Yes, I want to help!
There are many ways that you can structure a contribution to the Foundation, now or in the future. Please click on the maroon links below for more details.
- Volunteer: Join the Board of Directors or join one of the groups that have been formed to manage the building and GHCF Finances, coordination with building tenants, coordination with community health care programmes, etc. Please Email us at ghcf@ghcf.ca if you are interested in helping.
- Make a contribution: Tax creditable charitable donations can be made by cheque, by credit card, or under a monthly plan.
- Make an “In Memoriam” gift: Making a gift to the GHCF is a special way to celebrate the life of a friend or loved one.
- Make a “Tribute” gift: Instead of buying a traditional gift for a special occasion, consider making a donation in support of the GHC Foundation. Tribute gifts are a great way to say thank you, celebrate a birthday, anniversary, wedding, graduation, birth, retirement or any other special occasion.
- Make a pledge: If you wish you can make a pledge payable when construction starts, or at any other time, it will greatly help our budgeting.
- Donation of securities: If you have securities that have appreciated in value you can derive a double tax benefit.
- Corporate giving: Health care is everyone’s business. Making a corporate donation is a simple and meaningful way to take a leadership role in the delivery of health care on Gabriola while demonstrating to your employees, your customers, and the community that your company cares about the causes that affect them.
- "Tax Smart" Planned Giving: There are many ways that one can structure gifts to optimise the tax bnefit to you and the Foundation while being consistent with your overall financial planning. Follow the link for a few ideas, or contact us to discuss how we can fit into your plans.
The Gabriola Health Care Foundation is a registered charity for Canadian Income Tax purposes.
December 15, 2009