The Foundation:
Gabriola Health Care Foundation
- The name of the society is the Gabriola Health Care Foundation (the “Foundation”).
- The purpose of the Foundation is to improve the primary health care services for the residents of and the visitors to Gabriola Island, British Columbia by:
- identifying the health care needs of those residents and visitors;
- working alone or in partnership with any qualified donees, as defined in subsection 149.1(1) of the Income Tax Act (Canada), or with any Canadian government body, to develop and/or deliver programs to address those needs;
- providing medical facilities and/or medical equipment to be used for the benefit of residents of and visitors to Gabriola Island; and
- gifting funds to qualified donees as defined in subsection 149.1(1) of the Income Tax Act (Canada).
- Any land located at the top of Church Street, Gabriola (the land currently legally defined as a portion of the South ½ of the Northwest ¼ of Section 19, Gabriola Island, Nanaimo District), donated to the Foundation, and any medical clinic constructed on such land by or on behalf of the Foundation, may not be sold or otherwise disposed of by the Foundation without authorization granted by a resolution passed by a majority of those members attending an extraordinary general meeting called to specifically consider such disposition. Such extraordinary meeting may only be called after a three or more month community consultation process to be carried out as determined by the directors at the time. This provision would not apply to the situation of returning the land in accordance with the provisions of the original Donation Agreement made between the Foundation and Potlatch Properties Ltd.
- The operations and affairs of the Foundation shall be conducted without purpose of financial gain for its members. Any profits or other accretions to the Foundation shall be exclusively used for advancing its purposes.
- Should the Foundation be disbanded or dissolved, its assets remaining after payment of all debts and liabilities shall be paid over and transferred to one or more charitable organizations (recognized as being qualified as such at the time under the provisions of the Income Tax Act, Canada) located in the Province of British Columbia and having objectives similar to those of the Foundation, as may be directed by resolution of the members.
- The provisions of paragraphs 3, 4 and 5 hereof are unalterable.
October 10, 2012