General meeting minutes:
- GHCF 2014 AGM
- GHCF 2013 AGM
- GHCF 2012 AGM
- GHCF & GHCS, 2011 AGMs
- GHCF, Jan 6, 2011 SGM
- GHCF & GHCS, Aug 17, 2010 SGM
- GHCF & GHCS, 2010 AGMs
- GHCS, 2009 AGM
- GHCF, 2009 AGM
- GHCF & GHCS, 2008 AGMs
- GHCS, 2007 AGM
AGM Slides:
General Meetings
The GHCF board welcomes input from the public. The annual general meeting is open to the general public. Notification of the AGM is published at least two weeks in advance. In addition, issues or concerns communicated to the Board in writing will be given careful consideration at our monthly meetings and responded to accordingly. Time may be set aside for a presentation upon request. If one wishes to make a presentation to the Board please indicate your intent in writing and send it to ghcf@ghcf.ca at least seven days in advance of the Board meeting. If you prefer mail, our mailing address is: PO Box 295, Gabriola, BC V0R 1X0.
Gabriola Health Care Foundation
Minutes of the 2014 Annual General Meeting
April 30, 2014
The Rollo Centre, Gabriola Island
Chair: Chuck Connor
Acting Secretary: Mike Phillips
1. Call to order: Chuck Connor called the meeting to order at 7:00PM.
2. Information
a. Quorum: A quorum was present; list of attendees is attached to minutes in Minute Book.
b. Rules of Order: Meeting agreed by consensus to use Robert’s Rules of Order
c. Voting procedures: Mike Phillips reviewed the regulations in the GHCF by-laws – each member present at a members’ meeting has one vote, voting is by show of hands unless a private written ballot is requested, and there are no proxy votes.
3. Adoption of agenda – MOTION: Harvey Graham. That the agenda be adopted as presented. CARRIED
4. Adoption of minutes of year AGM
MOTION: Nancy Rowan. That the minutes of the 2013 Annual General Meeting on April 30, 2014 be adopted as distributed. CARRIED
5. Reports: The following reports were presented. Details are posted on the GCHF website.
a. President – Chuck Connor
b. Physician Recruitment and Retention – Nancy Rowan
c. Health Programs – Dave Innell
d. Finance & Facility Management – Chuck Connor
e. year Financial Statements –
MOTION: Paul Champion. That the GHCF Financial Statements for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2013 be approved as presented. CARRIED
6. Nominations Committee:
a. Service ended as directors – Thank-you!
i. Dave Innell
ii. Margaret Litt
iii. Judy Rogers
b. Continuing in their current term:
i. Chuck Connor, 2nd term to 2015.
ii. Paul Champion, 2nd term to 2015.
iii. Nancy Hetherington Peirce. 2nd term to 2016.
c. Nominated: The Board of Directors determined that six Directors would be elected at this AGM. The Nominations Committee nominated:
i. Derek Brindle. 1st term to 2017.
ii. Dale Butler. 1st term to 2017.
iii. Harvey Graham. 3rd term to 2017
iv. Gloria Hatfield. 1st term to 2017.
v. Mike Phillips, 2nd term to 2017.
vi. Nancy Rowan. 2nd term to 2017.
d. Acclamation: No further nominations from the membership were received in the period up to 48 hours before the meeting (final date as per the by-laws). Thus the nominated directors were elected by acclamation.
7. Adjournment: The chair adjourned the meeting 8:00 PM.
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Gabriola Health Care Foundation
Minutes of the 2013 Annual General Meeting
April 17, 2013
The Rollo Centre, Gabriola Island
Chair: Jill Adamson
Secretary: Nancy Hetherington Peirce
Call to order: Jill called the meeting to order at 7:05 pm.
Quorum: A quorum was present; list of attendees is attached to minutes in Minute Book.
Rules of Order: Meeting agreed by consensus to use Robert’s Rules of Order
Voting procedures: Jill reviewed the regulations in the GHCF by-laws – each member present at a members’ meeting has one vote, voting is by show of hands unless a private written ballot is requested, and there are no proxy votes.
Adoption of agenda –
MOTION: M/S Mike Phillips / Nancy Rowan That the agenda be adopted as presented. CARRIED
Adoption of minutes of 2012 AGM – October 10, 2012
MOTION: M/S Konrad Mauch / Mike Phillips That the minutes of the 2012 AGM on October 10, 2012 be adopted as distributed. CARRIED
Reports were presented by the following people. Details are posted on the GCHF website.
• President – Jill Adamson
• Physician Recruitment and Retention – Nancy Rowan
• Health Programs – Dave Innell
• Building Management – Konrad Mauch
• Building Construction – Chuck Connor
• 2012 Financial Statements – Harvey Graham
Nominations Committee: For the GHCF Board of Directors
Continuing in their current term:
• Harvey Graham (2nd term; to 2014)
• Dave Innell (1st term; to 2014)
• Mike Phillips (1st term; to 2014)
• Nancy Rowan (1st term; to 2014)
Nominated: The Nominations Committee nominated five people:
• Chuck Connor (2nd term; to 2015)
• Paul Champion (1st term; to 2015)
• Nancy Hetherington Peirce (1st term; to 2016)
• Margaret Litt (1st term; to 2016)
• Judy Rogers (1st term; to 2016)
No further nominations were received in the period up to 48 hours before the meeting (final date as per the by-laws). Thus the new directors were elected by acclamation.
Service ended as directors – Thank-you!
• Jill Adamson
• Rufus Churcher
• Brenda Fowler
• Judith Graham
• Judith Madsen
• Konrad Mauch
Adjournment: Jill adjourned the meeting at 8:05 p.m.
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Gabriola Health Care Foundation
Minutes of the 2012 Annual General Meeting
October 10, 2012
The Roxy Theater, Gabriola Island
October 10th 2012 -– 7:30 PM, The Roxy Theatre, Gabriola Island
Minutes of the 2012 Annual General Meeting
Names of the 21 attendees are attached to these minutes in the GHCF Minute Book
Chair: Jill Adamson
Secretary: Judith Madsen
1.0 Call to Order
Jill Adamson, called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.
2.0 Information
2.1 Quorum: A quorum of GHCF members was present
2.2 Rules of Order: Jill suggested that the meeting procedures follow Robert’s Rules of Order.
The members agreed informally.
2.3 Voting procedure: Jill reviewed the regulations in the GHCF by-laws – each member present at a members’ meeting has one vote, voting is by show of hands unless a private written ballot is requested, and there are no proxy votes. To change the Rules of the Organization there must be a minimum of 75% approval of the members present.
3.0 Adoption of the Agenda
3.1 MOTION: M/S Mike Phillips/ John Peirce That the agenda be adopted as presented.
4.0 Adoption of Minutes
4.1 MOTION: M/S Harvey Graham/Rufus Churcher that the minutes of Sept 8, 2011 AGM be adopted. CARRIED
5.0 Presidents Report:
Jill Adamson, Vice-President, presented the 2011/2012 report. A copy is attached to these minutes in the GHCF Minute Book.
Jill congratulated everyone, as we have built an amazing Community Health Care Centre.
August 5th 2012 Opening and Ribbon Ceremony set a benchmark for community participation where the volunteer labour was completed for the Doctors to take occupancy June 10th 2012, just 10 months from the start of construction. Finalizing construction for the first floor, designed from the outset for sustainability by partnering with health related businesses, is now underway. Landscaping continues and volunteers are invited to contact Mike Phillips.
With the Foundation’s main purpose of a health centre for the doctors completed, the GHCF board is asking you, the members, to add to the purposes of the Foundation, to expand to pursue Community Health Care opportunities. Resolution #1, later in the agenda. Thank you to all of you who donated the $1.4 million to build the centre. Future donations will go to funds to maintain, improve and equip the Urgent Care Room, etc. The design and names on the Donor Wall, the Volunteer Wall and Rooms will be one of the first priorities of the new Board.
6.0 Treasurer's Report:
Harvey Graham, Treasurer, presented the financial chart overview for 2011&2012, showing the Funds for the GHCF. These included charts for the Balance Sheet -Assets; Balance sheet Liabilities & Equity, and Source of Donations & Pledges. A copy is attached to these minutes in the GHCF Minute Book.
7.0 Building Committee Report
Chuck Connor, Building Committee Chair, presented the Building Committee Report. A copy is attached to these minutes in the GHCF Minute Book.
Chuck noted that our preliminary design and cost structure was $1,383,229.00 ($1.4 to make it simple) and the actual cost came in at $1,165,787 with $217,442 under budget. Construction Estimate chart is attached in the Minutes book.
The 1st Floor which will be going to completion is costed at $207,336. So funds left will be $10,106. Chuck said there is a 20% contingency fund built into this phase of the construction also. There were no corners cut, and the quality was always the best. Estimated volunteer labour could be equated with the cost of the materials. Amazingly talented people came forward such as just recently, two people volunteered to set up the automated night landing lights on the helicopter pad and a system where the incoming pilot can trigger the lights to turn on 15 km out.
8.0 Health Centre Management Committee -
Konrad Mauch (chair), Chuck Connor, Harvey Graham, Earl Miller, Mike Phillips, Inge Fretheim.
Chuck Connor, presented the mandate of the Health Centre Management to meet Foundation goals regarding urgent care services, integration of health care services and financial sustainability of the Centre. These are;
1. Prepare the annual budget
2. Building Management, operation and maintenance costs.
3. Manage tenant relationships
4. Manage relationships with physicians to maintain and, if possible, improve the quality of urgent care services.
See attached report to the 2012 minute book.
8.1. Questions from the Floor
A member asked about landing usage for the Helicopter Pad.
Chuck said the Fire Hall has been restricted in using their Helicopter landing site as both would be in the same flight path. We will look at any emergency service requests such as the Police or Coast Guard usage and that is why the area will have lights on approach.
9.0 Special Resolutions:
Resolved that Section 2 of the Constitution of the Gabriola Health Care Foundation, (the “purposes” clause) be repealed and replaced with the following:
“2. The purpose of the Foundation is to improve the primary health care services for the residents of and visitors to Gabriola Island, B.C. by:
(a) identifying the health care needs of those residents and visitors;
(b)working alone or in partnership with any qualified donees, as defined in subsection 149.1 of the income Tax Act (Canada), or with any Canadian government body to develop and/or deliver programs to address those needs;
(c) providing medical facilities and/or medical equipment to be used for the benefit of residents of and visitors to Gabriola Island and
(d) gifting funds to qualified donees, as defined in subsection 149.1(1) of the income Tax Act (Canada).”
9.2 Questions from the Floor
A member asked if these programs would work collaboratively or would this become another non-profit organization. From the floor, Nancy Rowan said that any group can do a needs assessment, and once needs are identified they may choose to take on a project with themselves or with another group. There is a Health Care Forum October 20th
2012 coming up which is the second one that GHCF has initiated and we will see what recommendations evolve. Nancy Nevison said as a tax beneficiary with Revenue Canada, when the GHC Foundation takes on more of a role with health programs this broadens their charitable role from simply landlord.
MOTION FOR SPECIAL RESOLUTION #1; Lawrence Spero/ Harvey Graham
Section 25 of the by-laws currently provides for:
-up to three representative directors appointed by their respective groups, and
-a minimum of five and up to a maximum of eleven elected directors elected by the members of the society.
This resolution would repeal the 3 representative directors from the Lions, Ambulance and the Doctors. Jill Adamson thanked them for their thoughtful participation during the conception and building of the Medical Centre.
Resolved that the provision for “representative” or appointed directors be removed from the Bylaws of the Gabriola Health Care Foundation by:
(a) repealing section 25 of the bylaws and replacing it with the following:
“There shall be a minimum of five and a maximum of eleven directors.”
(b) by making all other changes to the bylaws as are necessary to remove all references to “elected” and “representative” directors.
MOTION FOR SPECIAL RESOLUTION #2; Mike Phillips/ Dave Innell
Resolved that Section 39 of the by-laws of the Gabriola Health Care Foundation (the Section dealing with the election of Directors) be amended by removing the words “shall be elected for a term of three years” and replacing them with the words “shall be elected to hold office until, at a maximum, the third following Annual General Meeting of the society.”
MOTION FOR SPECIAL RESOLUTION #3: Harvey Graham/ Mike Phillips
Nominating Committee was Lawrence Spero, Inge Fretheim, Rufus Churcher.
Lawrence Spero advised that Don Butt, Dallas Smith, Inge Fretheim would be retiring and that Jill Adamson, Rufus Churcher, Judith Madsen, Judith Graham, Brenda Fowler and Konrad Mauch would continue on the board within their elected terms.
The nominating committee advised that two current board members, Harvey Graham and Mike Phillips be re-nominated to serve until 2014 and that Dave Innell and Nancy Rowan be nominated to sit on the GHC Foundation board to2014. This makes a board of 10 members.
There being no other nominations the nominated members were elected by acclimation.
8:16 Pm Adjourned Rufus Churcher
Respectfully submitted,
Judith Madsen, GHCF Secretary
Approved: (date) __________________________ (Officer)_______________________________
Return to the top of the pageGabriola Health Care Society & Foundation
Joint Annual General Meeting
September 8th, 2011
The Roxy Theatre, Gabriola Island
GHCF Board Members – Don Butt, Harvey Graham, Judith Madsen, Judith Graham, Jill Adamson, Chuck Connor
Absent: Rufus Churcher, Dallas Smith, Brenda Fowler
GHCS Board Members - Don Butt, Harvey Graham, Dave Innell, Nancy Nevison, Earl Miller
Absent: Brenda Fowler, Nancy Heatherington Peirce.
See audience sign-in sheet attached to original minutes. (26 attendees)
PROCEEDINGS:First in order: The Gabriola Health Care Society
1.0 Dave Innell called to order for the GHCS meeting at 7:04 p.m.
1.1 Dave Innell Vice- President of the GHC Society welcomed the assembly and took the opportunity to give condolences to Brenda Fowler and her family.
2.0 Acceptance of the Agenda (Attached Agenda’s) M/S Digby Jones, Don Butt CARRIED
2.1 Previous minutes: Dave Innell asked that the minutes of June 17, 2010 AGM be accepted.
Moved/Seconded (Mike Phillips, Don Butt) CARRIED
2.2 Dave Innell asked that the minutes of the Extraordinary General Meeting August 17, 2010 be accepted
Moved/ Seconded (Don Butt, Tessa Spero) CARRIED
2.3 Data & Services Committee: Dave Innell shared this committee's two main initiatives of the past year.
1. Health & Wellbeing Survey
2. Integrated Health Network contracts
3. Future Planning: the Society is actively thinking of programs and services and will continue to report on outcomes. (See attached outline page 5&6 )
3.0 GHCS Treasurer’s Report: Harvey Graham
3.1 (See attached report (page 7)
D’arcy Boulton, the physiotherapist, moved out this Sept 1,2011 and we would like a tenant, but this may be difficult, with a short lease, as we believe we will move to the new finished clinic May 2012.
3.2 The Cash Reserves of $21,000 will hold us for this period, to May 2012.
4.0 New Directors: Dave Innell made a motion to elect two Directors for the GHCSociety
Earl Miller and Nancy Nevison who have been appointed during the year to continue on the board. There were no other nominations by mail.
(see Attached report page 8)
4.1 Vote by acclamation that Nevison & Miller, were elected. CARRIED
5.0 Second in Order: The Gabriola Health Care Foundation.
5.1 Welcome & Vice-Presidents Remarks by Jill Adamson.
Jill spoke as acting Vice- President and mentioned Brenda Fowler, the President, sharing everyone’s appreciation for how much Brenda has accomplished during her term.
5.2 Acceptance of the Agenda by Konrad Mauch/ Don Butt CARRIED
5.3 PREVIOUS MINUTES: Jill Adamson asked that the minutes of June 17, 2010 AGM be accepted. Moved/Seconded (Dave Innell, Tessa Spero) CARRIED
5.4 Jill Adamson asked that the minutes of the Extraordinary General Meeting August 17, 2010 be accepted. Moved/ Seconded (Lynne Young, Earl Miller) CARRIED
5.5 Jill Adamson asked that the minutes of the Extraordinary General Meeting January 06, 2011 be accepted Moved/ Seconded (Marilynn Geater, Don Butt) CARRIED
6.1 Welcome & Presidents Report:
( See attached report-Presidents Report.)
Jill spoke on the gifts of 3 properties to build the clinic in 2011, with the board choosing the site at the top of Church Street, the gracious gift of Dr Bob Rooks. She made a quick summary of the 9 month process of the re-zoning process and success. Jill commented on the Public Hearing at The Haven Auditorium with 170 people present and the respectfulness in addressing the community with divergent views. The fundraising events in the last year have successfully raised $1,037,997.00 to date, approaching our target goal of $1.4 million. There is $380,000 more to raise. Jill explained that $1.4 million appears to be a small amount to build a clinic of 4,000 sq feet plus the basement and she complimented the tradespeople and crafts people who have made free donations of labour, supplies and skills. Arbutus Lumber has donated all supplies to the Clinic Building at cost.
The Re-zoning was granted in July 2011 and Potlatch Company applied for the Building Permit so construction began immediately. We expect the subdivision and land title transfer before the end of October, 2011 from the Islands Trust.
Jill Adamson showed building construction photos where the foundation has been completed, the framing started.
(See attached Report 12,13,14,&15)
6.2 Jill Adamson announced the News of a third Doctor, Dr. Danielle Behn Smith, who will be starting part time at the clinic Oct 3, 2011 and begin full time May 2012 when the building opens.
7.0 Financial Report: Harvey Graham provided GHCF Report. (See attached report page 16)
7.1 Harvey discussed the Fundraising to date - giving numbers of 867 donations in 2010 and in 2011, a total of 1670 people have contributed on the attached Report page 17.
7.2 Harvey broke down the donations further for 2011 on the attached Report Page 18 with $857,000 in donations directly from Gabiolans.
8.0 Building Committee - Chuck Connor
8.1 (See attached Report pages 19 & 20 written and pages 21 & 22 photos)
To date although we were a month late due to the 4th Reading approval we have caught up and on time. The foundations taking less time than anticipated and the framing is now in progress . Roofing should be completed late October, early November. The design and engineering work are completed, it was a long and arduous task.
8.2 Construction Budget discussed by Chuck Connor - with clearer numbers and the unexpected cost areas. Chuck explained the large project cost areas in broad numbers (See attached Report page 23)
Followed by a thorough break down explaining the unexpected cost areas. (See attached Report Page 24)
9.0 Operating Plan - Konrad Mauch (see attached Report 25 &26)
9.1 The Operating plan suggests the yearly operating expense with our brand new building will be between $30 - $40,000 dollars. In response to the question of would we pay property taxes? After many questions, written and verbal, the GHCF has been told that until the building is occupied the Taxation question could not be confirmed. However, many other Island Clinics do not pay property taxes.
9.1 Questions from the Floor
A question was raised regarding fluorescent lighting which will be installed for cost effectiveness as LED lighting is too expensive. There can be adjustments with floor lighting and there are windows in each of the doctor’s offices and many skylights throughout.
A question was raised regarding water wells and landscaping. The Landscape Architect plans to put in indigenous plantings and drought resistant plants.
A question was raised whether there would be an office for the Auxiliary. The answer was that there would be a small office for the GHCF.
9.2 Nominating Committee - Konrad Mauch (See attached Report page 27) No further directors are needed on the GHCF board.
Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Judith Madsen, Secretary GHCF
Return to the top of the pageAgenda Gabriola Health Care Foundation Special General Meeting
January 6, 2011
The Roxy Theatre, Gabriola Island
Opening: The meeting opened at 7 pm.
1. Introduction: by President Brenda Fowler:
(a) Purpose of the Meeting: The purpose of the meeting was to consider and, if felt appropriate, to adopt a special resolution to change the GHCF constitution.
(b) The chair determined that there was a quorum present and declared the meeting to be a properly constituted meeting.
(c) The chair pointed out that as the resolution was a “special resolution” the BC Societies Act required that there be at least a 75% vote in favour of the resolution for it to pass.
(d) Robert's Rules of Order were followed.
2. Voting: The meeting was asked whether the vote on the final resolution was to be by show of hands or by secret ballot. A member requested a secret ballot.
3. Agenda: Motion was made John Pierce/Randy Young to approve the agenda. The motion Carried
4. Resolution: The Special Resolution was presented to the audience:
Resolved that the constitution of the Gabriola Health Care Foundation be amended as follows:
Paragraphs 3, 4 and 5 be renumbered as paragraphs 4,5 and 6, respectively;
A new paragraph 3 be added to read as follows:
“Any land located at the top of Church Street, Gabriola (the land currently legally defined as a portion of the South ½ of the Northwest ¼ of Section 19, Gabriola Island, Nanaimo District), donated to the Foundation, and any medical clinic constructed on such land by or on behalf of the Foundation, may not be sold or otherwise disposed of by the Foundation without authorization granted by a resolution passed by a majority of those members attending an extraordinary general meeting called to specifically consider such disposition. Such extraordinary meeting may only be called after a three or more month community consultation process to be carried out as determined by the directors at the time. This provision would not apply to the situation of returning the land in accordance with the provisions of the original Donation Agreement made between the Foundation and Potlatch Properties Ltd. whereby the land must be returned to Potlatch Properties Ltd. if the clinic is not constructed within five years of receipt of the land.”; and
Paragraph 6, as renumbered, be amended by adding a reference to paragraph 5.
5. Query and discussion followed. There were many of the members present who asked queries on many topics but coming back to the task at hand which was the special resolution.
6. Moved by John Pierce and seconded by Norma Burns to address the Special Resolution as follows from item 4.
7. Kathryn Gordon moved that the first portion of the resolution be amended to delete the words “located at the top of Church Street, Gabriola (the land currently legally defined as a portion of the South ½ of the Northwest ¼ of Section 19, Gabriola Island, Nanaimo District),”.Seconded by Derek Kilbourn The amendment Failed
8. Randy Young moved that the first portion of the resolution be amended to change the wording “sold or otherwise disposed of” to “sold or leased” Seconded by Lynne Young After some discussion Randy Young withdrew the amendment.
9. Tony Gibson moved that the final portion of the resolution be amended to change “whereby the land must be returned to Potlatch properties” to - “whereby the land may be returned to Potlatch properties” Seconded by Sheena Meadowcroft
10. Michelle Benjamin moved to make a friendly amendment to Tony Gibson’s amendment to provide that the words reading “whereby the land must be returned to Potlatch Properties Ltd. taking out the last part of the sentence, (if the clinic is not constructed within five years of receipt of the land.";) at the end of the special resolution be deleted. Agreed to by Tony Gibson and seconded by Sheena Meadowcroft. The amendment Passed
11. Kathryn Gordon moved that the resolution be amended to change “passed by a majority of those members” to “passed by 2/3 of those members”. Seconded by Michelle Benjamin. Nancy Heathering Pierce (Roberts Rules) advised by changing the wording to special resolution means 75% of the members voting to in favour for the motion for it to pass. Kathryn Gordon/Michelle Benjamin accepted the re-wording so the motion to change the relevant potion of the amendment to read: “without authorization granted by a special resolution passed by those members”. The amendment Failed.
12. The Chair asked if the meeting would accept Tom Cameron and June Shoemaker as vote counters. No objection.
13. There being no further amendments to the resolution, the Chair asked for a vote on the resolution as amended:
Resolved that the constitution of the Gabriola Health Care Foundation be amended as follows:
Paragraphs 3, 4 and 5 be renumbered as paragraphs 4,5 and 6, respectively;
A new paragraph 3 be added to read as follows:
“Any land located at the top of Church Street, Gabriola (the land currently legally defined as a portion of the South ½ of the Northwest ¼ of Section 19, Gabriola Island, Nanaimo District), donated to the Foundation, and any medical clinic constructed on such land by or on behalf of the Foundation, may not be sold or otherwise disposed of by the Foundation without authorization granted by a resolution passed by a majority of those members attending an extraordinary general meeting called to specifically consider such disposition. Such extraordinary meeting may only be called after a three or more month community consultation process to be carried out as determined by the directors at the time. This provision would not apply to the situation of returning the land in accordance with the provisions of the original Donation Agreement made between the Foundation and Potlatch Properties Ltd."; and
Paragraph 6, as renumbered, be amended by adding a reference to paragraph 5.
The motion passed with 45 voting yes and 2 no. Passed
14. The Chair thanked everyone for attending and participating. There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 8:45 pm.
Respectfully submitted, Judith Madsen, Secretary
Return to the top of the pageGabriola Health Care Foundation & Gabriola Health Care Society
Joint 2010 Special General Meetings
Monday, August 17, 2010
The Roxy Theatre, Gabriola Island
Attendees: Board Members – Jill Adamson, Don Butt, Tracie Der, Brenda Fowler, Harvey Graham, Judith Graham, Nancy Hetherington-Peirce, Nancy Huot, David Innell, Terry Nimmon; see audience sign-in sheet attached to original minutes.
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m.
1.0 Welcome: Brenda Fowler welcomed all attending and offered thanks, on behalf of both organizations, to the hard-working volunteers. She then thanked Ian Brownlie and the Building Committee for securing not just one site for the permanent clinic, but three!
Brenda then went through an overview chart comparing the three sites. She noted that volunteers have been diligently gathering community input over the last three weeks and that about 70 submissions have been made. All have been positive about the building plans and the greatest preference has been for the Rooks site at the top of Church Road. She then answered questions from the floor.
2.0 Gabriola Health Care Foundation Resolutions:
Moved (Tracie Der/Don Butt) that the resolution relating to undertaking the necessary approvals to secure the property at the corner of North & South Roads, known as the Coats Property, adopted on June 17th, 2010, be rescinded. CARRIED
Moved (Tracie Der/Nancy Huot) that the Gabriola Health Care Foundation Board of Directors be authorized to evaluate all reasonable proposals for property for the construction of the permanent community-owned medical clinic and, upon determining the site(s) that most closely fits the board's criteria, proceed with due diligence, subdivision, severance, rezoning and/or any other appropriate activities necessary to secure the site for this use. CARRIED
Moved (Tracie Der/Dave Innell) that the Gabriola Health Care Foundation, on behalf of the community, formally and publicly thank the Women's Institute, the Coats Family and Dr. Rooks for their generous offers of property for the construction of a permanent community-owned medical clinic for Gabriola Island. CARRIED
3.0 Gabriola Health Care Society Resolution:
Moved (Tracie Der/Jill Adamson) that the Gabriola Health Care Society Board of Directors be authorized to evaluate all reasonable proposals for property for the construction of the permanent community-owned medical clinic and, upon determining the site(s) that most closely fits the board's criteria, proceed with due diligence, subdivision, severance, rezoning and/or any other appropriate activities necessary to secure the site for this use. CARRIED
Before closing, Brenda noted that the GHCF is now close to $500K in donations and offers of in-kind assistance.
Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 7:45 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Tracie Der, Secretary
Return to the top of the pageGabriola Health Care Foundation & Gabriola Health Care Society
Joint 2010 Annual General Meetings
Monday, June 17, 2010
The Roxy Theatre, Gabriola Island
Attendees: Board Members – Ian Brownlee, Don Butt, Tracie Der, Brenda Fowler, Bev Godfrey, Harvey Graham, Kay Holt, David Innell, Terry Nimmon, Lawrence Spero; see audience sign-in sheet attached to original minutes.
The meeting was called to order at 7:02 p.m.
1.0 Welcome & Presidents Remarks:
Brenda Fowler welcomed the assembly and took the opportunity to acknowledge some very special supporters from the past year. Specifically, she expressed appreciation for the ongoing support of the Gabriola Lions Club and the Gabriola Ambulance Society and heartfelt thanks to the Gabriola Women's Institute for the offer of their site to locate a future clinic. She expressed the gratitude of the board to all of the volunteers and the auxiliary, especially Nancy Nevison, and the hours and hours of work and events organized. Brenda also noted that, now, 1 out of every 8 Gabriolans has made a donation towards building the permanent clinic and related how much she enjoys hearing all the community gratitude and personal stories.
Brenda outlined the strategic initiatives being undertaken by the GHCS/GHCF.
• Secure a building site
• Raise $1 million
• Provide emergency coverage and primary care
• Retain physicians
In the future, what lies ahead includes re-invigorating government relations – the Ministry of Health, VIHA, the Islands Trust and the Regional District – and getting on with the building of the permanent clinic while maintaining on-going emergency care, primary care and physician retention.
2.0 Previous minutes:
Tracie Der circulated and provided an overview of the minutes of the 2009 AGM.
Moved (Tracie Der/Don Butt): that the minutes of the Gabriola Health Care Society and Foundation Joint Annual General Meeting of June 4th, 2009, be accepted as circulated.
3.0 Data & Services Committee:
Dave Innell shared this committee's two main initiatives of the past year.
• Health & Wellbeing Survey
• Integrated Health Network contracts
The Health & Wellbeing Survey is a project that resulted from a presentation made at the 2009 AGM by Mike Pennock of VIHA, Gross National Happiness & Wellbeing. The survey is being developed in partnership with VIHA and Sustainable Gabriola as a tool to gather the views of Gabriolans on a wide range of health and wellbeing issues and use the results to guide community groups in planning and prioritizing services on the island. The committee has also been invited to share the results with the OCP review committee.
Dave announced that Gabriola is now enjoying its second contract within the Integrated Health Network through VIHA. This provides funding for patients meeting specific criteria for chronic health conditions to be proactive in their health care by accessing a variety of wellness-oriented practitioners. Under the 2009 contract, 70 patients were referred for over 200 visits to 9 different providers of care. The 2010 contract is under development and will focus specifically on exercise.
4.0 Financial Report:
See the AGM Slides for the treasurer's report.
5.0 Building Committee:
Ian Brownlee reviewed all the potential building sites that have been considered by the committee. A key point is that the site must be zoned IN3 for medical clinic use and any land needing to be rezoned to IN3 requires a minimum of 1.24 acres in area. Thus far, no single piece of land studied has met all the criteria established.
• Firehall property – zoning is appropriate but the process for obtaining approval of this use is lengthy and the Fire Trustees are not ready to make a decision
• Don Powell property – zoning is appropriate but no ownership option (only lease)
• Commons – rezoning required and a lengthy process
• Women's Institute – rezoning required and parcel size is too small (0.89 acres)
• van Straten property – appropriate space but rezoning required
• Folklife Village – rezoning required and no ownership option (lease or strata)
• Co-op land – rezoning may be straightforward change, but cost $400K
Recently, the Coats family has approached with a generous offer of land off the corner of North & South Roads (on the ferry hill) for $100K. Rezoning would be required, but the location meets virtually all the selection criteria and allows for possible future needs. The committee is optimistic that the necessary rezoning could be achieved, especially since the site has the support of the fire chief and others. The Highways Department also indicated that it should be able to meet their access requirements.
Moved (Brenda Fowler/Dave Innell): that the Gabriola Health Care Society and Foundation undertake the necessary approvals to secure the property at the corner of North & South Roads, known as the Coats Property.
6.0 Auxiliary Report:
Nancy Nevison, chair of the Auxiliary, noted that, thus far this year, the Auxiliary has held 16 events/activities and raised over $38,000. Over 60 volunteers have logged over 4600 hours. Her written report is attached to the original minutes.
7.0 Elections:
The slates provided by the Nominating Committee for both the Society and the Foundation were elected by acclamation.
Gabriola Health Care Society:
GHCS New Directors (to 2013)
• Ian Brownlie
• Nancy Hetherington-Peirce
GHCS Continuing Directors (to 2012)
• Brenda Fowler
• Harvey Graham
• Donald Butt
• Kay Holt
• Dave Innell
GHCS Continuing Directors (to 2011)
• Tracie Der
• Terry Nimmon
GHCS Retiring Directors
• Lawrence Spero
• Fay Weller
Gabriola Health Care Foundation:
GHCF New Directors (to 2013)
• Jill Adamson
• Rufus Churcher
• Chuck Connor
• Brenda Fowler
• Judith Graham
• Nancy Hout
• Judith Madsen
• Konrad Mauch
• Dallas Smith
GHCF Continuing Directors (to 2012)
• Harvey Graham
GHCF Continuing Directors (to 2011)
• Tracie Der
GHCF appointee directors
• Ambulance Society - Bev Godfrey
• Gabriola Lions Club - Don Butt
• Gabriola Medical Clinic - Kay Holt
GHCF Retiring Directors
• Lisa Dowding-Carter
• Robert Henderson
• Lawrence Spero
8.0 Presentation:
Katherine Molloy of People For a Health Community gave a presentation on the Role of Social Enterprises.
The meeting adjourned at 8:17 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Tracie Der, Secretary
Return to the top of the pageGabriola Health Care Society
Joint 2009 Annual General Meeting
Monday, June 4, 2009
The Roxy Theatre, Gabriola Island
Attendees: Board Members: Don Butt, Tracie Der, Brenda Fowler, Harvey Graham, Bob Henderson, Terry Nimmon, Lawrence Spero, Fay Weller; see audience sign-in sheet attached to original minutes.
The AGM of the Gabriola Health Care Society was called to order at 7:00 pm.
1.0 Fay Weller welcomed everyone and reviewed the evening's agenda. She described that much has been accomplished by the GHCS in the last year, particularly in 4 key areas:
Recruitment and Retention of Physicians & Nurses
- MOCAP is now available to Gabriola, a new physician was hired, locums available to reduce workload, progress with nurses/nurse practitioners
Emergency Treatment Room clinic – permanent & community owned
- Due diligence in design, site selection for permanent facility & upgrades current ETR
Data and Services
- Health Services data, pilot, ETR stats
Communications and Community outreach
- June public meeting, communication through year, May Open House
2.0 Tracie Der read the minutes from the GHCS AGM of 2007.
Moved (Tracie Der/Don Butt): that the minutes of the Gabriola Health Care Society Annual General Meeting of 26 March 2007 be accepted as read.
Tracie then read the minutes from the GHCS AGM of 2008.
Moved (Tracie Der/Don Butt): that the minutes of the Gabriola Health Care Society Annual General Meeting of 29 May 2008 be accepted as read.
3.0 Harvey Graham presented the GHCS 2008 Financial Report
(See the AGM slides for a copy of the report.)
Moved (Harvey Graham/Bob Henderson): that the Gabriola Health Care Society 2008 Financial Report be accepted as presented.
4.0 Harvey Graham presented a series of special resolutions on behalf of the board to amend the GHCS Constitution and Bylaws so that they better reflect the needs and policies of the society.
Special Resolution #1: Resolved that the Constitution of the Gabriola Health Care Society be amended by repealing paragraphs (a) to (d) of section 3 of the Constitution and by replacing those paragraphs with the following:
(a) assess and respond to health care needs of residents of and visitors to Gabriola Island
(b) work with the health professionals and relevant government agencies to develop programs that address those needs
(c) provide facilities to health care practitioners on Gabriola Island in a way that fosters integrated team care and accessibility wherever possible
(d) work in partnership with other community agencies to improve conditions affecting the health of residents of and visitors to Gabriola Island
Special Resolution #2: Resolved that the definition of those who are members of the society in the Bylaws of the Gabriola Health Care Society be amended by:
(a) replacing paragraph (1) of Section 4 of the bylaws with the following:
“All individual residents of Gabriola Island, B.C. who assent to the purposes of the society and who are at the time at least 19 years of age will be members of the society unless such person has ceased to be a member as provided herein.”
(b) amending paragraph (2) of section 7 of the bylaws to the following:
“unless he or she became a member under the provisions of section 4(2), by ceasing to be a resident of Gabriola Island, B.C. ”
Special Resolution #3: Resolved that the provision for "representative" or appointed directors be removed from the Bylaws of the Gabriola Health Care Society by:
(a) repealing section 25 of the bylaws and replacing it with the following:
"There shall be a minimum of five and up to a maximum of eleven directors."
(b) by making all other changes to the bylaws as are necessary to remove all references to "elected" and "representative" directors.
Special Resolution #4: Resolved that certain directors may be elected for a term of less than three years if this is required to more nearly equate the number of directors whose term will expire each year by adding the following to the end of section 39 of the Bylaws:
"In addition, a director or directors may be nominated and elected for a term of less than three years if the nominations committee determines that this is desirable in order to more nearly equate the number of directors whose term will expire each year."
Special Resolution #5: Resolved that the procedures for electing directors as set out in the Bylaws of the Gabriola Health Care Society be amended by:
(a) repealing section 40 of the bylaws and replacing it with the following:
"If the number of directors nominated for election is less than or equal to the maximum number of directors to be elected, as determined by the nominations committee, their election may be by acclamation. However, if requested by a member present at the meeting, the election must be by show of hands or, if requested, by secret ballot. In that event:
(1) The first ballot or show of hands will be to elect, or not to elect, all nominated candidates (the "slate" of candidates).
(2) If the majority of the votes are in favour of the slate, then all candidates will be declared elected.
(3) If the majority of the votes are not in favour of the slate, then a separate ballot must be held with respect to each candidate. Each candidate that receives more favourable votes than unfavourable votes will be declared elected.
(4) If the sum of the number of directors so elected and the number of directors whose term did not expire at the particular meeting is less than the minimum number of directors provided for in these bylaws, then sufficient number of the unsuccessful candidates necessary to bring the number of directors up to the minimum number, selecting those with the most favourable votes, will be declared elected."
(b) repealing section 41 of the bylaws and replacing it with the following:
"If the number of candidates nominated exceeds the maximum number of directors to be elected, as determined by the nominations committee, then a single ballot must be held:
(1) Each ballot paper must contain the names of all candidates.
(2) Each member present at the meeting will be entitled to vote in favour of up to the maximum number of directors to be elected by making a mark of some nature in the appropriate area of the ballot. Ballots with an excess number of votes will be considered invalid and the votes thereon will not be counted.
(3) The candidates will be ranked in accordance with the number of valid votes received, and the number of candidates equal to the number of directors to be elected at the meeting, starting with the candidate receiving the largest number of votes and working down the ranked list, will be selected and declared elected."
(c) adding a provision to set out procedures to be followed in the event of a tie vote by adding a new section 41.1:
"41.1 In the event that two or more candidates receives the same number of votes in any ballot for the election of a director and the tie is relevant in determining whether a particular candidate is elected the winning candidate(s) from those candidates with the same number of votes will be determined by lot, or by coin toss, as determined by the nominating committee."
(d) repealing all of old section 42 except for paragraph 42(3) and re-numbering old paragraph 42(3) as new section 42.
(e) removing the requirement that scrutineers must be appointed for every ballot regarding the election of directors by adding the words ", if requested by a candidate," after the existing words "of these bylaws will" to section 43, and making a corresponding change to section 44.
Special Resolution #6: Resolved that the society formalize the members and roll of the Executive Committee by adding a new Part 9.1 to the Bylaws of the Gabriola Health Care Society, to read as follows:
"Part 9.1 Executive Committee
62.1 The officers and the immediate past-president, if still a director, will constitute the executive committee.
(1) The executive committee will:
(a) act on behalf of the directors for those matters and during those time periods for which the directors have passed a resolution delegating action to the executive committee, with the condition that action taken will be reported to the directors, and
(b) act for the directors in situations which, in the opinion of the executive committee, require immediate action prior to the next meeting of the directors, and report to the directors on any action taken.
(2) The quorum of the executive committee shall be three members. In the event that a quorum of executive committee members is not available at any particular time, the executive committee may invite another director of the Society to temporarily become a member of the executive committee.
(3) The executive committee may conduct its affairs by telephone or by electronic means, provided all members of the committee are able to participate in all exchanges of information related to a particular decision or action."
5.0 On behalf of the nominating committee, Brenda Fowler presented the following slate for Directors of the Gabriola Health Care Society:
• Dr. Don Butt
• Brenda Fowler
• Harvey Graham
• Kay Holt
• Dave Innell
• Lawrence Spero
All were elected by acclamation.
The AGM of the Gabriola Health Care Society adjourned at 7:33 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Tracie Der, Secretary
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Gabriola Health Care Foundation
Joint Annual General Meeting
Monday, June 4, 2009
The Roxy Theatre, Gabriola Island
Attendees: Board Members: Don Butt, Tracie Der, Brenda Fowler, Harvey Graham, Bob Henderson, Terry Nimmon, Lawrence Spero, Fay Weller; see audience sign-in sheet attached to original minutes.
The AGM of the Gabriola Health Care Foundation was called to order at 7:34 pm.
1.0 Lawrence Spero welcomed the assembly and reviewed the last year, highlighting
the ongoing review of Government and Philanthropic Foundations as potential sources of funding.
our membership of Imagine Canada (imaginecanada.ca).
our outreach meetings with organizations and individuals for feedback on approaches to fundraising.
our efforts to encourage a wider representation on the Foundation Board.
the receipt of and our fiscal responsibility for donations to the Foundation.
Lawrence then thanked Franco Scarfone who presented a donation on behalf of the Duplicate Bridge group on the island. He also noted that the GHCF will be receiving a grant to upgrade the computer systems at the clinic.
2.0 As this is the first Annual General Meeting of the GHCF, there were no previous minutes to be approved.
3.0 Harvey Graham presented the GHCF 2008 Financial Report:
(See the AGM slides for a copy of the report.)
Moved (Harvey Graham/Tracie Der): that the Gabriola Health Care Foundation 2008 Financial Report be accepted as presented.
4.0 Harvey Graham presented a series of special resolutions on behalf of the board to amend the GHCF Constitution and Bylaws so that they better reflect the needs and policies of the foundation.
Special Resolution #1: Resolved that the definition of those who are members of the society in the Bylaws of the Gabriola Health Care Foundation be amended by:
(a) replacing paragraph (1) of Section 4 of the bylaws with the following:
“All individual residents of Gabriola Island, B.C. who assent to the purposes of the society and who are at the time at least 19 years of age will be members of the society unless such person has ceased to be a member as provided herein.”
(b) amending paragraph (2) of section 7 of the bylaws to the following:
“unless he or she became a member under the provisions of section 4(2), by ceasing to be a resident of Gabriola Island, B.C. ”
Special Resolution #2: Resolved that certain directors may be elected for a term of less than three years if this is required to more nearly equate the number of directors whose term will expire each year by adding the following to the end of section 39 of the Bylaws:
"In addition, a director or directors may be nominated and elected for a term of less than three years if the nominations committee determines that this is desirable in order to more nearly equate the number of directors whose term will expire each year."
Special Resolution #3: Resolved that the procedures for electing directors as set out in the Bylaws of the Gabriola Health Care Foundation be amended by:
(a) repealing section 40 of the bylaws and replacing it with the following:
"If the number of directors nominated for election is less than or equal to the maximum number of directors to be elected, as determined by the nominations committee, their election may be by acclamation. However, if requested by a member present at the meeting, the election must be by show of hands or, if requested, by secret ballot. In that event:
(1) The first ballot or show of hands will be to elect, or not to elect, all nominated candidates (the "slate" of candidates).
(2) If the majority of the votes are in favour of the slate, then all candidates will be declared elected.
(3) If the majority of the votes are not in favour of the slate, then a separate ballot must be held with respect to each candidate. Each candidate that receives more favourable votes than unfavourable votes will be declared elected.
(4) If the sum of the number of directors so elected and the number of directors whose term did not expire at the particular meeting is less than the minimum number of directors provided for in these bylaws, then sufficient number of the unsuccessful candidates necessary to bring the number of directors up to the minimum number, selecting those with the most favourable votes, will be declared elected."
(b) repealing section 41 of the bylaws and replacing it with the following:
"If the number of candidates nominated exceeds the maximum number of directors to be elected, as determined by the nominations committee, then a single ballot must be held:
(1) Each ballot paper must contain the names of all candidates.
(2) Each member present at the meeting will be entitled to vote in favour of up to the maximum number of directors to be elected by making a mark of some nature in the appropriate area of the ballot. Ballots with an excess number of votes will be considered invalid and the votes thereon will not be counted.
(3) The candidates will be ranked in accordance with the number of valid votes received, and the number of candidates equal to the number of directors to be elected at the meeting, starting with the candidate receiving the largest number of votes and working down the ranked list, will be selected and declared elected."
(c) adding a provision to set out procedures to be followed in the event of a tie vote by adding a new section 41.1:
"41.1 In the event that two or more candidates receives the same number of votes in any ballot for the election of a director and the tie is relevant in determining whether a particular candidate is elected the winning candidate(s) from those candidates with the same number of votes will be determined by lot, or by coin toss, as determined by the nominating committee."
(d) repealing all of old section 42 except for paragraph 42(3) and re-numbering old paragraph 42(3) as new section 42.
(e) removing the requirement that scrutineers must be appointed for every ballot regarding the election of directors by adding the words ", if requested by a candidate," after the existing words "of these bylaws will" to section 43, and making a corresponding change to section 44.
Special Resolution #4: Resolved that the society formalize the members and roll of the Executive Committee by adding a new Part 9.1 to the Bylaws of the Gabriola Health Care Foundation, to read as follows:
"Part 9.1 Executive Committee
62.1 The officers and the immediate past-president, if still a director, will constitute the executive committee.
(1) The executive committee will:
(a) act on behalf of the directors for those matters and during those time periods for which the directors have passed a resolution delegating action to the executive committee, with the condition that action taken will be reported to the directors, and
(b) act for the directors in situations which, in the opinion of the executive committee, require immediate action prior to the next meeting of the directors, and report to the directors on any action taken.
(2) The quorum of the executive committee shall be three members. In the event that a quorum of executive committee members is not available at any particular time, the executive committee may invite another director of the Society to temporarily become a member of the executive committee.
(3) The executive committee may conduct its affairs by telephone or by electronic means, provided all members of the committee are able to participate in all exchanges of information related to a particular decision or action."
5.0 On behalf of the nominating committee, Brenda Fowler presented the following slate for Directors of the Gabriola Health Care Foundation:
• Lisa Dowding-Carter
• Harvey Graham
• Lawrence Spero
All were elected by acclamation.
The AGM of the Gabriola Health Care Foundation adjourned at 7:51 pm.
The formal meetings were followed by a presentation by Mike Pennock of VIHA called: Gross National Happiness & Wellbeing: From Bhutan to Victoria.
Respectfully submitted,
Tracie Der, Secretary
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Gabriola Health Care Society & Foundation
Annual General Meeting
Monday, May 29th, 2008
Women's Institute Hall, Gabriola Island
Attendees: Lawrence Spero (presiding), Tracie Der, Harvey Graham, Don Butt, Brenda Fowler, see attached audience sign-in sheet
The meeting was called to order at 7:03 pm.
1.0 Lawrence welcomed everyone to the meeting and reviewed the agenda. He then announced the upcoming Community Workshop scheduled for Friday, June 20th and invited everyone to attend and participate – learn what has been happening and share their ideas and visions for Gabriola health care.
On behalf of the GHCS & GHCF, Lawrence thanked everyone who has contributed to the achievements thus far – those who donated funding, time and physical labour, as well as island organizations and businesses. He also thanked the boards for their teamwork and enthusiasm.
There have been significant changes over the last year and the highlights were:
• April '07 – the GHCS signed a lease with Twin Beaches Centre to open an interim clinic
• June '07 – the Tour de Gabriola
• July 1st – the interim clinic opened and Dr. Francois Bosman joined the practice
• August through November saw a successful fundraising quilt raffle
bull; August 25th – the Official Opening of the Interim Clinic, attended by local dignitaries and politicians
• October through December saw active discussions with VIHA over pertinent issues, including MOCAP.
• January '08 – a new Chief Medical Officer for VIHA came on board and actually came to visit Gabriola Island and personally see what was going on
• February '08 – board members met with Minister George Abbott of the Ministry of Health; the Gabriola Health Care Foundation was formed to become the fundraising arm for Gabriola Health Care, looking to raise money both locally and through larger, philanthropic organizations; the Gabriola Health Care Auxiliary was officially formed.
• April '08 – a Memorandum of Understanding was signed by the Ministry of Health, VIHA, the GHCS and Dr.'s Hoffmann, Bosman, Harding and Mackenzie; Lawrence read from the pre-amble of this landmark agreement:
Solutions for facilitating a sustainable primary health care for Gabriola are to be based upon the following criteria:
• Meet the access and health outcome needs of patients (permanent residents, summer residents and visitors) of Gabriola
• Support the health and wellbeing of the family physicians
• Use appropriate facts and an evidence based approach
• Provide a potential model for other comparable rural communities
• Take a population based approach
• Be open and transparent
Lawrence pointed out that the Ministry is starting to see Gabriola as a place where we can try to apply the best of both worlds – what works from the old medical system and some new ideas to explore. It is also a goal to increase our equity with the other gulf islands and there may be an opportunity to gain another on-call physician through the Family Physicians for BC program.
• May '08 – the Auxiliary holds a successful Clinic Fund Run ($3000 raised); a pre-planning meeting with a professional facilitator took place to establish the format of the community workshop coming up on June 20th. Those unable to attend this workshop will also be offered a variety of ways to contribute to the formal record, such as via the website, letters, etc. The goal is to create choice and homegrown Gabriola options for healthcare.
2.0 Treasurer Harvey Graham presented the financial reports to year-end December 31, 2007.
Moved (Don Butt/Eric Boulton): that the financial statements be accepted as presented.
3.0 Gabriola Lions Club President, Linda Olsen, presented the GHCF with a $20,000 donation in support of the Emergency Treatment Room.
4.0 The Nominating Committee of Don Butt and Brenda Fowler presented the following slate for election to the Board of the Gabriola Health Care Society:
President Fay Weller
Vice-President Tracie Der
Secretary Bill Hatton
Treasurer Harvey Graham
• Ian Brownlee
• Daile Hoffmann
• Margaret Litt
• Terry Nimmon
Past-President Lawrence Spero
• Don Butt – Gabriola Lions Club
• Brenda Fowler – Gabriola Ambulance Society
Moved (Diana Moher/Bill Hatton): that the Nominating Committee Report be accepted.
Moved (Linda Olsen/Marilyn Geater): that nominations for the board of the GHCS be closed.
The presented slate was elected by acclamation.
5.0 The Nominating Committee of Don Butt and Brenda Fowler presented the following slate for election to the Board of the Gabriola Health Care Foundation:
President Lawrence Spero
Vice-President Fred Geater
Secretary Tracie Der
Treasurer Harvey Graham
• Bill Hatton
• Bob Henderson
• Daile Hoffmann
• Margaret Litt
• Don Butt – Gabriola Lions Club
• Brenda Fowler – Gabriola Ambulance Society
Moved (Brenda Fowler/Eric Boulton): that the Nominating Committee Report be accepted.
Moved (Fay Weller/Judith Graham): that nominations for the board of the GHCF be closed.
The presented slate was elected by acclamation.
Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 7:59 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Tracie Der, Secretary
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Gabriola Health Care Society
Annual General Meeting
Monday, March 26th, 2007
Women's Institute Hall
The meeting was called to order at 7:11 pm.
1.0 Welcome
Vice-President Lawrence Spero (President pro tem) welcomed attendees and started the meeting by offering the board's thanks to outgoing president, Fred Geater, for his leadership and vision in initiating the society. He will be presented with a Norfolk Pine and it is hoped he will be able to return to participate as his health allows.
Lawrence then provided a brief report of the activities thus far:
- Everybody involved in the clinic from physicians, to VIHA and individual Gabriolans is contributing to making this enterprise a success. The unprecedented support from donors and volunteers on the island has amazed the board and has greatly impressed VIHA.
- We have agreement from VIHA on the nature of the interim clinic. We have discussed workload and overhead costs, etc. in the interim facility with the health authority and the physicians involved and have arrived at what all parties think is a workable arrangement to get the interim clinic up and running.
- We are awaiting the documentation confirming VIHA’s share of the rent in the interim clinic that was agreed to in principle in Victoria earlier in March.
- Other aspects of this plan, relating to potential VIHA use of the clinic also require additional information from VIHA before we can give board approval for the renovations to proceed. We hope to get this in the next 10 days.
- As guardians of the money donated to GHCS we have a responsibility to ensure that we minimize risk and maximize the benefits to the health of Gabriolans. Working with government never proceeds at a fast enough pace. We thank everyone for their patience. We are almost there.
- We also have VIHA agreement on the vision for the permanent clinic. Gabriolans will own and operate the permanent clinic. VIHA and the Health Professionals who operate out of the facility will pay rent which will cover the operating costs, building maintenance, etc.
1.1 Previous Minutes
As this was the inaugural AGM for the GHCS, there were no previous minutes.
2.0 Treasurer's Report
Harvey Graham reported that there had been $4,820 in donations since the year-end of December 31, 2006, bringing the total donations to date to almost $53,000.
2.1 GHCS Bylaws
Harvey introduced a special resolution to replace the bylaws of the GHCS to effect the following changes:
- Provide for the election of the directors for three-year terms, with one-third to be elected each year.
- Provide that the officers of the society will be elected by the directors.
- Provide for the appointment of up to three directors by major partners of the society and/or other interested groups.
- Provide that special resolutions submitted by the members for consideration at a meeting must be submitted 45 days before the date of the meeting at which they are to be considered and that such resolutions must be signed by at least twenty-five members of the society.
- Provide that notice to the members may be by electronic mail or by publishing a notice in a local newspaper.
- Make certain other minor housekeeping changes.
Moved (Harvey Graham/Don Butt): that the bylaws of the Gabriola Health Care Society be repealed in their entirety and replaced with the attached bylaws dated March 26th, 2007. CARRIED
3.0 Election of the Board
Don Butt, Nominating Committee lead the election of the board. The following were elected to the board by acclamation:
- President Lawrence Spero
- Vice-President Fulvio Limongelli
- Secretary Tracie Der
- Treasurer Harvey Graham
- Directors
- Daile Hoffmann
- Margaret Litt
- Diana Moher
- Fay Weller
- Appointments:
- Don Butt – Gabriola Lions Club
- Brenda Fowler – Gabriola Ambulance Society
Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 7:53 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Tracie Der, Secretary
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