The Foundation:
Gabriola Health Care Foundation
All residents of Gabriola Island, B.C. who assent to the purposes of the society and who are at the time at least 19 years of age will be members of the society unless such person has ceased to be a member as provided in the by-laws. Others may join by contacting the society. That means that all Gabriolans that wish to will be able to participate in the election of the directors.
The current Directors and Executive members are:
(the year the director's term expires is in parenthesis)
(the year the director's term expires is in parenthesis)
- Chuck Connor – President (2015)
- Nancy Rowan – Vice-president (2017)
- Nancy Hetherington Peirce – Secretary (2016)
- Harvey Graham – Treasurer (2017)
- Paul Champion (2015)
- Derek Brindle(2017)
- Dale Butler(2017)
- Gloria Harfild(2017)
- Mike Phillips (2017)