The time is now . . . we can't do it without you!
A donation of securities
If you have shares or other qualifying securities that have increased in value you could donate them to the Foundation and, if an individual, avoid being taxed on the capital gain while still receiving a tax receipt for the full value of the securities. This can be the least expensive way to give.
Securities that will qualify for such treatment are publicly-traded securities listed on Canadian and major international exchanges including stocks, trust units, exchange-traded funds, warrants, etc., as well as mutual fund units and bonds.
Note that you can avoid the tax on the capital gain only if the securities themselves are donated to the Foundation. The double benefit will not be available if the securities are sold and the proceeds donated.
Please contact us at ghcf@ghcs.ca or at (250)247-7411 and we will assist in making the transfer.
Thank you for your support!
The Gabriola Health Care Foundation is a registered charity for Canadian Income Tax purposes.