting of the GHCS Board be corrected as follows:
- Change “Attendees: Brenda/Dave” to: “Attendees: Brenda Fowler, Dave Innell, Harvey Graham, Kay Holt, Nancy Hetherington Peirce”
- Add: “Absent: Tracie Der, Don Butt, Terry Nimmon” CARRIED
5.0 Reports
5.1 Auxiliary Report: Nancy Nevison
No report this month.
5.2 Financial Report: Harvey Graham
Motion: M/S Harvey/Konrad To approve the financial statements for February 2011 as circulated by email. CARRIED
Comment: Judy McPhee, Accounting has completed her “review engagement” of the GHCF 2010 financial statements, in preparation for the AGM.
5.3 Data and Services: Dave Innell
5.3.1 Clinic Data: Janice Kerr, Twin Beaches Clinic staff, has completed an update on statistics of emergencies treated at the clinic in 2010. Roughly there was an average of 34 per month. Of note: 50 emergencies occurred in the holiday summer month of July 2010. The Twin Beaches Clinic are finding that roughly 75% to 85% are treated at the Urgent Care Room and do not go on to Nanaimo Emergency Hospital.
5.3.2 Integrated Health Network (IHN) Contract: For the just-completed March 1 2010 to Feb 28 2011 contract between VIHA and GHCS regarding the Nanaimo Region IHN, $15,936 of the $16,000 grant was spent. VIHA has extended our present IHN contract from April 1 2011 to June 30 2011. There are approximately 300 patients are registered on Gabriola in the IHN-sponsored programs. Eligibility criteria is: over age 40, and living with two or more specific chronic diseases.
GHCS now needs to submit a proposal to VIHA regarding an IHN contract for the next time-period, starting July 1 2011.
Motion: M/S Dave/Janice To submit a proposal for a 3 year contract with VIHA for IHN funding, perhaps to include additional services such as counseling, acupuncture and yoga. CARRIED
Action: Dave will coordinate the writing and submission of the GHCS proposal to VIHA for IHN funding.
5.3.3 Data and Services Committee members: Dave Innell in updating his committee and their personal responsibilities advises that Lawrence Spero, Val Spears, Nancy Huot have resigned. He is limited in what he can do until he gets further people on his committee. Names have been suggested for interviews.
5.4 Donor Recognition: Judith Graham / Nancy Hetherington Peirce/ Brenda Fowler
The committee is working on draft principles and policies for recognition of ongoing donors to the Foundation, and not just donors to the project of building the new clinic. The committee will have a consultation meeting soon with Maeve O’Byrne who is President of the Nanaimo Regional Hospital Foundation.
6.0 Other Business
6.1 Correspondence
The meeting accepted with regret the following resignations: GHCS Board – Tracie Der, Terry Nimmon; GHCF Board – Tracie Der, Nancy Huot. The meeting conveys its sincere appreciation to Tracie, Terry, and Nancy for their contributions as Board members.
6.1.1 Motion for GHCS Board: M/S Harvey/Brenda To appoint Dave Innell as Vice President of the GHCS Board of Directors. CARRIED
6.2 Physician Recruitment
The present physicians are actively recruiting for a third physician to join their group practice. The GHCF and GHCS Boards are actively supporting the present physicians in this endeavour.
6.3 Update on GHCS High-priority Action Items
6.3.1 Establish ways to coordinate health care services on Gabriola: Nancy HP – Work on this task will begin when the services offered in the new medical clinic are clarified.
6.3.2 Continue negotiations with VIHA regarding several items: Dave – Work is continuing
6.3.3 Review, update, and distribute data from Clinic and Wellness Survey: Dave – Sustainable Gabriola will be hosting a community forum in April (coordinated by Fay Weller and Bob Mckechnie) at which there will be information and a speaker (Mike Pennock, from VIHA in Victoria) regarding the Wellness Survey.
6.3.4 Develop a Business Plan for the new clinic: The first draft has been completed by GHCF Board members Earl Miller and Konrad Mauch.
In-camera Session
The formal term in Robert’s Rules of Order for an in-camera session is “Executive Session”.
Motion: M/S Jill/Brenda That the meeting move into Executive Session, at 8:00 pm CARRIED
The meeting agreed that Morrie Mostow could remain for the Executive Session.
Meeting ended the Executive Session at approximately 9:45 pm.
6.4 Fund-Raising
6.4.1 Motion: M/S Brenda/Konrad To approve three forms of recognition for donations to the new medical clinic project: recognition for all workers, recognition for all donors of money, and opportunities for naming rooms in the clinic. CARRIED
6.4.2 Motion: M/S Konrad/Harvey To make a list of those donors who have requested room-naming opportunities to date under specific terms and conditions, and to honour those requests; and to agree that the terms and conditions of any future room-naming opportunities may be different. CARRIED
6.4.3 Action: Harvey will compile this list.
6.5 Building Report
6.5.1 Motion: M/S Chuck/Harvey To approve the schematic drawings as submitted (#A03 Project # 02-2011.01) for a 4850 sq.ft one storey building. CARRIED
6.5.2 Motion: M/S Konrad/Chuck To authorize the Building Committee to proceed to lock-up, on the basis of having sufficient funds already raised and subject to obtaining necessary approvals and permits. CARRIED
6.5.3 Motion: M/S Chuck/Konrad To approve expenses up to $150,000 for the first block of construction: project set-up and site work. CARRIED
6.6 Business Plan
6.6.1 Motion: M/S Konrad/Harvey To inform the present physicians by letter that they will be paying rent on a per-doctor basis in the new clinic, and to ensure that this letter will be conveyed personally to the physicians as soon as possible. CARRIED
Adjournment: 10:33 PM
Respectfully submitted,
Judith Madsen, GHCF Secretary
Return to the top of the pageFebruary 24, 2011
Gabriola Health Care Society & Foundation
Joint Board of Directors Meeting
Village Office
GHCS Board Attendees: Brenda Fowler (President), Harvey Graham (Treasurer), Nancy Hetherington Peirce (Secretary), Don Butt, Kay Holt, Dave Innell, Earl Miller
GHCF Board Attendees: Brenda Fowler (President), Judith Madsen (Secretary), Harvey Graham (Treasurer), Judith Graham, Don Butt, Chuck Connor
Observers: Nancy Nevison (Auxiliary), Bev Godfrey (Ambulance Society)
Chair: Brenda Fowler
Minutes: Judith Madsen
The Meeting was called to order at 7:04 pm by Brenda Fowler
1.0 Brenda welcomed all attendees and welcomed Bev Godfrey back.
2.0 The Agenda was accepted adding under OTHER BUSINESS:
8.1 GHCF Society Long-Range Planning report
8.2 Twin Beaches Lease Renewal.
8.3 Naming Policy and Donor Recognition
8.4 Policy Guidelines for Membership Withdrawal
3.0 Approval of Minutes
3.1 MOTION: M/S Judith M / Nancy HP To approve the minutes, with spelling corrections, of the January 27th 2011 meeting of the GHCS & GHCF Boards. CARRIED.
4.0 Auxiliary Report: Nancy Nevison
See attached report.
5.0 Financial Report: Harvey Graham
5.1 MOTION: M/S Harvey / Don To approve the financial statements for January 2011 as circulated by e-mail. CARRIED.
5.2 Changes to Banking Procedures: GHCS Banking Resolution:
MOTION: M/S Harvey / Dave
Resolved that:
1. All cheques, drafts, and orders for payment of money drawn on any Bank, Credit Union or Trust Company (hereinafter referred to as the “Credit Union”) account operated in the name of the Gabriola Health Care Society, (hereinafter referred to as "GHCS") shall be signed by:
(a) any two of:
the President, Brenda Fowler ,
the Secretary, Nancy Hetherington Pierce,
the Treasurer, Harvey Graham, and
Dave Innell, Director .
except that:
(b) cheques, drafts, and orders for payment of money in amounts not exceeding $500.00 may be signed by any one of the persons set out above.
2.0 All authorized banking accounts of GHCS existing as of the date of this resolution and all arrangements with regard to electronic banking are hereby continued.
3.0 Any two of the foregoing are authorized to provide direction to the Credit Union with respect to the opening and closing of any GHCS accounts.
4.0 Any two of the foregoing are authorized to enter into agreements relating to interest rates and other agreements of every nature whatsoever related to the investment of GHCS moneys in investment instruments issued by the Credit Union. CARRIED by the Society Board members.
5.3 The 2010 financial information is at the office of Judy McPhee Accounting, who has agreed to do a “review engagement” of the GHCF 2010 financial statements. We are asking her to have them ready by 22 or 23 of March, 2011 (i.e. before the Public Hearing regarding the rezoning application).
6.0 Data and Services: Dave Innell
6.1 Dave's IHN Administrator has resigned and Anita Copeland turned down the position offer. Lesley Standerwick was offered the position and accepted and will be taking over at the end of Feb. 2011.
6.2 Dave said that, contrary to the Shingle newspaper report, VIHA is extending our present contract by 3 months to June 30, 2011. A new contracting system will then be in place for new contracts as of July 1, 2011.
6.3 March 3 is the conference call meeting for Brenda, Dave, Kay, and Earl with Victoria Powers of VIHA. There are a number of issues on the agenda.
6.4 Fay Weller and Bob McKechnie, on behalf of the Sustainable Gabriola group, will organize a one-day workshop on uses of the Wellbeing Survey for the community of Gabriola, likely in April, at the Haven. Mike Pennock from VIHA Victoria will be a guest speaker.
7.0 Local Trust Committee Meeting of Feb 24th 2011 Update: Brenda Fowler
7.1 The results of the meeting today was that the Second Reading of the rezoning application was passed.
7.2 Dr. Bob Rooks stood up at the meeting and gave to Brenda Fowler as chair of the GHCF a legal letter releasing any obligation by the GHCF for the Medical building to be finished in 5 years. He spoke of his strong commitment to the project and emphasized “no strings attached.” He wants to see the Clinic built and respects the volunteers who have made it possible.
7.3 The next step in the process of rezoning the 4.1 acres is a Public Hearing. It is only to talk about the rezoning application (resulting in two bylaw changes). The Local Trust Committee can pass the Third Reading after this meeting. It is not known when the date for the Public Hearing will be set, but believed to be at the end of March 2011.
7.4 Brenda said that the answers to the questions raised by the pink sheet sent via the Shingle newspaper Feb 21/11 will be published in the Feb 28/11 Sounder newspaper and extra copies will available in the Volunteer Office.
8.0 Other Business
8.1 GHCS Long-Range Planning: Dave Innell chaired the Feb 11 GHCS long-range planning session with Board members. The top priority GHCS actions for the short and medium term are: Establish ways that health care services on Gabriola can be effectively co-ordinated; Continue negotiations with VIHA regarding several items; Review, update, and distribute data from the Clinic and from the Wellness Survey; Develop a Business Plan for the new Clinic.
8.2 Lease at Twin Beaches - Renewal
The present lease ends in May 2011. We can renew the lease at the same rate for another year, and after that we can go month to month.
MOTION: M/S Harvey / Dave To renew the lease at Twin Beaches for May 2011 to May 2012.. CARRIED
8.3 Policies for Donor Recognition.
Judith Graham and committee posed some questions to the meeting regarding Board decisions needed before writing policies . The meeting needed specific examples.
ACTION Judith G and Nancy HP will bring specific examples of these questions, with pros and cons listed, to the next meeting.
8.4 Policy Guidelines for Membership Withdrawal.
Brenda offered a policy and process statement for withdrawing memberships. The meeting clarified, however, that the present by-laws of GHCS and GHCF provide adequate information regarding withdrawal of a membership.
In Camera Session
9.0 Business Plan
MOTION: M/S Earl / Harvey That GHCF spend up to $800 to have Barnicke Associates (Nanaimo) examine the draft Business Plan. CARRIED.
10.0 Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 8:56 pm.
Friday March 11, 2011 9:00 am – Volunteer Office
Thursday March 24, 2011 at 7:00 pm – Volunteer Office
Respectfully submitted,
Judith Madsen, Secretary
Return to the top of the pageJanuary 27, 2011
Gabriola Health Care Society & Foundation
Joint Board of Directors Meeting
Village Office
GHCS Board Attendees: Brenda Fowler (President), Harvey Graham (Treasurer), Don Butt, Kay Holt, Dave Innell, Earl Miller, Nancy Hetherington Peirce
GHCF Board Attendees: Brenda Fowler (President), Jill Adamson (Vice-President), Judith Madsen (Secretary), Harvey Graham (Treasurer), Judith Madsen, Don Butt, Rufus Churcher, Konrad Mauch, Chuck Connor Observers: Nancy Nevison (Auxiliary), Morrie Mostow (Ambulance Society)
Chair: Jill Adamson Minutes: Judith Madsen
The Meeting was called to order at 7:05pm by Jill Adamson.
1.0 Welcome Jill welcomed all attendees and introduced a new member, Earl Miller of the GHCS Board.
2.0 The Agenda was accepted as it stands.
3.0 Approval of Minutes
3.1 Minutes of the January 6th 2011 meeting of the Gabriola Health Care Foundation Board were approved by the GHCF Board.
3.2 Minutes of the January 6th, 2011 meeting of the Gabriola Health Care Society Board were approved by the GHCS Board.
4.0 Auxiliary Report: Nancy Nevison See attached report.
5.0 Financial Report: Harvey Graham
5.1 Statements for December 2010 were submitted at the January 6th 2011 meeting. Approved.
5.2 Judy McPhee Accounting has agreed to do a “review engagement” of the GHCF 2010 financial statements, in preparation for the AGM.
6.0 Data and Services: Dave Innell
6.1 Dave's ISN Administrator has resigned so Dave would like to approach Anita Copeland to do the ISN Contract.
6.2 Dave reported that the GHC Society Board will be having a long-range planning meeting on Feb 11. Issues such as next steps re: the well-being survey will be discussed.
7.0 Fundraising: Judith Madsen Proposed to have a second Fundraiser for large donations in March or April 2011, to coincide with a “celebration date” – e.g. “first shovel in the ground”. This would require a mail out of invitations co-ordinated with phone calls.
8.0 Islands Trust Meeting of Jan 27th 2011 Update: Brenda Fowler
8.1 Brenda Fowler spoke at the Islands Trust meeting today and commented that of the 15,000 Volunteer person hours, this would turn out to be a staff of 16 full time people. It is no wonder we have accomplished this amount of work towards our goals of the new medical clinic. She said all of the submissions that the Trustees had requested of the Foundation were done.
8.2 Trustee Sheila Malcomson asked for a further written agreement, called a “legal undertaking”, between the lawyers for GHCF and for Potlatch Ltd. This request will be taken up with Trust staff person Kaitlin to find out the details of this request.
8.3 Brenda said that the Islands Trust is ready to schedule the formal Public Hearing for the re-zoning application. Optimistically Brenda hopes for a March date for this meeting.
8.4 The Trustees have now referred the application to the Advisory Planning Commission (APC). It has to meet within 30 days from the Trustees’ referral date to look at the Trustees’ proposed changes.
9.0 Other Business
9.1 The recently-signed agreements with Potlatch and Vince of Architrave have taken part of the spending of the $50,000 allocated last meeting. Architrave is giving us a substantial gift in kind, within the agreed charges for services.
9.2 Konrad Mauch moved: to appoint 3 signing authorities – Project mgr. Chuck Connor, Treasurer Harvey Graham and the President Brenda Fowler – and to authorize two out of the three to sign agreements, make disbursements and enter into contracts within the $50,000 approved at the Jan 6, 2011 Board meeting for engineering and project development. Don Butt 2nd the motion. CARRIED.
9.3 Morri Mostow of the Ambulance Society clarified the Ambulance Society’s position (regarding relationship with the two Boards) that: "Our status is to support the goals aims of the GHCF/S and the Ambulance Society sees themselves as observers without a vote." The meeting confirmed that the Ambulance Society is not represented via a member of the Board of Directors of the GHCS, but instead attends as an observer. A copy of these applicable minutes will be forwarded so that both boards are clear.
9.4 Status of Tracy Der as secretary for the GHC Society Due to difficulties in attending meetings, Tracy is now resigning as GHCS Board Secretary. Harvey Graham moved: that Nancy Hetherington Peirce be appointed as secretary to the GHCS, effective Jan 27, 2011. Seconded by Brenda Fowler. CARRIED. Judith Madsen is Secretary of the GHC Foundation. (Note for next meeting: Approve new signing officers, including Nancy Hetherington Peirce.)
In Camera Session
10.0 Konrad Mauch moved: to proceed with obtaining schematic design plans to enable an update of the cost estimate of the Clinic Building. Seconded by Rufus Churcher. CARRIED.
11.0 Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 9:58pm.
Respectfully submitted, Judith Madsen, Secretary
NEXT MEETING: THURSDAY FEB 24, 2011 – 7:00 PM at Volunteer Office
Return to the top of the pageDecember 16, 2010
Gabriola Health Care Society & Foundation
Joint Board of Directors Meeting
1415 Coats Drive
GHCS & GHCF Board Attendees: Jill Adamson (presiding), Brenda Fowler , Harvey Graham, Judith Graham, Judith Madsen, Konrad Mauch, Morri Mostow, Dave Innell, Rufus Churcher.
Proceedings: The meeting was called to order at 6:32 pm. by the vice president Jill Adamson.
1.0 Jill welcomed attendees. Minutes of the Nov 25th Meeting were approved. Nov 8th minutes (Tracey Der) will be approved in the January 8th, 2011 meeting.
2.0 Additions to the Agenda: 7.0 Public Thank you Ad in the January newspapers 8.0 Islands Trust - Hold a special members meeting to adjust the constitution bylaws making it clear on transfer of ownership of clinic from community owned to privately owned.
3.0 Financial Report: Harvey Graham submitted the financial report.
Moved (Harvey/Dave):that we approve the financial report as distributed.
Harvey advised us that the government is willing to pay 70% of the cost of 4 electronic terminals for clinic use and we would pay 30% or $1,800. If it is done now we can take advantage of this discount. Konrad recommends that a letter specifying the terminals are assets and owned by the clinic will be written.
Moved (Dave/Rufus) that the Foundation spend up to $2,000 to acquire the terminals.
4.0 Data and Services: Dave Innell had nothing to report.
5.0 Fundraising update: No reports, from the committee Fowler, Mauch, JGraham & JMadsen.
6.0 Islands Trust progress on re-zoning: Brenda Fowler advised re: The islands trust met this afternoon, Dec 16th 2010 for the first reading of the proposed zoning. Attached is Brenda's letter she read to the Islands Trust committee. In their discussions the islands trusts made some requests. 1. a signed letter from Dr. Rooks stating intent of transfer to GHCF once zoning is approved. 2. Speed up of By Law Change within the GHCF to ensure the Medical Clinic building cannot be sold without approval from the majority of Gabriolans. 3. The Islands Trust are refining the definitions of the medical facility and the acute treatment area with public and GHCF input and intend to give first reading on Monday Dec 20th/2010 via email. There is positive and timely progress.
7.0 Auxiliary Report: The Volunteer office will remain open except for holiday dates, Mon-Friday in December month. Steve Wohleben has offered the use of the office into year 2011 at the nominal rent.
8.0 Auxiliary request for advertising funds: Brenda asked for funds of $500 to $1000 to place an ad in the two papers Jan 10th, 2011 thanking all the donors who have given. “A decision on spending $1,000 for a year end ‘Thank You’ ad. was deferred to a subsequent meeting.”
9.0 Extraordinary special meeting Motion by Brenda
Moved that we hold a special members meeting to adjust the constitution of the GHCF/S bylaws to make it clear that we cannot divest the assets of the of the Gabriola Community Medical Clinic without a special meeting with the public vote of 50% plus 1 %. Motion that the advertisement to be placed in the 2 papers now to give the public 21 days before the January 8th Meeting 2011. Seconded by Morri Mostow.
Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 7:02 pm.
Respectfully submitted, Judith Madsen, Secretary
Return to the top of the pageNovember 8, 2010
Gabriola Health Care Society & Foundation
Directors Meeting 8 Nov 2010
GHCS/GHCF Volunteer Office Village
GHCS Board Attendees: Tracie Der, Brenda Fowler, Harvey Graham, David Innell
GHCF Board Attendees: Jill Adamson (presiding), Chuck Connors, Tracie Der, Brenda Fowler, Harvey Graham, Judith Graham, Judith Madsen, Konrad Mauch
Regrets: Don Butt, Nancy Huot
Guests: Nancy Nevison, Margot Kemble
Proceedings: The meeting was called to order at 7:03 pm.
1.0 GHCF Auxiliary: Nancy reported on behalf of the Auxiliary that has raised close to $115K in 2010 and there are still a few more events to come.
Moved (Dave/Konrad): that the GHCF fund advertising on behalf of the Auxiliary to promote the final 3 events of the year for $500 to fund them. (Approval of $1000 to fund an end of year thank-you ad in 2011 was deferred.).
Nancy also read to the board a letter she received from Verna Gregson of the Gabriola Professional Centre (attached to original minutes) requesting free tickets to the Doctor Appreciation Dinner for all the GPC practitioners and staff. Nancy also shared her reply (attached to original minutes) and described the ensuing correspondence/dialogue that resulted.
2.0 Building Committee: Chuck described, in detail, the proposed building plans, site plan and rendering for the new clinic and lead the boards through a discussion of time lines regarding the zoning changes and design/pre-construction activities. (all attached to original minutes)
Moved (Dave/Jill): that the GHCS/GHCF proceed with the plans and timelines provided by Chuck Connors and the Building Committee, including the input provided, and thanked all involved in the development of them.
Brenda provided an update on the re-zoning process with the Islands Trust and discussion ensued re. the possibilities of a letter-writing campaign and/or attendance at the public meeting scheduled for November 22nd.
3.0 Data & Services Committee: Dave is going ahead with arranging a meeting with Victoria Power and requested any input re. the presentation he will give there. He also offered the presentation using the policy lens/decision-making tool resulting from the survey for use at the November 22nd public meeting.
Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 9:14 pm.
Respectfully submitted, Tracie Der, Secretary
Return to the top of the pageOctober 21, 2010
Gabriola Health Care Society & Foundation
Joint Board of Directors Meeting
Temporary Office @ Folklife Village
GHCS Board Attendees: Tracie Der, Harvey Graham, Nancy Hetherington-Peirce, David Innell, Terry Nimmon
GHCF Board Attendees: Jill Adamson (presiding), Tawny Capon (representing the Ambulance Society in lieu of Bev Godfrey), Chuck Connor, Tracie Der, Harvey Graham, Judith Graham, Judith Madsen
Guest: Nancy Nevison
The meeting was called to order at 7:03 pm.
1.0 Auxiliary Report (attached to original minutes)
2.0 Previous minutes – unavailable.
3.0 Treasurer's Report (attached to original minutes)
Moved (Harvey/Dave): that the financial reports be accepted as previously circulated. CARRIED.
4.0 Special Ask: Judith Madsen reported that this event was very successful, both socially and financially. Over $60K has been raised via this event thus far.
5.0 Islands Trust Meeting Report: Chuck indicated that several delegates attended this morning's Islands Trust meeting where our application was being considered and that it appeared to go very well for the GHCS/GHCF. The trustees have offered to use some of their discretionary funds to help finance our application for rezoning up to one-half of the fees involved. Our application has also been given priority status. There will still need to be an OCP/bylaw amendment. They will plan for a public meeting (probably to take place mid-November). The Advisory Planning Commission will also review the application then it is referred by to the trustees for first reading, second reading, etc.
6.0 Data & Services Committee: Dave reported that some preliminary results are being formatted and expected to be available near the end of the month. Dave plans to share the information with the newspapers and would like to have it posted on the GHCS/GHCF website.
The IHN contract continues, including the addition of group activities and working with the Recreation Society to offer programs that are complementary to the IHN goals.
A policy assessment tool is being developed, with the assistance of Michael Pennock, which will take the data from the survey and apply the information to objective decision-making in many areas of community interest.
The letter to Valerie Tregellis resulted in a response that the GHCS/GHCF should meet with Victoria Power.
Moved (Dave/Nancy Hetherington-Peirce): that the Data & Services Committee arrange a meeting with Victoria Power to discuss outstanding issues:
a) the need for a third physician
b) the classification of the urgent/emergency treatment room, particulary with respect to the ability of physicians to bill for providing care in it
c) what needs for space VIHA may have for the new facility
In Camera Session: Chuck lead a discussion in trying to establish a timeline to and through the construction of the facility. He also focussed on providing opportunities to ensure the boards have a chance to have reports on what is transpiring and provide input.
Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 9:47 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Tracie Der, Secretary
Return to the top of the pageSeptember 16, 2010
Gabriola Health Care Society & Foundation
Joint Board of Directors Meeting
Temporary Office @ Folklife Village
GHCS Board Attendees: Tracie Der, Brenda Fowler, Harvey Graham, Nancy Hetherington-Peirce, Kay Holt, David Innell
GHCF Board Attendees: Jill Adamson (presiding), Rufus Churcher, Chuck Connor, Tracie Der, Brenda Fowler, Bev Godfrey, Harvey Graham, Judith Graham, Kay Holt, Judith Madsen
Regrets: Nancy Hout
Guests: Dr. Tracy Thorne
The meeting was called to order at 7:04 pm.
1.0 Welcome: Jill welcomed attendees and invited Dr. Tracy Thorne to speak. Dr. Thorne announced that she is pregnant and due in February 2011. She is making every effort to ensure that there is minimal disruption to services, but did indicate that there may be gaps in coverage at the medical clinic and/or on-call provision. Any assistance the GHCS/GHCF can provide in obtaining locum coverage would be welcomed.
2.0 Previous Minutes
Moved (Tracie/Harvey): that the minutes of the meeting of 17 September 2010 be accepted as circulated. CARRIED
3.0 Auxiliary Report: Brenda reported on behalf of Nancy Nevision.
The fundraising push must continue through the last quarter of 2010 – The Year of the Clinic. Upcoming events include Classics for the Clinic on September 25th, the Special Ask on October 9th and the Medical Mayhem Murder Mystery Dinner Theatre on October 15th.
The Doctors Appreciation dinner is being planned for November at the Surf Lodge and Santa Clause is making a comeback at the Village Office in December.
A general letter campaign is in the works for the fall thanking people for their support thus far as well as requesting more.
The current big news is the announcement by the Smith's of Arbutus Building Supplies that they will provide everything required for the building of the clinic at cost, in addition to requesting that their own suppliers offer better prices or donations. Many thanks to Dallas and Curtis and their families and staff.
4.0 Grant-Writing Committee (report attached to original minutes)
Discussion ensued about establishing policies around naming rights and donor acknowledgements.
Moved (Rufus): that the GHCF strike an ad hoc committee (lead by Judith Graham) to develop policies pertaining to donor acknowledgement to bring to the board for approval. CARRIED
5.0 Treasurer's Report (attached to original minutes)
Moved (Harvey/Dave): that
a) the financial statements be accepted as circulated.
b) the GHCS/GHCF not do any long-term investing with ING at this time.
c) the GHCF pursue the option of obtaining our own credit card processing ability at a reduced percentage.
6.0 Data & Services Committee: Dave expects survey results to start coming in over the next month, hopefully in time for our October meeting.
A letter was sent to Valerie Tregellis providing an update to the activities of the GHCS/GHCF and requesting a meeting to follow-up and discuss outstanding issues. Preparations are being made for a presentation for such a meeting.
Currently, the IHN team is working on providing group activities. The current contract goes to March 2011.
7.0 Volunteers: the point is being reached where more volunteers for various committees would be helpful. Specifically, the Data & Services Committee needs someone to do some administrative work.
8.0 New Business
a) With respect to Dr. Thorne's announcement, it may be helpful to reactivate our old information on finding and accommodating locums.
b) It is time to consider the vision for the roles of the GHCS and the GHCF after the clinic is built. Pursuant to this, an ad hoc committee was struck (to include Rufus Churcher, Kay Holt and Jill Adamson) to study the potential future roles for the GHCS and the GHCF in the future, in order to adequately plan space in the new building.
9.0 In Camera Session – a brief planning discussion was held.
Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 8:45 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Tracie Der, Secretary
Return to the top of the pageAugust 17, 2010
Gabriola Health Care Society & Foundation
Joint Board of Directors Meeting
The Roxy Theater
GHCS Board Attendees: Don Butt, Tracie Der, Brenda Fowler, Harvey Graham, Nancy Hetherington-Peirce, David Innell, Terry Nimmon
GHCF Board Attendees: Jill Adamson (presiding), Don Butt, Tracie Der, Brenda Fowler, Harvey Graham, Judith Graham, Nancy Hout, Judith Madsen, Konrad Mauch
The meeting was called to order at 8:00 pm.
1. Previous Minutes
Moved (Tracie/Don): that the minutes of the meeting of 20 May 2010 be accepted as corrected. CARRIED
Moved (Tracie/Dave): that the minutes of the meeting of 15 July 2010 be accepted as previously circulated. CARRIED
2. Auxiliary Report – Brenda updated the boards on the activities of the auxiliary and their fundraising efforts.
3. Treasurer's Report (attached to original minutes)
Moved (Harvey/Don): that the financial reports be accepted as previously circulated. CARRIED
4. Data & Services Committee – Dave announced that the Wellness survey generated 417 responses (more than meeting the need for statistical significance) and that the analysis of the data has begun in Victoria. He estimated that, by September, we should be able to have the first "broad" review of the results. He and others have formed an ad hoc group to try to develop a functional tool/structured process to practically and usefully utilize the survey results.
Work has begun on drafting a letter to Valerie Tregillus of the Ministry of Health which will provide an update on what the GHCS/GHCF has achieved thus far, as well as what challenges and issues are being encountered going forward. The goal is to create an opportunity for a face-to-face meeting to discuss details.
There was also a discussion with respect to how the purpose of the community clinic is framed. There has been much emphasis placed on it's role in emergencies, but it is important to recognize that there is more to it than that. It is also not just a "clinic," but a "comprehensive community care model."
5. Special Ask – Judith Madsen confirmed that this event will take place on October 9th, 4-6 pm at the Dragon's Lodge.
Moved (Judith M./Dave): that a budget of up to $700 be authorized to cover the expenses in hosting this event. CARRIED
6. Judith Graham informed the board that there has been an email from Dr. Donald Sutherland, who was involved in the development of the Pender Island clinic. He has indicated that he has plans to be on Gabriola on the upcoming weekend (August 21/22) and would be interested in meeting with members of our organizations and/or our local physicians informally to discuss ideas and exchange information. Brenda indicated that she would be willing to meet with him at the office in the Village on the weekend.
7. In Camera Session – a brief planning discussion was held.
Moved (Brenda/Konrad): that the GHCS and GHCF proceed with due diligence on the offer of property from Dr. Rooks. CARRIED
Harvey will notify Dr. Rooks of our decision.
Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 8:42 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Tracie Der, Secretary
Return to the top of the pageJuly 15, 2010
Gabriola Health Care Society & Foundation
Joint Board of Directors Meeting
Temporary Office @ Folklife Village
GHCF & GHCS Board Attendees: Jill Adamson, Ian Brownlie, Brenda Fowler, Harvey Graham, Judith Graham, Kay Holt, Nancy Huot, Dave Innell, Judith Madsen, Konrad Mauch, Dr. Terry Nimmon
Guests: Dr. F. Bosman, Dr. T. Thorne, Nancy Nevison
Regrets: Don Butt, Rufus Churcher, Chuck Connor, Tracie Der, Bev Godfrey, Nancy Hetherington Pierce, Dallas Smith,
The meeting was called to order at 7:05 pm
1.0 Previous Minutes
Moved (Brenda, Konrad): that the minutes of the meeting of 29 June 2010 be accepted as previously circulated. CARRIED
2.0 Auxiliary Report: (attached to original minutes): Nancy provided and update on the fundraising activities to date.
3.0Financial Reports (attached to original minutes):
Moved (Harvey/Ian): that the financial reports be accepted as circulated. CARRIED
4.0 Harvey provided Banking Resolutions for GHCS and GHCF
Moved (Harvey Graham/Brenda Fowler) that:
1. All cheques, drafts, and orders for payment of money drawn on any Bank, Credit Union or Trust Company (hereinafter referred to as the “Credit Union”) account operated in the name of the Gabriola Health Care Society, (hereinafter referred to as "GHCS") shall be signed by:
(a) any two of:
• the President, Brenda Fowler
• the Vice-president, Terry Nimmon,
• the Secretary, Tracie Der, and
• the Treasurer, Harvey Graham.
except that:
(b) cheques, drafts, and orders for payment of money in amounts not exceeding $500.00 may be signed by any one of the persons set out above.
2. All authorized banking accounts of GHCS existing as of the date of this resolution and all arrangements with regard to electronic banking are hereby continued.
3. Any two of the foregoing are authorized to provide direction to the Credit Union with respect to the opening and closing of any GHCS accounts.
4. Any two of the foregoing are authorized to enter into agreements relating to interest rates and other agreements of every nature whatsoever related to the investment of GHCS moneys in investment instruments issued by the Credit Union.
5.0 Moved (Harvey Graham/Nancy Huot) that:
1. All cheques, drafts, and orders for payment of money drawn on any Bank, Credit Union or Trust Company (hereinafter referred to as the “Credit Union”) account operated in the name of the Gabriola Health Care Foundation, (hereinafter referred to as "GHCF") shall be signed by:
(a) any two of:
• the President, Brenda Fowler
• the Vice-president, Jill Adamson,
• the Secretary, Judith Madsen, and
• the Treasurer, Harvey Graham.
except that:
(b) cheques, drafts, and orders for payment of money in amounts not exceeding $500.00 may be signed by any one of the persons set out above.
2. All authorized banking accounts of GHCF existing as of the date of this resolution and all arrangements with regard to electronic banking are hereby continued.
3. Any two of the foregoing are authorized to provide direction to the Credit Union with respect to the opening and closing of any GHCF accounts.
4. Any two of the foregoing are authorized to enter into agreements relating to interest rates and other agreements of every nature whatsoever related to the investment of GHCF moneys in investment instruments issued by the Credit Union.
6.0 Data & Services Committee:
(a) Dr. Francois Bosman, Dr. Tracy Thorne, attended the presentation and discussed the operations of the current VIHA Integrated Health Network Exercise related programs.
(b) Dave Innell presented (see attached to minutes) the Health and Well-being Clinic Profile Data Survey.
Following the presentation an in-depth discussion was held so the board could fully understand the implications of the data on future strategic questions concerning the clinic’s operation and relationship with major stakeholders. Ie.VIHA.
Motion: Brenda moved that: Dave Innell and the Data and Services Committee will agree with the Doctors as to create an action plan they wish to pursue with VIHA
7.0 Building Report: In Camera
Nancy Huot moved to adjourn the meeting.
Respectfully submitted,
Judith Madsen, Secretary
Return to the top of the pageJune 29, 2010
Gabriola Health Care Society & Foundation
Joint Board of Directors Meeting
Temporary Office @ Folklife Village
GHCS Board Attendees: Don Butt, Tracie Der, Brenda Fowler (presiding), Harvey Graham, Nancy Hetherington-Peirce, David Innell, Terry Nimmon
GHCF Board Attendees: Jill Adamson, Don Butt, Tracie Der, Brenda Fowler (presiding), Harvey Graham, Judith Graham, Kay Holt, Nancy Hout, Judith Madsen, Konrad Mauch, Dallas Smith
The meeting was called to order at 7:03 pm.
1.0 Brenda welcomed attendees and conducted a round of introductions.
2.0 Brenda reported on the meeting she and Ian Brownlee had on 28 June 2010 with the Island Trustees. She noted that they had to have separate meetings with each trustee, Sheila Malcolmson and Deb Ferens, and that planner, Chris Jackson, was also present for one of these meetings. They asked a series of standard questions (about septic, road access, etc.) and asked that we consider limiting our intended uses under the IN3 category when we apply for rezoning as this may improve the odds of our application being approved. They seemed to be pleased with our consultative process thus far and even indicated that they may be willing to use some of their budget for zoning changes to assist us in our application. It may also be possible that we can request that we be assigned a "higher priority" when we make our application. All in all, Brenda felt the meetings were positive.
Brenda also indicated that she has initiated talks with our "neighbours" on the Coats land and so far, no one seems to be against our presence there. We have received letters of support from Rick Jackson of the Fire Department, Emergency Services and Andrew Coats, as well as some private letters. She requested that each member of the boards also write a letter of support.
3.0 Selection of the Executive Committee
Moved (Tracie/Konrad): that the Executive Committee for the Gabriola Health Care Foundation be comprised of Brenda Fowler as Chairperson, Jill Adamson as Vice-Chairperson, Harvey Graham as Treasurer and Judith Madsen as Secretary.
Moved (Tracie/Dave): that the Executive Committee for the Gabriola Health Care Society be comprised of Brenda Fowler as Chairperson, Terry Nimmon as Vice-Chairperson, Harvey Graham as Treasurer and Tracie Der as Secretary.
Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 8:17 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Tracie Der, Secretary
Return to the top of the pageMay 20, 2010
Gabriola Health Care Society & Foundation
Joint Board of Directors Meeting
Women's Institute Hall
GHCS Board Attendees: Don Butt, Tracie Der, Brenda Fowler, Harvey Graham, David Innell, Terry Nimmon (Presiding)
GHCF Board Attendees: Don Butt, Tracie Der, Brenda Fowler, Harvey Graham, Bob Henderson, Lawrence Spero
Regrets: Kay Holt
Guests: Judith Graham, Nancy Nevison
The meeting was called to order at 7:07 pm.
1.0 Welcome: After welcoming everyone, Terry called upon Brenda to give a report. Brenda announced that she has accepted a letter of resignation from Ian Brownlee, due to an urgent family situation that has arisen. She then reported on the Not-For-Profit workshop on fundraising that she attended along with Nancy and Judith Madsen. At this workshop, our organizations were recognized for all we've accomplished so far – we've been doing the right things (especially with building relationships). Brenda feels our $1M goal is achievable and that they came away with many good ideas.
2.0 Previous Minutes:
Moved (Tracie/Dave): that the minutes of the meeting of April 15th, 2010 be accepted as previously circulated. CARRIED
3.0 GHCF Auxiliary Report (attached to original minutes): Nancy noted that funds raised by the auxiliary in the past 4.5 months total over $25K. Upcoming events in May include the Pancake Breakfast and Country Hoedown and the Tour de Gabriola. On June 4th, the Co-op is holding a customer appreciation day and the auxiliary will be allowed to have a table at the event requesting those receiving their profit-sharing cheques sign them over to the foundation.
4.0 Data & Services Committee: Dave announced the launch for the wellness survey to be Saturday, June 5th at the WI Hall.
5.0 In Camera Session: A brief in camera discussion of the building status was held.
6.0 Gaming Report (attached to original minutes): Harvey provided the report required by government with respect to the raffle held in February.
Moved (Lawrence/Tracie): that the board approve the gaming report. CARRIED
7.0 Presentation: Judith presented the display she plans to use at the pancake breakfast for board input.
8.0 Financial Report (attached to original minutes): Harvey previously circulated the cash flow statements for both the GHCS and the GHCF. A discussion ensued on the draft financial statements being prepared for the AGM.
Moved (Harvey/Bob): that the board adopt the draft version using the "deferral method" of accounting. CARRIED
9.0 Fundraising: Brenda announced that a $2K donation has been provided by the Rexall Corporation and that GHCS/GHCF had applied for a BC Medical Association award.
10.0 AGM: Brenda indicated that the slate for the new boards is still being finalized, as well as working on a guest speaker.
Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 9:45 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Tracie Der, Secretary
April 15, 2010
Gabriola Health Care Society & Foundation
Joint Board of Directors Meeting
Temporary Office @ Folklife Village
GHCS Board Attendees: Don Butt, Tracie Der, Brenda Fowler, Harvey Graham, Kay Holt, David Innell, Terry Nimmon (presiding), Lawrence Spero
GHCF Board Attendees: Don Butt, Tracie Der, Brenda Fowler, Harvey Graham, Lawrence Spero
Regrets:Ian Brownlee, Bob Henderson
Guests:Nancy Nevison (Chair GHC Auxiliary)
The meeting was called to order at 7:05 pm.
1.0 Previous minutes:
Moved (Dave/Harvey): that the minutes of the meeting of 18 March 2010 be accepted as previously circulated. CARRIED
2.0 Auxiliary Report (attached to original minutes): Nancy provided an update on the fundraising activities to date.
3.0 Rodrigo Pessoa Charity Golf Classic: Brenda presented the concept of this charity golf event (see proposal and draft budget attached to original minutes).
Moved (Lawrence/Harvey): that the GHCF approve, in principle, the proposal for the Rodgrio Pessoa Charity Golf Classic subject to there being sufficient revenue potential per the "worst case" scenario in the draft budget with review for go/no-go by May 31st or cancellation in the event of withdrawal by our partners. CARRIED
4.0 Clinic Office Space: Harvey reported that the staff at the clinic is interested in reconfiguring the office space and may be requesting assistance with furnishings, etc. We will ask them for more information, including potential costs and urgency, before making a decision.
5.0 Financial Reports (attached to original minutes):
Moved (Harvey/Don): that the financial reports be accepted as circulated. CARRIED
Harvey provided a first draft of the year-end financial reports for the board to review for consideration at the May meeting.
6.0 Data & Services Committee: Dave reported that the renewed IHN contract is up and running.
The Wellness Survey will take place from May 25th to June 24th. It will be announced on April 24th during the Sustainability Fair and press releases will be made at the same time. The survey itself is in its final review right now. A professor at UVic will be doing the electronic tabulation of the results and the analysis process is still being determined. The survey will be available in both online and hard-copy formats. A launching event is planned for May 29th at the WI Hall, with speakers in attendance. At this point, there is no cost to us for the survey – it is covered by in-kind services by both VIHA and UVic.
7.0 OPC Comment: Dave noted that a letter is being drafted to provide the input of the GHCS/GHCF into the Official Community Plan Process and will be circulated for review soon.
8.0 Communications:
Moved (Brenda/Harvey): that the Board approve the expenditure of approximately $900.00 for the preparation and printing of two sets of rack cards of up to about 6,000 cards per set. CARRIED
Moved (Lawrence/Don): that the GHCF include a copy of the rack card with the personalized, handwritten donation requests that will be sent out, with a budget of $3,000.00 CARRIED
9.0 Fundraising: Brenda reported that Judith Madsen is arranging small neighbourhood get-togethers to provide information on GHCS/GHCF activities and solicit donations.
The proposal writing group has sent out 2 proposals for funds in the last week and several more are in development.
A question has been raised about whether we need a policy around the circumstances under which donations can be accepted – particularly from medical/drug companies or foundations that may have "strings" attached (a potential ethics/bias issue). Don and Lawrence agreed to look into this.
10.0 AGM: The AGM will take place on June 17th, location TBA. Speaker options are being pursued. Harvey will check the bylaws on the correct timing for placing advertisements announcing the meeting and the nomination process.
Moved (Dave/Don): that Lawrence, Tracie and Brenda form a nominating committee. CARRIED
11.0 Volunteer Appreciation:
Moved (Brenda/Lawrence): that the GHCF hold a volunteer appreciation event to cost no more than $500.00. CARRIED
12.0 In Camera Session: A brief in camera discussion of the building status was held.
Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 9:21 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Tracie Der, Secretary
Return to the top of the pageMarch 18, 2010
Gabriola Health Care Society & Foundation
Joint Board of Directors Meeting
Temporary Office @ Folklife Village
GHCF & GHCS Board Attendees: Terry Nimmon (presiding) Ian Brownlee, Brenda Fowler, Bev Godfrey, Harvey Graham, Kay Holt, Dave Innell
Regrets: Don Butt, Tracie Der, Lawrence Spero and Ian Brownlie
Guests:Judith Graham & Nancy Nevison
Several items were added to the agenda as attached.
Approval of Previous Minutes
October Joint Board minutes were approved Dave Motion Harvey seconded Passed
January Joint Board minutes were approved with the amendment to item 9. “The Board will form a nomination committee.” Motion Dave, Harvey seconded. Passed.
Feb 18 the Notes from this meeting were circulated but not approved as it was during the Olympics and the Board had no quorum.
Auxiliary – Nancy N. presented an update on all of the auxiliary events and money raised. See attached. She also talked about the upcoming photo-op with Ambulance Society as well as the Arts Council trashathon event. The full report is attached.
Data and Services Committee – Dave updated the Board on the Community Survey it is in the final stages of development and will be carried out in May. He clarified that the community will own the data and that the committee has worked thru the confidentiality issues. The Board provided some feedback on possible incentives and suggested ways to expose the news of the survey. (May 3 emergency planning meeting, co-op appreciation day and the professionals involved in the IHN programs)
Dave also presented information to the Board on the IHN contract. It will be renewed for 2010-11 but the funds remain the same so participation will be limited. Dave held a meeting with all of the professionals and has explained the new program conditions.
Dave moved the report be accepted. Brenda seconded. Passed
Financial Harvey circulated the report. There were no questions Harvey moved the report be accepted. Dave seconded Passed.
Communications Judith presented the “rack card” and the requested funds for printing. Brenda will circulate a Foundation motion for approval of two rack cards. Judith also presented distribution/mailing concepts for the Board’s information. Those wishing to learn more or make suggestions can speak to her.
Training- Terry reported that he had met with Pat G twice but that still no date had been arranged for her visit. The Board recommended that he keep trying.
Meeting ended at 9:15pm
Return to the top of the pageFebruary 18, 2010
Gabriola Health Care Society & Foundation
Joint Board of Directors Meeting
Temporary Office @ Folklife Village
GHCS Board Attendees: Brenda Fowler (presiding),Ian Brownlee, Harvey Graham
GHCF Board Attendees: Brenda Fowler, Bev Godfrey, Harvey Graham
Regrets: Tracie Der, Dave Innell, Donald Butt, Terry Nimmon; Bob Henderson; Kay Holt, Lawrence Spero
Guests: Bill Boyte, Judith Madsen, Judith Graham& Nancy Nevison
As a number of members had volunteered for Olympics duty, and for other reasons, we did not have a quorum.
The following informal discussions were held:
• Brenda Fowler welcomed new member Bev Godfrey, representing the Gabriola Ambulance Society
• Judith Madsen presented a fundraising idea
• Nancy Nevison presented her Auxiliary Report
• Harvey Graham presented the monthly financial report
• A written data and services committee report was acknowledged
• Judith Graham presented a communications review, and
• An in-camera discussion took place
Meeting adjourned 7:50 p.m.
Return to the top of the pageJanuary 21, 2010
Gabriola Health Care Society & Foundation
Joint Board of Directors Meeting
Temporary Office @ Folklife Village
GHCS Board Attendees: Don Butt, Tracie Der, Brenda Fowler (presiding), Harvey Graham, Kay Holt, David Innell, Terry Nimmon
GHCF Board Attendees: Don Butt, Tracie Der, Brenda Fowler, Harvey Graham
Regrets: Ian Brownlee, Lisa Dowding-Carter, Robert Henderson
Guests: Judith Graham, Nancy Nevison
The meeting was called to order at 7:10 pm.
1.0 Welcome: Brenda welcomed attendees and regretfully informed that Lisa Dowding-Carter has resigned from the GHCF.
2.0 Minutes: No board meetings were held in November (cancelled due to weather) or December (cancelled for Christmas). Minutes from the October meeting are pending.
3.0 Financial Report (attached to original minutes)
4.0 GHCF Auxiliary: Nancy requested more help in keeping the temporary office at Folklife Village open. She hopes we will be able to continue to operate the office through March.
Nancy provided a draft budget for the auxiliary's fundraising plan for 2010 (attached to original minutes).
Moved (Don/Tracie): that the GHCF approve the expenditure of up to $5,250 in expenses allowing the GHCF Auxiliary to work to their 2010 fundraising goal of $142,500. CARRIED
Nancy reminded everyone to check their drawers and jewellery boxes for Olympic gold for the March Go for the Gold fundraising event.
5.0 Training Update: Terry is to meet with Dr. Pat Gunton, in charge of the undergraduate program at NRGH, next Wednesday and will report on this at a later date.
6.0 Data & Services Committee: Dave reported that the Integrated Health Network is up and running – successfully! Almost too successfully as, at the current rate of use, the allocated funding will likely be completely utilized by the end of February 2010. Dave has contact the IHN in hopes of setting up a meeting to explore increased funding – either through extending/renewing the current contract or establishing a new contract – to ensure the program can be continued through the originally planned 7 month period.
The first draft of the Wellness Survey questionnaire has been done and is being reviewed.
7.0 Fundraising: Brenda presented a fundraising target plan (attached to original minutes).
Moved (Harvey/Fay): that the GHCF accept and endorse these targets and work towards meeting them. CARRIED
8.0 Community & Stakeholder Relations: Brenda gave a presentation to the Gabriola Island Chamber of Commerce.
Dave will approach the medical office at the Professional Centre to see if they are interested in participating in the IHN project going forward, now that it has been established.
9.0 In Camera Planning Discussion
Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 9:08 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Tracie Der, Secretary
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October 15, 2009
Gabriola Health Care Society & Foundation
Joint Board of Directors Meeting
Women's Institute Hall
GHCS Board Attendees: Ian Brownlee, Don Butt, Tracie Der, Brenda Fowler, Harvey Graham, Kay Holt, David Innell, Terry Nimmon (presiding), Lawrence Spero, Fay Weller
GHCF Board Attendees: Don Butt, Tracie Der, Brenda Fowler, Harvey Graham, Lawrence Spero
Regrets: Robert Henderson
Guests: Jeremy Baker, Judith Graham, Albert Reid
The meeting was called to order at 7:04 pm.
1.0 Terry welcomed everyone and lead introductions. The agenda was approved, as attached (to original minutes).
2.0 Moved (Lawrence/Don): that the minutes of the meeting of September 24th, 2009 be accepted as previously circulated. CARRIED
3.0 Moved (Harvey/Fay): that the minutes of the Treasurer's Report be accepted as attached (to original minutes). CARRIED
4.0 Slide Show: Don presented the draft of the slide show that he and Judith have created for promotional and fundraising purposes. Feedback was provided.
5.0 Gabriola Fire Trustees: Albert addressed the GHCS/GHCF proposal for using the fire hall property to build the permanent clinic, assessing the status of the request and the possible timeline for approval.
6.0 Data & Services Committee:
6.1 Dave advised that the Integrated Healthcare Network application has been approved, excluding Chinese medicine practitioners and herbalists. The total funding came to $16,548, including administration costs. The funding is being treated as a "service contract" (vs. a "grant") and the committee is looking at their options within this contract to improve cash flow and the ability to pay practitioners in a timely way.
6.2 The committee is trying to find ways to address the data gap (lacking Gabriola-specific health care data) in order to be able to tailor health care provision to local health care needs. They are proceeding with the community wellness survey with support by VIHA. They have also been informed of "community profiling" funds that may be available via the Provincial Health Authority. We would potentially be a pilot community under this program which includes a survey instrument, community engagement process and budgeting. Dave is hoping that such a survey could be conducted in spring 2010 with the results available by summer 2010. The project would be undertaken by the Data & Services Committee along with 2 other people and in cooperation with Sustainability Gabriola.
7.0 Communications Committee:
7.1 Brenda reported on the recently held Doctors roundtable and indicated that it is presenting as an excellent opportunity for inter-clinic communication around community health care issues (eg. flu season).
7.2 Lisa informed us that Nancy Nevison is heading up the committee organizing the Doctors Appreciation Dinner. It is scheduled for November 4th at the Surf Lodge.
8.0 Sustainable Gabriola Network: Fay described this initiative as an umbrella group (as opposed to an "environmental" group) that is being formed to try to coordinate and facilitate communications between all the various community organizations under categories including Community Resiliency & Wellbeing, Emergency Services & Preparedness, Learning, Transportation, Energy, etc. They are currently in the process of identifying and compiling a list of what's in existence on Gabriola.
Moved (Dave/Brenda): that the Gabriola Health Care Society formalize it's relationship with Sustainability Gabriola with a web-link on each organization's web pages and liaise via the Data & Services Committee. CARRIED
9.0 Generator: Harvey presented a request from the Community Clinic to obtain a generator. He has done some checking and estimates that it would cost approximately $7000 ($5K for the generator, $900 for the propane tank and the balance in labour).
Moved (Harvey/Lawrence): that the Gabriola Health Care Society acquire a 12KW generator at a cost of no more than $7,500. CARRIED
10.0 In Camera Planning Discussion
Adjournment:The meeting adjourned at 9:40 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Tracie Der, Secretary
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September 24, 2009
GHCS Board Attendees: Ian Brownlee, Don Butt, Tracie Der, Brenda Fowler (presiding), Harvey Graham, David Innell, Lawrence Spero, Fay Weller
GHCF Board Attendees: Don Butt, Tracie Der, Lisa Dowding-Carter, Brenda Fowler, Harvey Graham, Lawrence Spero
Guest: Judith Graham, Communications Committee
Regrets: Kay Holt
The meeting was called to order at 7:01 pm.
1.0 Brenda welcomed everyone and the agenda was approved. The results of the Auxiliary raffle were announced.
2.0 Moved (Don/Fay): that the minutes of the meeting of August 20th, 2009 be accepted as previously circulated. CARRIED
3.0 Financial Report (attached to original minutes)
Moved (Harvey/Lawrence): that the treasurer's reports be accepted as previously circulated. CARRIED
4.0 Data/Services
Dave reported that the MoH report of Gabriola Health Data had been received and, unfortunately, was less Gabriola-specific than hoped. He will be replying that the committee would like to work with the MoH in the future to improve that information.
There is still no decision from the Independent Health Network with respect to our application for the grant for patient services. There appears to be preliminary support for exercise/yoga and the time frame has still not been defined.
The committee has had a positive response from VIHA regarding performing a health indicators survey of the community. They will be meeting with VIHA on October 6th to plan this survey.
The committee has also been working on contacting various foundations for funding for a survey of what services would be good for the island. They are exploring what the criteria for approval of funding are, etc.
4.0 In Camera Planning Discussion (see Appendix I)
5.0 Other Business
The Community Sustainability Network has invited the GHCS to attend their meetings with emergency services. Brenda has accepted on our behalf.
Brenda will also place an announcement in the local media with the Auxiliary raffle results.
Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 8:15 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Tracie Der, Secretary
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August 20, 2009
GHCS Board Attendees: Ian Brownlee, Don Butt, Tracie Der, Brenda Fowler, Harvey Graham, David Innell, Terry Nimmon (Presiding), Lawrence Spero, Fay Weller
GHCF Board Attendees: Don Butt, Tracie Der, Brenda Fowler, Harvey Graham, Bob Henderson, Lawrence Spero
Regrets: Kay Holt
The meeting was called to order at 7:03 pm.
1.0 Terry welcomed everyone and the agenda was approved.
2.0 Moved (Tracie/Ian): that the minutes of the meeting of June 23rd, 2009 be accepted as previously circulated. CARRIED
3.0 Financial Report (attached to original minutes)
Moved (Harvey/Tracie): that the treasurer's reports be accepted as previously circulated. CARRIED
4.0 Communications
Brenda reported on the Professional Centre's welcome for Dr. Thorne. She also informed us that Marilyn Geater is stepping down as Chair of the Auxiliary. Nancy Nevison is willing to Co-Chair, so we need to explore ideas of another person to fill this role. Also, there are still Auxiliary raffle tickets left to sell.
5.0 Data/Services
Dave reported that the committee is following up on the recommendations of Jessica Plante's report and pursuing information on wellness/happiness indicators. The IHN application has been submitted and we are awaiting the results of VIHA's review.
6.0 Building Committee
Ian presented a status report. He has met with John Campbell to discuss the pros and cons of different land options (ownership/lease/public land) and would like to invite Mr. Campbell to meet with the board to share his ideas. He indicated that "free" land is, obviously, the most attractive option, but the time in acquiring it is proving lengthy. To speed things along, it may be time to consider purchased land options.
Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 8:09 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Tracie Der, Secretary
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July 16, 2009
GHCS Board Attendees: Ian Brownlee, Don Butt, Tracie Der, Brenda Fowler, Harvey Graham, Kay Holt, David Innell, Terry Nimmon (Presiding)
GHCF Board Attendees: Don Butt, Tracie Der, Brenda Fowler, Harvey Graham, Bob Henderson
The meeting was called to order at 7:03 p.m.
1. Terry welcomed everyone and the agenda was approved.
2. Moved (Don/Brenda): that the minutes of the meeting of June 23rd, 2009 be accepted as corrected. CARRIED
3. Financial Report (attached to original minutes)
Moved (Harvey/Don): that the treasurer's reports be accepted as previously circulated. CARRIED
Moved (Harvey/Dave): that
1. All cheques, drafts, and orders for payment of money drawn on any Bank, Credit Union or Trust Company (hereinafter referred to as the “Credit Union”) account operated in the name of the Gabriola Health Care Society, (hereinafter referred to as "GHCS") shall be signed by:
(a) any two of:
the President, Brenda Fowler
the Vice-President, Terry Nimmon,
the Secretary, Tracie Der, and
the Treasurer, Harvey Graham.
except that:
(b) cheques, drafts, and orders for payment of money in amounts not exceeding $500.00 may be signed by any one of the persons set out above.
2. All authorized banking accounts of GHCS existing as of the date of this resolution and all arrangements with regard to electronic banking are hereby continued.
3. Any two of the foregoing are authorized to provide direction to the Credit Union with respect to the opening and closing of any GHCS accounts.
4. Any two of the foregoing are authorized to enter into agreements relating to interest rates and other agreements of every nature whatsoever related to the investment of GHCS moneys in investment instruments issued by the Credit Union.
4. Data & Services Committee
• David presented a status report
Moved (Dave/Bob): that the board approve in principle the exploration of the idea of a community meeting in the fall and a drafting of a survey to assess wellness and happiness indicators and related information for our community. CARRIED
5. Brenda and Tracie reported on the exploratory meeting with representatives of the Women's Institute.
6. The Gabriola Health Care Auxiliary is conducting a fundraising raffle of a number of glass artworks.
7. Building Committee
• Ian presented a status report
8. Other Business
• Bob presented a fundraising idea (art auction/dinner). He will approach the Auxiliary with the idea.
• Don Butt reminded everyone of the upcoming Lion's Concert on the Green – Thursday, August 6th. Tickets $15
• Terry is organizing a welcome social for Dr. Tracy Thorne
Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 8:07 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Tracie Der, Secretary
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